Chapter 94

click ~
The sound of teeth chewing bones echoed in the stable.

Suddenly, the zombie turned its head and bared its teeth at the six people, with pieces of meat stuck between the teeth.

Passerby B grabbed Passerby A's shoulder and trembled wildly.

Duan took a small step forward and threw the card into the air.

The cards spun rapidly in the air, and countless vines emerged from the ground to entangle the zombies who were eating the mosaic.

Zombie: ? ? ?

When the roar came, Duan even proudly put his hands on his hips, "Zombies are nothing to be afraid of."


Zombie anger value MAX.

"Are you sick? I'm not eating you, are you excited?"

Wen Ning said something out of the blue, which caught Duan Geng's attention.

Duan Geng: Huh?

Wen Ning pointed to the zombie that was bouncing on the spot and said, "That's what it said just now."

Duan Geng frowned, his eyes irritated.

This man was provoking him, naked provocation.

He folded his arms around his chest and let out a soft snort from his nose. Just as he was about to attack, the voice of Wen Goudan sounded first.

" know that too?"

Wen Goudan's expression changed from calm to shocked.

"Know a thing or two."

Wen Ning said modestly.

The zombie growled again.

Under the gaze of others, Wen Ning translated: "You still don't let me go, I want to kill you, I'll kill you sooner!"

After she finished translating, she looked at the zombie, and the zombie nodded and roared twice with tears in his eyes.

"I'm not stupid to keep fresh ingredients and eat expired ingredients."

After explaining, Wen Ning had a subtle expression on her face. It was the first time she was described as an ingredient and it always felt weird.

A group of people waiting for indifferent faces.JPG Looking at the frail zombie, they sat in a circle under its hopeful gaze.

"I didn't say that, this god is really a little sick, if it wasn't for the chance to draw cards, this task dog would not play."

Passerby A sat cross-legged, complaining with a blank face.

Duan Geng nodded in the same way, "If you want me to say, let's do this first, then this, and finally this."

He made a few strokes with his hands, and a plan that seemed tall but actually illogical surfaced.

However, no one answered.

Sleepiness swept over, Wen Goudan yelled and said to a few people: "I'm getting old, I can't move my cultivation. Why don't you call me at dawn?"

He rolled his head under the quilt and prepared to go to sleep, Song Yi's words were like thunder on the ground, and the brains of the fried Wen dog buzzed.

Wen Goudan sat up in shock from his dying sleep, "What did you say? The wind was too strong just now, so I didn't hear it."

Song Yi patiently repeated a sentence, "It is 27:42 Beijing time."

"Are you kidding me?" Wen Goudan said with a hard smile, "Although I don't read much, I still know the basics 24 hours a day."

Passerby B, Passerby A, and Duan Geng nodded in unison.

Wen Ning stared at the gray sky outside, "Really? We appear here, do you think common sense is still a bit like before?"

Wen Goudan couldn't hold back anymore, he lay down on the ground and snarled like a child, "I don't care, I don't care, I want to sleep, I want to be in the daytime. I don't..."

The voice stopped abruptly, Wen Goudan looked at the roof of the stable, and the card appeared in his hand and turned into a yellow talisman.

Huang Fu Chi slipped onto the black shadow that Wen Goudan saw, and the blue smoke burst out and creaked.

The ashes of the talisman fell faintly, and Wen Goudan yelled angrily, "What's so weird!"

The colorful lights lit up instantly, almost blinding Wen Goudan's eyes.

"The light is beautiful, don't turn it on next time."

Wen Goudan looked at Wen Ning with a full face of approval, "Little girl, you are my substitute!"

"Ahaha, I'm sorry I turned on the wrong light."

Passer-by B hilariously put away his karaoke light card and replaced it with a new light.

The brightness of this lamp is up to 3200W.

"This is it."

Wen Ning asked curiously, "Why do you have so many light cards?"

Passerby B was asked about this, his face collapsed, "Ten consecutive R cards, if you talk too much, you will cry."

Ah this...

Wen Ning's conscience ached slightly, "I'm sorry, but on the bright side, at least it's not a ten-year cup."

What if the passer-by is even more stuffy!
"what is this!"

The exclamation drew Wen Ning's attention back.

The whole face of the corpse hanging upside down and from the ceiling is twisted into a whirlpool, and it is impossible to tell which facial features it is.

Looking at the clothes of the corpse, Wen Ning suddenly looked at the black heart station outside the stable.

It's the woman in the duo! ! !

Wen Ning looked away and collided with Song Yi's gaze, and the two eyes met briefly before moving quickly.

The horoscope knife flew out, cutting the rope of the woman's corpse hanging upside down on the roof of the stable.

The body fell to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.

When Song Yi stepped forward and squatted down to investigate further, there was the sound of howling wolves outside the stable, and thick fog instantly poured into the stable to block all sight and separate people.

The mist as thick as milk blocked Wen Ning's sight, and she focused her attention on her surroundings.


"Wow wow wow!"



One after another, voices sounded all around, and the voices were mixed, and Wen Ning couldn't hear the voices shifting.

The best way is to stay where you are and wait for someone to find it.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on her shoulder.

Wen Ning grabbed it with her backhand and threw it over her shoulder.

"Oh~ it's me, little girl!"

Wen Goudan lay on the ground and howled.

His eyes were full of resentment, trying to make Wen Ning feel guilty.

But Wen Ning had already sold her qualities, and ignored his sad eyes.

"Little girl, come to help me, my waist flashed."

When she said she would give her a hand, she really gave her a hand, Wen Ning pointed out that she couldn't stretch her hand.

Wen Goudan supported his waist with one hand, pointed at Wen Ning with the other, and said, "You doll, you have a bit of conscience, but not much."

Wen Ning ignored his words, and directly placed the knife on Wen Goudan's neck.

"People? Creepy?"

Wen Goudan was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, "Would it be weird for a person like me who looks like Pan An like me, handsome, talented, and well-educated?"

He finished the adjective without panting in one breath.

Wen Ning's horoscope was a little closer, "Coincidentally, I'm crafty."

"Who isn't?"

As soon as these words came out, the horoscope knife got closer to Wen Goudan's neck.

He raised his hands above his head, his face full of astonishment, "Please, we are all colleagues, why bother to embarrass each other."

The answer to Wen Goudan was a slight tingling in the neck.

He looked as if he was constipated, and it took him a long time to say, "Then... okay, I suggest you kill me and swallow it in one gulp, because I'm afraid of pain and don't support chewing."

Wen Ning: ... After confirming the brain circuit, this Wen dog is a human being.

For a moment, she didn't know whether Wen Goudan had a big heart, or he was confident.

The horoscope knife was suddenly put away, and Wen Goudan, who had already secretly pulled out his card and was about to fight to the death, was confused.

Him: Meh (+_+)?
Boss, don't get stuck!
"Sorry, I offended you just now."

Wen Goudan was caught in the circle again, and blurted out "It's okay, it's okay!"

After finishing speaking, he slapped himself regretfully, he must be sick, he was going to kill himself just now!

I also comforted the other party, looking around and shouting when the Leshan Giant Buddha came, fellow Taoist!

(End of this chapter)

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