Chapter 104

The female ghost grabbed Duan Geng's neck, and in the next second Duan Geng turned into a paper figurine in her hands.


Nv Qu held the little paper figurine in surprise, and quickly locked her eyes on Duan Geng's hiding place.

"The responsiveness is pretty good."

The bright red wedding dress flashed in front of Duan Geng, and Duan Geng threw out a card and a pair of chopsticks appeared.

Duan Geng grabbed the chopsticks and used them to attack, and Nugui mercilessly slapped one of them flying.

When the burning sensation came, the female ghost lowered her eyes to look at the scorched right hand and smiled playfully. She struck again, and it was hard to separate one person from another.

The gazes of the others moved up and down with the fight.

Wen Ning walked over to Wen Goudan and squatted down next to Wen Goudan. She gestured to Wen Goudan before tiptoeing away.

Her eyes suddenly looked coldly behind her, and she turned her head slightly to avoid the attack.

Wen Ning looked at the chopsticks that had sunk into the ground, and wiped away the superficial scars on her cheeks, "I said Sister Nvgui, I wouldn't let me leave even if I wanted to, how much do you love me?"

The girl stomped on Duan Geng's head, the red hijab fluttered in the wind, raised the bone's left hand, and said lightly: "My baby said, you look good, I want to eat."

Wen Ning blushed.

The card slipped from her hand, "I'm so sorry...I don't want to be eaten."

The huge lottery turntable floats in the air and rotates rapidly, and freezes on the elegant literature.

[Designated to perform elegant literature in the form of the overlord, the plot is as follows, you have to look firm and say the words '******************************************************************************************************************)' in the calmest tone. . 】


After being immersed in Ba Zong literature for decades, Wen Ning had never heard of elegant literature.

And why is the designated tyrant formal statement encrypted?

It's over, her head hurts.

The glare was dazzling, and the female ghost raised her hand to block the light, calming down the momentous scene.

Seeing Wen Ning's blank expression, she couldn't help but sneer.

"The foreplay is so long, I didn't expect it to be posturing."

Wen Ning:_

The four characters of 'Elegant Literature' are still floating in the sky.

Soon the four characters of Elegant Literature merged with each other, and the string of encrypted words appeared in front of Wen Ning's eyes. At that moment, Wen Ning mustered up the courage to take a step forward.

Seeing Wen Ning move, the girl frowned under the hijab, and looked at Wen Ning inquiringly.

It was the first time someone could stand in front of her so calmly.

Wen Ning took a deep breath and clenched her hands tightly.

The woman looked at her with interest, wondering what this thin and small body in front of her could do.

Wen Ning's eyes were determined, and she raised her hand and hit the female ghost on the face with all her strength.

The girl's eyes were astonished, the red hijab was shaken by the blow, and the whole ghost flew out in an instant.

She...was sent flying by humans?
Female ghost: (○д)
Wen Goudan & Song Yi & Passerby A and B: (⊙⊙)
The female ghost's body rotated 720 degrees in the air, and she made a perfect curtain call with her face on the ground.

Wen Ning calmly let out a long sigh, "My chasers lined up from here to Paris, France, but you are going to pick a fish!"

[Ding dong, skill card: Ba Zong's Quotations, the remaining number of uses: 0/6, the trigger effect turns the strange monster into a fish for a short time. 】

Xiaowei's reminder sounded, and the girl suddenly turned into a pure red anchovy.

Anchovy patted her body, her eyes glaring at Wen Ning.

Wen Ning was not yet complacent, and the girl turned back with a bang.

Wen Ning turned pale with shock. She picked up her phone and opened the app to output to 'Deceit in the Sun', accusing the skill card of having a bug.

The woman's cunning yin became substantive, "I've grown so big, everyone who hit me is dead!"

Wen Ning's body froze, but her typing movements continued unabated.

As if she had eyes on the back of her head, she was able to perfectly avoid every move of the female trick behind her.

Wen Goudan looked at Wen Ning, who was being chased three times by the female ghost, the cos statue of the thinker.

Song Yi came to him and tapped twice, "Master Wen, escape?"

Wen Goudan nodded, and said to himself: "The little girl's moves are familiar!"

If Wen Ning rolled her eyes when she heard Tieding, would it not be familiar?It's what you teach.

But she is too busy avoiding moves now, so she has no time to care about this side.

Wen Ning, who was running around with her mobile phone in her arms, suddenly braked suddenly, raised her head and shouted, "I want to draw a card!"

Everything around is suspended as if pressing the prohibit button.

[Dingdong, Xiaowei has received the will you want to draw~]

[After checking, you have a chance to keep the card draw, are you sure to use it? 】


The camellia floated from top to bottom in Wen Ning's palm, and then slowly bloomed.

A gold-plated prismatic card floated above the stamen, and the moment Wen Ning touched the card with her fingertips, the camellia withered and dissipated.

With a feeling of apprehension, Wen Ning turned over the cards in her hand.

[Skill Card: Mary Sue
Conditions of use: the next instance is automatically triggered

Times of use: 1/1
With it, you are the most beautiful boy in the world. 】

This card looks like a man silent and a woman crying.

Wen Ning knew the effect of this card without guessing.

She was so angry that she slammed the card.

This set of actions frightened the female ghost to drive back ten meters.

"And what kind of weird thing?"

The female ghost stared at Wen Ning vigilantly. Seeing Wen Ning obediently bent over to pick up the card, she became angry for a moment. She felt like she was being played.

In a rage, she grabbed Passerby B from the air and threw him in Wen Ning's direction.

Pedestrian B, who was running away, kicked his right leg with his left leg, and the sparks raced with lightning, but after kicking for a long time, he found that he was still in place.

Before he could think about why, he flew out.

Wen Ning saw Passerby B flying towards him, and while dodging, he grabbed his ankle and pulled hard.

Passer-by B felt that the wind whistling in his ears was much louder, and his eyes still turned with some stars, and the next second he changed direction and flew out.


He flapped his hands like a goose falling into the water, ready to make intimate contact with Song Yi and Wen Goudan's backs.

The two also dodged sideways, one stretched out a hand, one grabbed his ankle, and the other grabbed his shoulder.

"thank you!"

Only passer-by B thanked him aloud, and there was another howl behind him.

It turned out that passerby A had been thrown by Wen Ning and the female ghost in the same posture.

But passerby A was not as lucky as passerby B to be caught, but bumped into passerby B directly, and had a face-to-face intimate contact with him.

The two immediately got up and retched to both sides.

On the other side, Wen Ning dodged the rain of stones in a panic.

She was really just throwing cards to express her inner resentment, and she didn't intend to scare people.

Nu Que didn't listen to her explanation, and her moves became sharper each time.

Reluctantly, Wen Ning could only turn her eyes to the four-member group for help.

"Song Yi, I've already held the naughty girl, hurry up!"

Song Yi raised his finger and pointed at himself, looked at the fierce female trick and cursed: "You are noble, you are proud, you are causing trouble, and you want me to clean up the mess for you."

He rolled up his sleeves, took out the card, and took it out to the sky.

In the moonless night sky, the arrow shot down suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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