Chapter 80
Luo Qinghuan became more and more sure that someone was behind this incident.

"Those trees and fish ponds must have been prepared for Lu Abao. The people behind it have been planning for decades. They are creating a dark path."

While Luo Qinghuan was trying to restrain himself from exhaling fragrance, Su Chen'an made a judgment based on the Feng Shui of the village where the Lu family lived and the information he got from the small town.

Open the way?

This is the first time Luo Qinghuan has heard this term, and it seems like it is still a big project.

"You just do what you should do, and I will leave the rest to you."

When it comes to Kaiyin Road, this matter is not something that Xi Fengchen can intervene too much, Su Chen'an offered to take over.

Xi Fengchen readily agreed, and after hanging up the phone, Luo Qinghuan didn't have much interest in shopping anymore. The two of them returned to the hotel where they stayed and packed up the things they needed with Xi Fengchen, and set off at about 23:[-].

The road where the accident happened is now a forbidden area for the townspeople, plus there is a distance from the city, so there are no people at night except for the chirping of insects and birds.

Lu Shisheng followed behind Xi Fengchen, the urgency on his face could not be concealed.

Before coming here, he asked Xi Fengchen if he could see his son, but Xi Fengchen refused.

Luo Qinghuan could also understand this. Everyone who had met Lu Abao was frightened by him. Lu Shisheng was already emotionally unstable, and if he saw his son again, he might collapse.

Furthermore, he is not young anymore, and the Lu family still counts on him to live their lives. Meeting a living person with a ghost will have some bad effects.

After getting ready, Xi Fengchen began to light incense on the side of the road, and then began to wave the mahogany sword while chanting.

Lu Shisheng burned paper on the side, calling out Lu Abao's name while burning:

"Abao, Lu Abao, it's Dad who came to see you, did you hear that?
If you hear it, come out and meet Dad, Dad asks the Taoist priest to send you to reincarnation, don’t stay here and suffer, Ah Bao..."

When Lu Shisheng shouted, even Luo Qinghuan felt sad.

After shouting for about 2 minutes, the birds on the roadside seemed to be frightened and flew away, and even the sound of insects could not be heard.

Su Chen'an held Luo Qinghuan's hand tightly, hiding his breath.

The originally lively night suddenly became quiet. The dark asphalt road reflected the cold light under the moonlight, and everyone present felt as if a pair of cold eyes appeared around them staring at them.

Lu Shisheng's hand holding the white paper paused in the air, letting the flames burn, and tears fell down in big drops.

"A Bao, is it that A Bao is back?"

Xi Fengchen ran forward in two steps in three steps and tore off the white paper in his hand.

At the same time, Luo Qinghuan also saw clearly the male ghost standing next to the paper money——Lu Abao.

He was wearing badly faded clothes and his eyes were blood red. As rumored, his whole body was covered in blood and was still dripping blood.

If you look carefully, you will find that the places on his body that are constantly bleeding are very similar to a spell.

"It's Bao who's back."

Xi Fengchen told Lu Shisheng truthfully.

"A Bao, is it really my A Bao who is back?

Daoist, please ask quickly, ask who killed him, is it the one named Liu? "

Lu Shisheng was emotional. His family's Abao used to go out to work with a few old masters in the village, and every time he took the wages and went home happily, but this time something happened.

The one surnamed Liu disappeared along with him. The more Lu Shisheng thought about it, the more he felt that he had bad intentions, deliberately delayed the wages and left some old masters in the village and left his son behind to kill him.

"Lu Abao, hurry up and tell us, what have you experienced here? Where is your body? Who controlled your soul?"

Xi Fengchen looked anxious and asked several questions in succession.

Lu Abao, who was standing by the side of the road, has been watching his father shed blood and tears, but now that Yin and Yang are separated, Lu Shisheng can't hear what he said no matter what.

He suddenly recovered after hearing Xi Fengchen's question.

"It was the boss surnamed Liu who killed me together with Zhou Wang."

Lu Abao's scarlet eyeballs began to glow red, showing that he hated Boss Liu and Zhou Wang whom he said.

I remember that when I was in Lu's house, there were three masters, two of whom were named Wen Guang and Ma Liu, so the remaining fat man should be Zhou Wang in Lu Abao's mouth.

"When he was in the Lu family, he still acted very sad, but he didn't expect to do such a thing behind his back.

But I remember he mentioned that his child was sick and hospitalized and had no money. Could it be for this reason that he partnered with Boss Liu to kill? "

"It was because his child was sick and had no money to be hospitalized that he and Liu killed me together.

They put medicine in my cup, but I didn't drink much, and the man surnamed Liu was still a little conscious when he did it. I clearly heard that he gave Zhou Wang 3 yuan and asked him to take this Things rot in the stomach. "

Lu Abao was still very angry when he recalled what happened at that time.

"I was alive when those two beasts did it.

They used knives to draw symbols on my body like this, so that after my death, my soul could not be separated from my body, and they buried me under the roots of the banyan tree beside the fish pond.

The man surnamed Liu would do it next to my dead body every night, forcing me to come to this road to harm people. If I refused, he would whip me hard with a peach branch. "

Lu Abao recounted what happened these days, feeling sad and helpless.

"I really didn't mean to scare them.

There is really no way to be forced!
The trees beside the fish pond are all trees that raise ghosts. Every time I am beaten by him, I will recover soon, and then I am forced to come here to harm people. "

I have seen the living Bodhisattva many times, but this is the first time I have seen the living Hades.

Luo Qinghuan was numb all over!
"Master Dao, you can hear me, I really can't take it anymore, please, let my father dig out my body and send me to report to the underworld."

Every time he came out, he would try his best to give dreams to the people in the car, tell them what happened to him, and ask them for help.

But no one took a mere dream seriously. Everyone thought it was because there were many accidents on this road, and they subconsciously felt that this road was not clean, and they thought about it every day and dreamed at night.

As for the other people who were scared by him, how could they have the guts to take care of these things, they were busy burning incense and worshiping Buddha, begging their ancestors to bless them.

Everyone in the town posted door gods, and there were ancestral tablets in the house, so he couldn't get in anyway. In addition, Boss Liu came over from time to time to take a look, and he couldn't get out of the predicament.

"By the way, I also heard that the surnamed Liu was discussing with a man, saying that it won't be long before they will get a few more corpses to bury with me. What kind of... Yin road are they going to open?"

(End of this chapter)

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