Chapter 84
Everyone, you say what I say, and in a word, it is damn.

The grandma of the Hu family couldn't say anything more, and immediately ordered to break the formation.

Luo Qinghuan looked at Huang Naughty and the other immortals, hoping that they would quickly leave the formation.


It hurts, I'm on fire. "

"Help, help me, don't die..."

When everyone was attacking, the villagers holding the torches began to cry out in pain, wisps of white air from their bodies were tearing and drifting towards the formation. Seeing this, the old woman's smile gradually widened.

"Aren't you very patient?

If you kill these human beings today, I will see what kind of Taoism you still cultivate and what kind of immortals you become. "

The old woman became hysterical, showing no malice.


Seeing this, the old lady standing in the clouds was so angry that she couldn't speak.

All cultivating immortals are not allowed to kill innocent people, otherwise the demons will breed and it is unacceptable, and they are now aiming at this point.

She can indeed break the modified soul-searching array, but what method did they use to make the lives of so many villagers firmly connected with the soul-searching array?
"Is it because of the torches in the hands of the villagers?"

Fan Dazhong made a bold guess.

Luo Qinghuan quickly reacted and said:
"It's not the torch, it's the silly second sister.

It was she who sang a strange nursery rhyme every night, leading everyone to the lake to mourn for the three red coffins.

I once followed them and saw such white air wafting from the villagers. "

After she reminded her, the old lady's expression on Yaoyun became even uglier.

This is a forbidden technique, yet they still dare to use it.

"What now?"

Le Chunqiang also began to worry.

"Our Hui family can use everyone's magic power to forcibly break a hole and rescue the immortal family in the formation first.

It's just that this method is extremely dangerous, if the old fairy who provided the spirit energy in the middle is unable to do it, we will not be able to get out again. "

This requires everyone to unite and have enough trust in each other.

But if there were any holidays before, it would be suspended!
"I'm willing to do my best, and I just ask all brothers to try their best to save my Baixian."

A thin old man with a long beard stood up first.

Qing Huan took a closer look with yin and yang eyes, and there were three little hedgehogs standing on his shoulders, and a burly bear was behind him.

The most rare thing is that this old man has strong merits and virtues all over his body, and he is protected by golden light. If he practice hard for three years, he will be able to be a part-time official in the Hades.Future generations will have the protection of yin virtue!

"Isn't that what the so-called one person attains the Tao and ascends to heaven?"

Luo Qinghuan was envious.

"I would too."

"Whoever doesn't go up is the grandson."

"I come."


Some people start, and others do not lag behind.

"Leave the spells on the villagers to the old man."

The rest of the people who came to the Song family had to admire the unity between them.

"The scourge of the Song family is indeed a cancer. Today, the Hu family and you are in charge of the matter in Fox Ridge. Our orthodox monks will depose the foundation of the Song family and make them unable to practice in the future. This can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people."

Everyone agreed and the division of labor was clear.

After the old woman knew that everyone had a way to break her formation, the hairs all over her body stood up, and her chest heaved violently.

As the old fairies of various families poured mana into the gray fairy, countless mice began to bite the barriers in several directions of the soul-locking formation desperately, coupled with the offensive from the Hu family's grandma, the soul-locking formation began to shake faintly .

Song Binglong was shocked when he saw this situation, he finally had such an opportunity, is it going to fall short again?
Impossible, absolutely impossible.

With no bullets in his hand, he directly invited the evil god.

Black figures flew out of the barrier one by one, and Song Binglong cut deep gashs on both sides of his wrists, and blood flowed out without money.

"Is he crazy?"

Xi Fengchen couldn't help asking questions.

The evil god is the most powerful amulet for a magician, and no magician is willing to invite the evil god to fight unless it is absolutely necessary.

Every time the evil god is used, offerings are required. How much blood can a person have for use?

If time goes by and the evil god cannot complete the task within the set time, it will start to absorb the anger from the magician.

When anger is gone, one is not far from death.

"Song Binglong, why are you working so hard?
What good do those foxes do to you? We are all righteous people, and we never thought of killing you. "

Some people in the crowd really don't understand.

"What do you know? What do you know? Whoever blocks my way today will die."

Song Binglong roared loudly, and slashed his arm again.

"Long'er, my Long'er, mom can't take it anymore, stop paddling, you're going to die..."

An old lady ran out of the woods, and Luo Qinghuan recognized at a glance that it was the one they had seen in the Song family villa before.

She really is Song Binglong's mother.

None of us thought that there were still people in the forest who hadn't come out, let alone Song Binglong's mother who hadn't shown up for several years.

Many people met each other face to face, and finally set their eyes on the puppet cat in the hands of Song Binglong's mother.

This time, Luo Qinghuan understood that this puppet was unusual because it hid the aura of Song Binglong's mother.

It can be seen that Song Binglong's mother is really not in good health, her face is very pale, and her feet are covered with mud.


Song Binglong was surprised when he saw her.

"Long'er, don't hurt yourself anymore, it's all your father's fault in the final analysis, what does it have to do with you?
Mom only has you as a relative now, and I really can't lose you anymore. If you must go to Kangman, mom will go with you. "

It is impossible to imagine how a mother would feel when she saw her son committing suicide and desperately fighting with others.

Song Binglong may not be a good person, but he is still very filial to his mother.

After hearing his mother say that he wanted to accompany him to find Kangman, he stopped, and the released evil spirit followed his wishes and then disappeared.

The old fairies of the Hui family quickly opened a few holes and threw the fairy family out of the formation.

Huang Naughty was the happiest tossing around inside, and when he saw someone rescue him, he struggled even more vigorously, making it difficult for people to ignore him, and was soon thrown out of the formation by two gray fairies.

Luo Qinghuan was afraid that it would be thrown out badly, so he patted Su Chenan anxiously:
"Quick, quick, bring Naughty back."

With a hole in the formation, it was much easier for the Hu family grandma, as soon as the defense was breached, they waved to take away their demon pills.

Without the demon pill, they have no strength to resist, and they can ask questions clearly.

"I didn't expect the Song family to have an infatuated man, a filial son. But it's good, it saves me from having to solve the trouble myself in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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