Chapter 89
Shen Donghe Yiyan slowed down the speed of the car, and he couldn't help but feel a little curious, and followed her gaze sideways.

What did this woman see?

Unfortunately, from his direction, only the back of Mo Xiaotong's head could be seen.

"Go straight ahead, slow down, let me see clearly." Mo Xiaotong pressed his small face tightly against the window glass, staring at the outside, and kept directing in his mouth.

Shen Donghe did as she said.


Then he heard Mo Xiaotong gritted his teeth and cursed, and turned to look at him: "Doctor Shen, stop the car, I want to get off!"

Shen Donghe drove the car to the side of the road, stopped and opened the door.

Mo Xiaotong immediately opened the door and jumped out of the car, striding towards a man and a woman not far away.

He walked very quickly, clenched his little hands tightly, his face was livid, and there was an incomparably fierce murderous aura from head to toe, like a walking active volcano that was about to erupt.

what happened?
Shen Donghe sized up Mo Xiaotong's target, only feeling that the man among the couple seemed familiar to him.

Seems to be……

The physical education teacher at school, the boyfriend of the woman who has a good relationship with Mo Xiaotong?
Well, forgive him for not being able to remember the names of those people.

After going to school for half a year, the number of people who can impress him is no more than one hand.

"Mr. Chang, can you tell me who is the woman next to you?!"

Mo Xiaotong stared at Chang Jiarui on the opposite side, and said coldly.

Just now, she saw a man who looked exactly like Chang Jiarui in the car, walking on the road with a strange look, cuddling and cuddling. At first, she was afraid that she had misread it, but when she got closer, she was sure. This man is Chang Jiarui.

However, in order to prevent any misunderstanding, Mo Xiaotong tried his best to keep calm even though he was about to explode with anger.

"Ah, she is..." Chang Jiarui didn't seem to have thought of Mo Xiaotong's appearance, and he was suddenly at a loss, his face flushed red,

"Baby, who is this woman? Could it be the fierce and SAO ex you mentioned?" The woman was in her 20s, with heavy makeup on her face, and holding Chang Jiarui's arm, she opened her mouth delicately.

As he said that, he looked at Mo Xiaotong provocatively, and said, "It doesn't look like it, it has no breasts and butt, and it doesn't look very good."

"The fierce and SAO ex she was talking about." Mo Xiaotong ignored her, just looked at Chang Jiarui with a sneer, "You mean Shanshan?"

Chang Jiarui muttered: "...this..."

But the woman's expression darkened, she pointed at Mo Xiaotong and said, "Since you're not his ex, it's none of your business."

As soon as she finished speaking, Mo Xiaotong slapped her face hard.

Loud, crisp, can be heard from far away.

It can be seen that Mo Xiaotong used all his strength, the woman who slapped her blushed immediately, and was stunned.

"Bitch!" Mo Xiaotong scolded angrily, "Didn't your parents and teachers teach you not to interrupt when others are talking?!"

"You, you are the slut, you bastard." The woman came to her senses and rushed up to fight Mo Xiaotong with all her teeth and claws. "How dare you hit me, I'll kill you!"

Mo Xiaotong moved sideways, and at the moment they were intertwined, he directly grabbed the woman's hair and pulled it hard!
That piercing pain!
The woman burst into tears in an instant, raised her head, and yelled, "Ahhhh, it hurts me to death, let me go, you bastard! You scumbag!"

Mo Xiaotong sneered.

Snapped! !

Aiming at the other side of the woman's face, Mo Xiaotong slapped her again, this time harder and harder:
"Let your mouth be cheap, have you eaten shit!"

 If there is a disagreement, it will be four more.The author is really cool. If you count the votes, you can be as cool as the author.

(End of this chapter)

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