my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 959 She can't rest yet.

Chapter 959 She can't rest yet.

Bah, bah, now is not the time to think about this!

Mo Xiaotong suddenly came to his senses, and immediately quickly squeezed the Lightness Body Art.

As her body became lighter, the effect of air resistance became greater, and her falling tendency immediately slowed down a lot.

There is a cliff below her, and it is nearly two or three hundred meters above the ground. As long as she doesn't fall directly on the cliff, she will have time to try to land!
In mid-air, Mo Xiaotong suddenly saw a thick and vigorous old pine protruding from the cliff. It has gone through many vicissitudes. The trunk is thicker than a large washbasin, and it is covered with vines.

She hurriedly adjusted her figure as much as possible, and fell towards the old pine tree.

When she and Lao Song crossed their bodies, the soul power was released, like countless arms, all grasping the trunk and the vines on it.

That's right, after reaching the Yin Zun, the soul power can be transformed into substance and leaked out of the body, such as fetching objects from the air and mind control, as long as it is within the reach of the soul consciousness, it is easy.

Brought by the force of her fall, the old tree rustled, bent like a bow, and then cracked, and the trunk broke from it.

Mo Xiaotong continued to fall again, but with the buffer force of the pine tree, the momentum of his fall was greatly weakened again.

Her soul power extended again, grabbed the other half of the tree trunk growing from the cliff, barely stabilized her falling figure, and then swung her body towards a protrusion on the cliff.

After grabbing the bump, she was finally safe.

At this moment, Mo Xiaotong felt that the whole body was going to collapse, but she still couldn't let go.

She is now in the middle of the cliff, about [-] meters up and down.

Mo Xiaotong chose to go down.

After all, going down is easier than going up, and it's safer, isn't it?

Mo Xiaotong climbed down carefully, every step was like walking on thin ice, trembling.

It was just because she herself was sleepless for several days and nights, plus a fierce battle, and great grief, she had reached her limit.

After finally climbing down dozens of meters with difficulty, the blood on the forehead mixed with large beads of sweat dripped down, and it hurt when it fell into the eyes.

His eyes were scarlet, and he couldn't see the scene clearly.

Compared with using soul power, she was more used to using her hands, so she immediately let go of one hand to wipe off the sweat.

Unexpectedly, with the force of one hand, the grip was suddenly loosened, and she immediately fell down again!

Fortunately, a slope more than ten meters below turned into a slope, which was not too steep. In addition, her body became lighter now, but she just fell on the slope and rolled down again and again dizzy.

The slope was full of low trees and shrubs, and Mo Xiaotong bumped into countless trees all the way, and finally rolled to the bottom of the cliff before stopping, lying on the ground panting wildly.

In the past 20 years, she has never been more exhausted or tired than these few days.

But Mo Xiaotong knew that she couldn't rest yet.

She had to find a suitable place early, and then find a way to recover and heal Shen Donghe.

Mo Xiaotong gritted his teeth, stood up reluctantly, and then was about to take out the mobile phone from the storage bag, to see if there was a signal here, and to look for rescue.

At this moment, she noticed that a repulsive force suddenly came from the storage bag.

Then, with a flash of light, Shen Donghe appeared on the ground in front of Mo Xiaotong!
His whole body became as black as ink, with scales growing on his body, and a strange devilish energy leaked out from his body, and it was still getting stronger.

Too bad, now Shen Donghe's corpse aura can't suppress the demonic aura, he is demonizing!

(End of this chapter)

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