Chapter 40 It's Too Cruel

The heart-piercing pain in her arm finally brought her back to her senses.

According to what Xi Fengchen said, the man holding Luo Qinghuan was not easy. If a mortal like her rushes out now, she will definitely not be able to please her. Maybe Luo Qinghuan will let that man kill herself directly.

Ju Feiyan knew very well that her life safety was not guaranteed at all, so she simply curled up to reduce her sense of existence, and slipped out of 717 before everyone had time to take care of her.

Luo Qinghuan caught a glimpse of Ju Feiyan's leaving back in Su Chen'an's arms. To be honest, no matter how good the relationship was after she designed herself, Luo Qinghuan didn't plan to care about what happened to her in the future.

Not long after Xiang Kangnian and the two exorcists fought, he quickly took out two sleepy spirit balls and put the two green zombies in.

Luo Qinghuan secretly sighed that this guy had a thick skin.

The two zombies drove a total of sixteen zombies, all green zombies, and their combat effectiveness can be imagined, but Xiang Kangnian still picked two young ones to take away under the siege, and he really likes to collect strange things Flying stiff is somewhat aesthetic.

"Second uncle."

Seeing that Xiang Kangnian was so difficult to deal with, the fiery exorcist got anxious and called him second uncle anxiously.


His second uncle was not a fool either. The two people who were taken away were both deceased ancestors of their family. Because they wanted to achieve their wish of subjugating without breaking bones and letting Su Chenan be used by their family, they voluntarily let the younger generation become zombies after death.

It took several generations of their family's hard work to raise a single green zombie. Now they have been taken away. If they don't leave, they will be buried with all the sixteen green zombies they brought with them.

Knowing that they were going to leave, Su Chen'an didn't order to chase them, so he took Luo Qinghuan to solve the ghost doll's matter.

As a ghost doll, Xiaoxiao can't leave Yin Mei too far. The most direct way to find her is to go to Yin Mei. When Xi Fengchen thinks that he was almost killed, he feels annoyed, and there is murderous look in his eyes.

The teacher’s dormitory provided by the school is very quiet. There are many fruit trees, flowers and plants planted in the courtyard between the five buildings. Xi Fengchen asked with his mobile phone and found out that Yin Mei’s class has ended today, and she should be in the dormitory now.

After Xiaoxiao escaped from classroom 717, she went straight to Yin Mei's dormitory. She was slapped on the shoulder by a talisman paper from the corpse exorcist who suddenly appeared, and she urgently needed the blood of the donor to recuperate.

Yin Mei originally thought that joining forces with Wu Yueyue this time would definitely be able to take down Xi Fengchen, a prey with a lot of blessings, but she didn't expect Xiaoxiao to miss this time.

Without saying a word, she picked up a fruit knife and cut her wrist, and the gurgling blood slipped out from under the broken skin and poured into the jar.

Inside are small ashes, which are usually packed in dolls, and are only taken out once a month when they are fed with blood. Of course, if the raised ghosts are injured and need blood, they will also be taken out.

After being nourished by the blood, Xiao Xiao's complexion became better and better, and soon returned to the innocent and lovely appearance before.

"Sister, that Xi Fengchen has a lot of blessings, but the Luo Qinghuan he found actually has a flying stiffness behind his back. We were all deceived by that Wu Yueyue. They should come here soon, what should we do?"

Xiao Xiao looked at Yin Mei seriously, waiting for her to make up her mind.

"So what? No matter how big Luo Qinghuan's backing is, she is still a mortal, and she must obey the rules of the human world. I don't believe she dared to order that flying zombie to kill me."

Yin Mei put the jar back into the doll's stomach, folded it back and skillfully bandaged her wrists, as if a mountain was falling in front of her without changing her face.

With her family relationship, what could Luo Qinghuan do to her even if she knew she was doing something?Yin Mei is confident and doesn't take Luo Qinghuan seriously.

Luo Qinghuan and Xi Fengchen looked at each other after knowing that she was inside through the voice, then dialed the police with a sly smile, and called the reporter by the way.

The reason why Yin Mei's black heart has never been exposed is that the Yin family has always been teaching and educating people, and has accumulated a lot of evil virtues, and the second is that the blessings she obtained through small plunders have indeed strengthened Yin Mei. Mei's luck.

But as time went by, the evil karma caused by plundering other people's blessings and luck began to bite back, Yin Mei and Xiao Xiao couldn't stand it anymore, now that Xi Fengchen didn't get this big piece of fat, Xiao Xiao was injured instead, Yin Mei As a supporter, Mei suffered backlash and her luck weakened. As long as Xi Fengchen uses their family connections to uncover this matter, both of them will be punished as they should.

Xiang Kangnian explained the relationship to Luo Qinghuan one by one.

As Lord Jun's most capable subordinate, if you want to live a prosperous life, how can you ignore building a good relationship with the mistress?

"Then why were the two exorcists so excited after you took away the two zombies before? The young master remembered that he was angry and said that you were disrespectful to his ancestors."

Xi Fengchen was curious about this question for a long time, but he didn't dare to speak after Su Chenan threatened him to goug his eyes.

"Her family, hundreds of years ago, a little Taoist priest came from Xiangxi, and his brain twitched after seeing our family's lord.

Whimsical to subdue our family lord to go back to their family as cattle and horses, and after this is over, he will turn all his descendants into zombies, so that the younger generations can continue to fulfill his spring and autumn dream. "

Xiang Kangnian was full of disdain when he mentioned this, not because he was frivolous, but because he really had the confidence to despise others.

Xi Fengchen gasped after listening to his explanation.

"At first, I thought they were some kind of heroes who slay demons and guard the way, who are not afraid of life and death. I didn't expect that they would be so crazy that they would turn their relatives into zombies. After that, they would have no chance to reincarnate. It's crazy!"

Looking at the entire yin and yang world, there are indeed many crooked ways and crimes, but very few of them have harmed their own children and grandchildren.

Regardless of the deep fate between each other, I don’t know how many lifetimes it will take to have a chance to get a human body, and the karma that needs to be borne after harming one’s relatives is not something ordinary people can afford.

How many years has it been since Li Shimin killed his brother and seized the throne, and now people still scold him, even if no one in the world knows, he will still be unable to escape in the underworld, and the punishment must be much heavier than that in the world of heaven.

There is a god when you hold your head three feet up, and the heavens will record everything a person has done clearly for you!

"However, the descendants of this family have some means. The little green zombies they brought over are not bad at fighting. They are raised in sleepy spirit balls and brought back. They can be released to fight in their spare time."

Xiang Kangnian chanted happily, and finally added:
"Suck them to enhance your skills when you cross the catastrophe next time, the taste is definitely not bad!"

Luo Qinghuan: "..."

Can such a cruel speech be listened to by a primary school student with good roots?

It's so brutal!
(End of this chapter)

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