Chapter 89
"You have lived a long life, you killed someone!"

The people under the groom's command rushed to tell each other, very fast, and did not give Wen Ning a chance to silence him.

After a period of chaos, Wen Ning led a passerby, Jia, to forcefully rush out of the mansion.

She stepped over the threshold with her left foot, and suddenly a knife rested on her neck.

Wen Ning shrunk her neck back and retracted her left foot, "Everyone have something to say?"

In the next second, Wen Ning and passer-by A were escorted to the ground.

The old official in the hall picked up the boundary square and knocked it, and the loud noise reverberated in the hall.

"Can the servants be convicted?"

Wen Ning looked at passerby A and shook her head frantically.

What's the situation, the scene changed a little fast, and now her mind couldn't keep up with the connection of the plot, so she subconsciously refuted.

"What? I am innocent!"

"You still say you are innocent, what is this!"

With two bangs, the horoscope knife divided into two sections fell to the ground.

"You eloped with the bride and were discovered by the groom's official, and then you did nothing but beat the groom's official knife."

Wen Ning: Black people are suspicious?
The groom did it himself, it's none of her business.

"Don't slander me, he's not dead!"

"That's it!"

Wen Ning looked back in shock when the thin clip sound came.

Passerby A directly lifted the red hijab and raised his head arrogantly.

"Why did you get caught up in what you said, and what are you doing when you talk about lifting your hijab?"

Passerby A replied dumbfounded, "I don't want to either, my mouth and hands have their own thoughts."

Wen Ning's eyes were hurt again by his full filter.

"You two dare to whisper to each other in the hall, and you will be punished."

The wooden board with "Ling" written on it was dropped from the air, and the official pointed at the passer-by, "It's you."

Very perfunctory.

Wen Ning complained inwardly.

"Pooh dog officer, you don't care about the groom robbing the civilian girl, but you have to care about my apprentice taking me away. Isn't the man dead, what are you arresting!"

Passer-by A was lifted up by the yamen servant and spit aside.

This series of actions coupled with passerby A's own filter, in the eyes of the official, the beauty of the weak Liu Fufeng has three points of weakness and seven points of stubbornness.

His heart was instantly poked with an arrow, love!

What a strong, unyielding beauty.

The old man blushed, his eyes shy, "Wait a minute."

Master Guan got up from his seat and walked quickly to passerby A, clasped passerby A's white hand tightly with both hands and said: "Ma'am, what you said is correct."

Wen Ning Panda Surprise.JPG
"Come on, get married, let's go."


Wearing a red flower on her head, Wen Ning stood to one side, looked at the newcomer in front of her, and said in a pinched voice, "Bow to heaven and earth!"

The official and the second-married passer-by kowtow to heaven and earth.

"Two thanks to the high hall."

Master Guan and Passerby A turned around and knelt down to the empty seats.


Wen Ning shook off the things in her hand, "By the way, can someone explain what's going on here!"

There was a deviation in her libretto, the official gave Wen Ning a dissatisfied look, and two yamen servants suddenly appeared and put a knife on Wen Ning's neck.

"I advise you not to be ignorant of good and evil."

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Whoever likes to read the libretto should do it.

In the blink of an eye, Wen Ning snatched the knife from the yamen servant, kicked it, and a yamen servant flew several meters away.

Wen Ning turned the knife in her hand and put it on the neck of another yamen servant, "Oh, why do you want to get close to the knife by yourself, it's so dangerous!"

"It's against the sky, come, come, come."

The official was agitated and roared loudly.

Wen Ning wiped away the yamen servant with the knife in her hand, looked coldly at the yamen servant who was rushing up, and then took aim at the little guy who was guarding her horoscope knife.

"Let's go together."

Cold words came out of Wen Ning's mouth lightly.

Passerby A hid behind a pillar beside him, lifted his hijab and observed secretly.

The first time he saw Wen Ning, he thought that Wen Ning was very handsome, but he had no attack power.

Unexpectedly, reality gave him a slap in the face. This is no attack power, it's really red-eyed!
She kills like dancing, and even the arc of blood spatter has a different kind of beauty.

and many more!

Passerby A put his hand to his mouth in amazement, this girl is not a killer, is she?

Knives are fatal.

Wen Ning successfully recovered the horoscope knife, and casually looked at the servants who were pointing at her with the knife.

"Passerby A, let's go."

Passerby A who was hiding behind the pillar quickly put down his hijab, picked up the knife next to the corpse and trotted behind Wen Ning, and pretended to throw the knife on the corpse.

Every time Wen Ning took a step, the people surrounded outside took a step back and consciously made way.

When the two reached a relatively safe location, Passerby A took out his card and quickly distanced himself from Wen Ning.

The card turned into a bazooka and faced Wen Ning directly.

Passerby A took off his hijab and asked the first thing he did while carrying the bazooka: "Say, who are you? Why don't you even bat an eyelid when you kill people."

Wen Ning wiped the horoscope knife indifferently, "I used to work part-time as a fish killer in Darun, and my heart was as cold as a knife."

Passerby A put down the bazooka, with a solemn expression, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"That's not right!" Passerby A changed his mind and picked up the bazooka again, "But you kill people like cutting watermelons, you are not a good person at first sight."

Wen Ning glanced at him, and said speechlessly, "I didn't say I was a good person."

She frowned and put her right hand into the cuff of her left hand, frantically digging and digging.

Passerby A tactically took a small step back, swallowing his saliva.

Wen Ning slowly stretched out her right hand, revealing a small reflective thing.

Passerby A: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

A passer-by held down the bazooka, ready to attack at any time.

Wen Ning took out the phone with great effort, took out a stack of business cards from behind the phone case, rummaged through it for a long time, and handed one of them to passer-by A.

Passerby A took it blankly: the funeral industry is one-stop, solving various feng shui and supernatural problems, and occasionally killing fish part-time.

Work experience: Once knifed a moving corpse.

Passerby A looked back and forth between the business card and Wen Ning's face.

"Don't worry, there is no resentment under my sword."

Passer-by A heard that it looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and was vigilant, "You killed it just now, like cutting leeks, a bunch of them!"

"But they're just moving corpses."

Wen Ning tilted her head and looked puzzled.

Now it was passerby A's turn to be shocked, "You are lying, what I see with both eyes are real people!"

"is it?"

Wen Ning asked coldly.

She stepped forward and pointed passerby A's shoulder and said: "One, the scenes here can be switched at will, and the plot jumps. Are you sure what you see is a person?"

"Second, I checked the pulse of the yamen servant, but there was no movement."

When the first one came out, Passerby A was speechless.

When the second article comes out, Passerby A has the following expression.

Passerby A's inner OS: pulse detection?When did this happen.

He looked up and saw Wen Ning standing with his hands behind his back, looking inscrutable.

The episode just now in the hall was frantically played back in passerby A's mind, and finally, he captured the key information.

At the moment Wen Ning snatched the knife, he saw Wen Ning's hand grazing the servant's wrist, could it be at that moment!

Passerby A looked at Wen Ning with awe in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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