my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 980 The Conditions of Heaven (1)

Chapter 980 The Conditions of Heaven (1)

Mo Xiaotong patted the top of the little ghost's head, and began to recite the Sutra of the Supreme Being.

With her current strength, she only needed to recite a few lines to eliminate ordinary ghosts.

But this time, she didn't succeed in converting the little ghost until she had read half of it.

Mo Xiaotong felt a little uneasy.

Is this the effect of abnormal samsara?

If a ghost cannot enter reincarnation for a long time, it is easy to develop various obsessions and increase the chance of becoming a wronged ghost.

Moreover, these things should not be special cases. I am afraid that everyone in the world will be affected. If the reincarnation continues like this, I am afraid that there will be big problems!

It took more than half an hour for Mo Xiaotong's soul consciousness to dissipate all the wandering souls she could sense within a few hundred meters.

But the area of ​​City H alone is tens of thousands of square kilometers, how much can she do? !

Shen Donghe sighed softly, and said, "Alright, Heaven will take care of it."

Mo Xiaotong could only nod his head.

After going back.

In order not to think about reincarnation, Mo Xiaotong asked Shen Donghe: "Baby, have you figured out how to solve the causal line between you and Yinggou?"

Shen Donghe said that he had a way to cut off the line of cause and effect, but Mo Xiaotong never heard him mention it.

"Change your fate against the sky." Shen Donghe said flatly, "Only by changing your fate against the sky can you cut off the line of cause and effect."

Destiny is karma.

All kinds of causes in the past will bear different fruits in the future.

And changing fate against the sky is to forcibly change the direction of the causal line.

Back then, the Star Lord Tianliang transferred Yuan Yurou's karma to Mo Xiaotong by changing his fate against the sky.

"Change your fate against the sky..." Mo Xiaotong knew that this was the secret method of Tianshizong, she frowned and said, "But I don't know how to do it!"

Although she has the river map and can display star power, what she has learned is mostly the Taoism of the Maoshan system.

In the past, Xuangui Patriarch also taught her several Taoism techniques of Tianshizong, but "Change Fate Against Heaven" did not teach her.

Because at that time she was not yet the Lunar Star Lord, and only the Star Lord can use Defying Fate.

"The ancestor will change his fate against the sky." Shen Dong congratulated, "This time I have to ask Tiandao to help, the ancestor has already discussed this matter with it." The ancestor of Xuangui is a turtle of chaos at the same level as Tiandao, Nature is not subject to this limitation.

Mo Xiaotong took a deep breath and said in shock, "Do you want to ask Tiandao to help?"

No wonder, the ancestor Xuangui left in a hurry not long ago, it was because of this matter.

Shen Donghe nodded and explained to Mo Xiaotong.

It turns out that these three causal lines are very special, and they need to be cut off at the same time in no particular order, otherwise, it will not be successful.

Shen Donghe's plan is that Tiandao, Xuangui Patriarch, and him, when changing their fate against the sky, take action at the same time, each cutting off a line of cause and effect.

"Is Tiandaohui willing to help us?" Mo Xiaotong was a little worried.

A few days ago, Tiandao wanted to kill Shen Donghe!

"Should be." Shen Dong congratulated, "Heavenly Dao is extremely rational, and it will only choose what is most beneficial to it. In its eyes, there are no eternal enemies or friends, only absolute order."

Sure enough, at night, the ancestor Xuangui came back.

"Old Ancestor, did Heavenly Dao agree to help Shen Donghe cut off the line of cause and effect?" Mo Xiaotong hurriedly asked.

"Old Ancestor, I spent a lot of saliva, and finally let the old lizard say that he can consider making a move. However, he has a few conditions." The Ancestor Xuangui shook his head and said.

"Consider?" Mo Xiaotong looked sullen and unbelievable, "There are still conditions, how many more?"

(End of this chapter)

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