my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 995 Painted Skin (3)

Chapter 995 Painted Skin (3)

"This kind of person? Who is it?"

Lin Qingfeng opened his big eyes, his face full of bewilderment.

Wen Yu just ate the shrimp by herself, as if she didn't hear Mo Xiaotong's words.

Shen Donghe said helplessly: "Don't make trouble."

Seeing Lin Qingfeng's cute face, Mo Xiaotong laughed hahaha.

Then, Lin Qingfeng's fair face gradually turned red, he was not stupid, he just didn't react just now.

"Sister, I just think that none of them are my type!"

"What type do you like?" Mo Xiaotong asked curiously, then, he suddenly took a breath, "You used to say that Yuan Yurou was beautiful, so you wouldn't like her type!"

"No, I just thought she was pretty, but, I'm sure, she's not my type. She's so fake, I get goosebumps when I think about her being my girlfriend !” Qingfeng Lin shook his head.

"Yo, your vision is quite high!" Mo Xiaotong said tut-tut.

Lin Qingfeng's face turned red again: "No, it's just that I don't know what it feels like to like someone!"

"Do you like someone?" Mo Xiaotong glanced at Shen Donghe, and then said sweetly, "Probably, you open your eyes and miss him. Close your eyes and miss him. You think about him all the time. He is happy , I am happier than him. He is uncomfortable, and I am more uncomfortable than him..."

Lin Qingfeng was dumbfounded, and he stammered: "Sister, you, do you treat brother-in-law like this?"

Mo Xiaotong nodded vigorously.

At this moment, Shen Donghe looked into her eyes, revealing deep tenderness.

Once love penetrates into life, the breath of flesh and blood is almost integrated, and each moment of life is accompanied by each other.She is his, and he is hers, and this is the deepest meaning of love.

"From this point of view, then I really have never liked anyone!" Lin Qingfeng said a little frustrated.

"Don't worry, don't worry, what I'm talking about is a severe or even terminally ill symptom of liking." Mo Xiaotong said seriously again. "There are also moderate and mild symptoms, which are different!"

Lin Qingfeng's eyes widened, with an expression of thirst for knowledge.

Mo Xiaotong spoke slowly.

"Moderate, that is, if I don't see him for a minute, I feel uncomfortable, like a hundred pairs of cat's paws! When I'm with him, I'm so happy that I won 1 million yuan!"

Lin Qingfeng shook his head: "There is no such thing."

"There is still mildness. Mildness, my heart beats uncontrollably when I see him. The time with him seems to pass very fast, and I always don't want to be separated from him."

Lin Qingfeng was stunned suddenly, and then his face turned red.He faltered and said: "This feeling, I, I seem to have had..."

When Mo Xiaotong heard it, the fire of gossip in his heart was blazing!
She immediately smiled kindly like an aunt, and asked very kindly: "Who is she?! What kind of girl is she? How long have you known her? Where have you grown?"

Lin Qingfeng looked shy: "I just met yesterday. I only know her name is Zhou Xiaoqi, and I exchanged WeChat messages with her."

"How do you guys know each other? Do you have any photos? How old is she?" Mo Xiaotong threw out questions like cannonballs, with an excited expression on his face.

Great, my sister likes this kind of gossip the most, okay?

Lin Qingfeng chuckled, scratched his head and started talking.

(End of this chapter)

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