Become a god in the horror world

Chapter 14 The Sealed Cabin

Chapter 14 The Sealed Cabin

The azure sea looks quiet and peaceful under the afterglow of the setting sun, and the sea city standing proudly in the middle of the sea is silent.

A bang shot pierced through the morning glow and echoed throughout the cabin.

"That's a mouse, what are you doing?" The other person pulled the shooter, complaining in his tone.

The hand holding the gun was already shaking badly, he was too scared, that's why he made a little movement and tensed up like that.

The people around him didn't look very well at him. In this situation, not only the shooters couldn't stand it, they were almost at their limit.

Gu Zhiwei has had enough of this. The small cabin is sparsely hiding from a dozen or so people. It has been four days now, and they are almost out of ammunition and food.

I still remember that when I was in the castle, I could still eat regular meals, but here it has become a luxury.

And what Ye Jinyao said: It's not good to be hungry.

She finally realized what it was like, and she hadn't seen Ye Jinyao for four days.

Most of the time, Han Jinyu closed his eyes behind him and rested his mind, and he didn't speak much. When he woke up from here on the first day, he looked at her stared blankly for a moment, and now Gu Zhiwei still remembers it.

If she remembered correctly, she seemed to have changed into someone else, but Han Jinyu could still recognize her at a glance.

There is a small window on one side of this cabin, letting them know the day and night, and occasionally they can climb up to look out, but the only thing they can see is the sparkling sea water.

After Gu Zhi looked at it once, she stopped going. She didn't like a space that was too closed. Fortunately, Han Jinyu was still there, which gave her a little peace of mind.

There was a rotten and musty smell in the cabin, which was not very pleasant, but they had no other place to go. This place seemed to be on a cruise ship. If Gu Zhiwei's guess was correct, what they stayed here might just be the tip of the iceberg.

"If there are mice, there must be a way out. We can't sit here and wait for death." Someone in the crowd said something.

These words sound reasonable, waiting aimlessly is not a good choice, not to mention that they now have no food supplies other than weapons.

At the beginning, the openable area was only the two opposite cabins, which should be the resting place for the crew. The rest of the area seemed to be sealed off. There was no place to open, and the cabin door was locked tightly. .

Someone opened his mouth, and someone started to look along the path of the mouse just now. The place was only as thick as an adult's arm, which seemed to be an air vent, and they lowered their heads in disappointment.

Gu Zhiwei stood up, the atmosphere here was too depressing, if he waited like this, he might really starve to death.

Behind Han Jinyu opened his eyes and stood up, Gu Zhi gave him a suspicious look, but with so many people around, it was hard for her to ask any questions, after the two of them went out, there were rustling voices inside.

The sound was not loud, but in such a small space, even the echo seemed redundant.

"What do you think is the relationship between the two of them?"

"Who knows, if you say they are a couple, they don't look like each other, if you say they are not, the behavior of the two of them is so close, especially that woman, who is shameless." These words sounded a little sour.

The people next to her naturally knew about this woman, but they couldn't eat grapes and said grapes were sour, but no one would get involved in things that had nothing to do with them.

It is said that why do women make things difficult for women, but people are such strange creatures, they can still gossip in such a place where they don't know if they can see the sun.

Gu Zhiwei didn't take it seriously. Anyway, at this time, face and safety are nothing compared to her. She can't do without Han Jinyu, she admitted.

The corridors were less than three or four meters long. The rear was completely sealed, and the front was a locked hatch. Strangely, there was no keyhole.

"What do you mean by that?" Gu Zhiwei naturally referred to their current situation.

Han Jinyu shook his head, he didn't know either.

The lights in the cabin were on day and night, if the wall clock on the wall was not still running, they almost didn't know what time was.

The last pack of biscuits in Gu Zhiwei's pocket was given to a pregnant woman. Although she doesn't know if the time in this world will run, and whether the pregnant woman will give birth as in reality, Gu Zhiwei just looked at her and couldn't bear it. make up your mind.

"Thank you." When the other party took it, Gu Zhiwei found that her hands were a little dirty, there was something stuck between her fingernails, and the black was shiny. She should be more pregnant, and it was very inconvenient to move.

As soon as he came here, Gu Zhiwei noticed that the other party huddled in the corner of the bed most of the time, didn't talk much, and his sense of existence was extremely low.

When the hour hand reached eleven o'clock, it was pitch black outside the small window.

Gu Zhiwei leaned against Han Jinyu, not knowing what to do, and also worried about Ye Jinyao, Shi Yuxian and her daughter.

"Why, worry about them?" Hearing a soft sigh from his shoulder, Han Jinyu asked softly.

"Well, a little bit. After all, I still have children with me, and I don't know how they are doing."

Han Jinyu: "Don't worry, don't look at Ye he who is usually fooling around, he does things properly."

"I always feel like I'm dreaming. How much I wish I could see the breakfast my aunt made for me as soon as I opened my eyes."

Han Jinyu couldn't pick up on this, and he didn't dare to promise her that he would get better, and he didn't know what to say.

"Is there an aunt who cooks at my sister's house?" There was a little boy about ten years old at a distance of one person.

Gu Zhiwei chatted with him several times, he seemed to be alone, but occasionally she could feel the eyes of the little boy and the pregnant woman, maybe it was the child's curiosity.

"Well, auntie's cooking is delicious, but I'm a bit picky eater, so it's hard for auntie." In the past few days of being trapped, Gu Zhiwei had forgotten what Han Jinyu had said to her.

"I'm also a picky eater. My mother always talks about me, but I probably won't be able to eat the meals my mother cooks in the future." The child is young and may have a little understanding of things here, but he is clearer about his own situation.

Gu Zhi sat down slightly, waved to the little boy, and asked him to lean towards her, "Picky eaters are not good children, and the president is not tall, so if there is a chance in the future, you must eat all the meals made by mother OK."

"It turns out that my sister is so short because of picky eaters." The child may not listen to the key points, and only picks up what he can understand.

"You're quite skinny, little thing." Gu Zhi patted his forehead lightly.

Because of the child's words, Han Jinyu smiled lowly, afraid of laughing out loud, and his whole body trembled when he held back his laughter.

"Why are you laughing, I'm not very short, at least 1.6 meters is good."

"How much is that?" It may be the child's childish words, which eased the current mood, and Han Jinyu became humorous rarely.

Gu Zhi raised her chest unconvinced, "Why, I'm messing with someone when I wear shoes that are 1.7 meters tall."

"Yes, yes, yes." Han Jinyu quickly echoed, his good figure was in full view, and the dark night covered his reddish face.

(End of this chapter)

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