my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 970 And I am actually a clone of Yinggou

Chapter 970 And I am actually a clone of Yinggou

He sighed, with endless sadness.

"The four ancestors of the zombies are the general, the nun, the queen, and Yinggou. And I am actually a clone of Yinggou."

Mo Xiaotong stared at him blankly, the amount of information in these words was too much for her to turn her head around for a while.

Shen Donghe...

He turned out to be,

The clone of the corpse ancestor Yinggou?
Although the avatar comes from the body, as long as it has a soul, it also has its own consciousness.

Because as for any spiritual creature, each "self" is an independent and living individual, even the clone is no exception.

So even though Shen Donghe and Yinggou have the same face, their "personality" may be completely different!
Then she felt right!

The purple-robed zombie that is exactly the same as Shen Donghe predicted in the secret disk is the corpse ancestor Yinggou, not Shen Donghe!
"Actually, I have guessed this possibility a long time ago. Because I have no past life, no past memory..." Shen Donghe said slowly, "Plus, I also have the corpse emperor seal. I asked those corpse soldiers, who are they loyal to?" Which corpse ancestor is it, naturally came to this conclusion."

"You already knew, why didn't you tell me before?" Mo Xiaotong gritted his teeth suddenly, and twisted his waist with his other hand.

Didn't he say that if it's not about life and death, don't hide anything from him?

Are you afraid that she won't be able to accept that he is just a doppelganger? !
She was a little resentful in her heart, but she was not willing to use force after all, and just squeezed him lightly.

Shen Donghe put his arms around Mo Xiaotong, and said apologetically, "Because I saw from the three sealed memories that Yinggou buried three lines of cause and effect in my body. As long as he escapes from Jiuyou, he will I can be controlled through these three causal lines."

"And if I want to get out of his control, I must cut off these three lines of cause and effect, but these three lines of cause and effect are hidden extremely secretly, and even I can't figure out the exact location..."

Hearing this, Mo Xiaotong couldn't help asking: "Then what should we do?"

"So, when I knew from Cang Wuhou that Tianshizong planned to seal Luoshu to deal with me, I took advantage of this incident to push myself into a desperate situation, so he had no choice but to make a move to destroy the three causal lines. be exposed." Shen Donghe continued,
"And his strength is extremely powerful. If I mention this matter, he may perceive it through the causal line, and he will take precautions."

Only then did Mo Xiaotong understand the reason behind it.

Although Shen Donghe said it lightly, she has experienced it and knows how dangerous this "desperate situation" is.

But if this is not the case, how could the winning hook reveal the location of these three causal lines!
"Then it doesn't matter if you say it now?" Mo Xiaotong suddenly thought of this, raised his eyes, and looked at Shen Donghe worriedly.

"Now I have grasped all the positions of the three causal lines. Even if he knows, there is nothing he can do." Shen Donghe explained, "As long as I cut them off, he will become an independent individual. Control me."

Mo Xiaotong understood, and asked again: "You are Yinggou's clone, what does it have to do with why Tiandao wants to deal with you?"

Shen Donghe pondered for a while, and said: "I have a little guess about this. Yinggou probably wants to wait for me to pass the inner demon tribulation before he devours me, so as to indirectly allow himself to survive the inner demon tribulation..."

(End of this chapter)

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