Chapter 5 The Weird Bus

Luo Qinghuan had never seen such a bloody scene before!He opened his mouth and didn't yell out a word. In a blink of an eye, he saw that the passengers in the carriage were all sitting properly, and they didn't notice the situation here at all.

Was she the only one in the whole car who saw it?
Luo Qinghuan's mind was spinning fast at this moment, and she couldn't help but start to panic. The male ghost outside didn't seem to have died normally. It must be a bad thing for him to stare at her like this. The key point is that if she gets out of the car now, she won't be able to hit him on the road. It is even more impossible to talk to everyone about the car.

Maybe I will be thrown out of the car by them as a mental patient.

How to deal with this matter?Luo Qinghuan's tangled forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his back was icy cold!
In the blink of an eye, the Kung Fu bus drove out of the dark section of the road, and the warm sunshine poured into the carriage, and the male ghost who was sticking to the glass window disappeared in a flash, as if what she had seen before was just a hallucination.

Luo Qinghuan held her schoolbag, feeling extremely uneasy...

As soon as the bus arrived at the school gate, she picked up her schoolbag, got off the bus and went straight to the dormitory building. The high school that Luo Qinghuan attended had an eight-person dormitory. She is more diligent and finished writing at home early.

After tidying up the things she brought, Luo Qinghuan went to the classroom with her homework in her arms. According to the school schedule, they have three evening self-study sessions every Sunday night. Of course, at the beginning, there will be several teachers racing against time to teach everyone. Later, after this behavior was explicitly banned by the school, it became students' homework and preview.

When passing by the school grove, Luo Qinghuan was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

In this case, it is usually her little sisters. Luo Qinghuan naturally turned her head to check - there was no one behind her.

A chill spread from the skull to the soles of the feet, and Luo Qinghuan remembered the dead face on the bus before.

At this moment, the trees in the grove looked so fangs and claws in her eyes, as if they would come to life every moment and drag her into the dark abyss. The mottled shadows on the ground swayed with the cold wind, laughing at how small she was in front of these ghosts And vulnerable...

Luo Qinghuan quickly turned her head and ran to the classroom as fast as she could. What happened this day made her a little distraught. After finishing her homework, she looked at the pages of the book for a long time without turning a page.

When the teacher was not paying attention, Ju Feiyan, the deskmate, poked her arm with her elbow and said with concern:

"Qing Huan, are you okay, keep staring at the book in a daze."

Luo Qinghuan seldom talks with unfamiliar people on weekdays, so she has no friends since she was a child. This girl named Ju Feiyan is relatively timid, and the two of them are at the same table, so their relationship is naturally good.

Luo Qinghuan didn't want to tell her what happened to her at home these days. After all, even she herself couldn't accept it. She was afraid that Ju Feiyan would be afraid if she found out, so she smiled and replied:

"It's okay, it's just that I'm tired after going back to worship my ancestors and climbing mountains these days, and I feel a little uncomfortable after returning to school after the holiday."

Hearing what she said, Ju Feiyan nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, on the way back from offering sacrifices to my ancestors, I slipped down the slope. I was so scared, but luckily I didn't get hurt."

Speaking of this, Ju Feiyan's delicate face was wrinkled into a bun, but soon she regained her spirits and went on to gossip with Luo Qinghuan:
"Qing Huan, do you know? The girl named Yao Qin in our next class is from the same village as me, and something strange happened to his family recently."

Hearing Ju Feiyan talk about these things, Luo Qinghuan also regained his energy, moved his stool, looked at Ju Feiyan and motioned for her to continue.

Ju Feiyan didn't play tricks on her either, so she approached her and began to tell:
"I heard from people in the village that something was wrong with her father since he came back from the grave. The whole person became lifeless and didn't work. He knew how to lie at home and sleep all day. When he woke up, he ordered her mother to work and cook. If there is anything unsatisfactory, she will start beating people, Yao Qin is the only child in the family, and her father has never yelled at her since she was a child, and this time she even beat her together."

"No, I heard that her eardrum was perforated by a slap, and she bled profusely. The neighbors knew about it, and they sent her to the hospital the day before yesterday.

Their family planned to find someone to see if they had offended something, but her father was fierce... He said that if anyone dared to find someone, he would buy his house. "

It's not normal for a good person to suddenly have a sudden change in temperament, and it happened in July and a half. Luo Qinghuan felt that this female classmate named Yao Qin, her father must have encountered something unclean on the graveyard.

But she just listened to other people's affairs as stories, after all, her own family is not peaceful now.

Although with Su Chen'an's help, her parents were still safe, but the male ghost she met on the bus today, and what happened to her on the shoulder in the woods still made her very uneasy.

She has never seen any ghosts before, this Ching Ming Festival holiday has completely subverted her three views!

Quietly chatting with Ju Feiyan about other things, Luo Qinghuan took out the novels she hid in the bookcase to read, the hero and heroine in the book overcame thousands of hardships, went through vicissitudes of life, the love is vigorous, and Luo Qinghuan's blood boiled while reading it. The kung fu evening self-study is over with a snap of the fingers.

Luo Qinghuan and Ju Feiyan happened to be bunk beds in the same dormitory, and they went to a small supermarket to buy some snacks together. During the day, when they passed through the small forest during the day, Luo Qinghuan was still a little nervous, but she was not as scared as she was during the day with Ju Feiyan next to her. .

At night, Luo Qinghuan fell into a drowsy sleep. She didn't know how she returned to the bus during the day, and she was sitting in the same position as during the day. She looked around nervously, and found that the passengers in the bus were all unfamiliar faces. They all had numb expressions and stiff limbs, like puppets without souls.

Luo Qinghuan was a little scared, she knew that she was [-]% dreaming now, the frightening thing was that the tongue she bit off when she escaped from the sedan chair last time was still not healed, she struggled to eat these days, she really didn't have the courage to do it to herself again mouth!
Through the lights on in the carriage, Luo Qinghuan could see the road conditions clearly. The bus was passing by the section where she saw the male ghost before, and she suddenly put her heart in her throat!

In just a few seconds, a battery car drove out from the small road next to it. After the sound of "bump", accompanied by the brakes of the bus, Luo Qinghuan clearly saw the man riding the battery car fly more than three meters high and smashed heavily. On the road, there was a puddle of blood under the head, and then the bus they were riding bumped, obviously crushing the man.

(End of this chapter)

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