my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 946 Battle (29)

Chapter 946 Battle (29)

The battle continued, and the corpse army had all died or been put away.

Shen Donghe's corpse energy was almost exhausted.

Mo Xiaotong was heartbroken, but there was nothing he could do.

Under such a high-intensity battle, coupled with the fact that her injuries were getting worse and worse, her physical strength had already been completely exhausted. After saving the nightmare, she could hardly move, relying on the mirror to cover her figure, and barely managed to breathe.

At this moment, King Biancheng suddenly took out his ghost weapon.

He never used the ghost weapon.

He didn't take it out until he saw that Shen Donghe's corpse was not full of energy.

It was a set of bows and arrows.The bow is pitch black, but the arrow is white.

He drew the bow, and the powerful black ghost energy condensed on the tip of the white arrow. It was extremely condensed, and the contrast between black and white was shocking. It seemed that with a bow in hand, the sun and the moon could fall.

"This bow is called Killing God." King Bian Cheng said in a deep voice.

The characteristic of the God Killing Bow is that once it locks on to the target, it will hit every target without fail!
King Biancheng had never used the God-killing Bow before, because Shen Donghe was in power, and the God-killing Bow could not do much harm to him.

But now, Shen Donghe's body energy is almost exhausted, and the God Killing Bow will definitely inflict great damage on him!
His eyes were dark, and the God-killing Bow was stretched like a full moon, and the tip of the arrow was aimed at Shen Donghe.

Then, let go of the bowstring.

The arrow is off the string.

Howling through the air, he headed straight for Shen Donghe!

When King Bian Cheng shot this arrow, his eyes dimmed and he fell down.

All the ghost energy in his body was focused on this arrow!

Killing the God Bow is a good example.

Since King Biancheng aimed at Shen Donghe, the arrow would never hit the second place, no matter how the opponent dodged and blocked it.

Unless the enemy's strength is much stronger than him, the result will be a different matter.

But at this moment, Shen Donghe is at the end of his strength, and he is determined to avoid this arrow!
At this moment, the world is silent, everything is stagnant, and the only thing that is still running seems to be this arrow that leaves the string.

An unparalleled sharp breath, which seemed to be able to shatter everything, emanated from the tip of the arrow and came straight to Shen Donghe!

Shen Donghe's red eyes froze in an instant. He didn't know what the power of this God-killing Bow was, but since King Bian Cheng took the shot at this moment, he must have great confidence.

His body suddenly became cold!
He suddenly realized that the arrow had locked onto him!

It even locked the space around him, making him inevitable!

If he was healthy, even if he took the arrow hard, it wouldn't cause too much damage.

But now, his body energy is consumed too much, this arrow may kill half of his life!
Since you can't hide, then don't hide!

Flames rose from Shen Donghe's red eyes, but he went straight to the arrow that came like thunder without hesitation!

"No!" Mo Xiaotong's eyes widened!


Shen Donghe's figure suddenly paused.

Mo Xiaotong saw that a cloud of blood burst out from his chest, like fireworks exploding in mid-air, and he fell straight down.

The blood mist stained her vision red and hurt her eyes.

Mo Xiaotong was completely stunned.

There was a vast expanse of whiteness in his mind, and he seemed to have thousands of thoughts, but he couldn't think of anything.She murmured subconsciously: "Shen..."

Before he finished speaking, his throat choked up, and he couldn't pronounce the following two words no matter what.

Suddenly, a sharp and ferocious pain pierced into her heart without warning, trying to smash her chest to pieces and tear her body apart.The pain on my body seemed nothing compared to this.

(End of this chapter)

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