Chapter 17 Face

Under the hood is the face of a goddess in a man's dream, wearing it, Ye Jinyao is familiar with it, and Ye Jinyao also knows the child in his arms, named An An, but this woman?

"Mom~" An An called out.

The goddess subconsciously said, "Hey, I'm here." After she finished speaking, she seemed to have realized something was wrong, and then looked at Ye Jinyao next to her, her expression confirmed her thoughts, she bit her lip and lowered her head, thinking about how to explain it.

"Aunt Zixi, why are you here? Where's mom?" An An suddenly called out.

Only then did Ye Jinyao realize that they should also know each other. "An'an, sit down first, I'll talk to your aunt."

"Yeah." An An nodded softly.

Ye Jinyao only woke up a little earlier than Lin Zixi. They seemed to be in a cabin with the endless sea outside. Although it was a cabin similar to a small suite, the environment in the cabin was not good, and there was a smell everywhere. Moldy, like it hasn't been used for a long time.

When he woke up, Ye Jinyao searched the surroundings. There were only the three of them. There was no trace of Han Jinyu and Gu Zhiwei, let alone anyone else. As for how long they had been asleep, he had no idea of ​​time at all.

"You..." Ye Jinyao pointed to her face.

Lin Zixi was very beautiful, with an astonishing beauty at first glance, which was different from Ye Jinyao's beauty when he first saw her profile, and she was even more beautiful like this.

"An An's mother and I are best friends." Coming to this world was a complete coincidence for Lin Zixi. "I can probably guess why I became like that. When the accident happened, I was thinking about Yuxian's safety, so maybe..."

Lin Zixi didn't say anything further, but Ye Jinyao probably understood, but there were still some things he couldn't figure out, "Why did you have an accident with your best friend's child?"

Lin Zixi lowered her head, as if she didn't intend to tell him the ins and outs of the matter.

"Then you also know that big dragon?" The man who was bitten at that time, if Ye Jinyao remembered correctly, they should be familiar with each other.

Lin Zixi nodded, "He is from the same town as my best friend."

"Fellow countryman?" Ye Jinyao was a little skeptical about this, at least judging from the man's attitude towards her, if it was said that Lin Zixi had to rely on that man for the safety of herself and her children, endure a little bit of grievance, This is understandable.

"I don't know exactly what their relationship is." After Lin Zixi finished speaking, he hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "When I came to this world, I heard from them that they seemed to be brought on the verge of death. I'm here, but I haven't seen Yuxian here, so maybe..."

This question seems to have troubled Lin Zixi for a long time. At that time, because of that face, she couldn't find a suitable person to ask.

Ye Jinyao glanced at her, and finally nodded. These things were also told to her by her predecessors.

If she and the child's mother were at the scene of the accident, the only explanation might be that the other party was dead. "Then how do you explain it to the child?"

Lin Zixi was also a little hesitant about this, the accident happened so quickly at that time, no matter what kind of grievances or grievances there were between the adults, the child was always innocent.

Looking at her expression, Ye Jinyao saw that she was difficult to do, "Forget it, I'm not a small person, just tell her directly."

Lin Zixi pulled him back and shook her head, "Let me tell her."

Watching people walk into the cabin, after a while, the sound of a child crying softly came from inside.

"An'an is a bit autistic, so talking to her in a normal way may be a bit unacceptable." After Lin Zixi finished talking to the child, she saw Ye Jinyao also walk in,

Ye Jinyao nodded, understanding.

In the small cabin, there was not much food to be found. Ye Jinyao carefully inspected the two rooms, and the cabin door seemed to be locked by something from the outside.

The entire cabin is relatively closed, like the living area on the bottom floor of the cruise ship. Ye Jinyao guessed that this should be a resting place for the crew on board.

"What's the matter?" Lin Zixi had just put An An to sleep. The child had been greatly stimulated in the last world, and because of the sudden disappearance of his mother, it was a time of vulnerability.

Ye Jinyao shook his head, shook the door, it was locked tightly, and there was no response.

Trapped is still not a solution, Ye Jinyao also found that the cruise ship seemed to be parked in place, except for a dagger on his body, it was a gun, and the windows of the cruise ship were made of bulletproof glass, so the gun was not very effective.

After persisting for another two days, Ye Jinyao became a little impatient. If this continues, the three of them will starve to death.

"Aunt Zixi, I'm hungry." The child's voice sounded weak.

Ye Jinyao shook the still door and kicked it up, "Fuck, is the owner here sick? Is this going to starve us to death?"

The child was startled by Ye Jinyao's roar, and curled up beside Lin Zixi, staring at him.

Lin Zixi comforted An An, "It's all right..."

In the closed cabin, there are limited things that can be done. In the past two days, they have relied on the water in the water storage tank on the toilet to persist.

The child was so hungry that he couldn't bear it, and would cry softly from time to time, and Ye Jinyao would occasionally get annoyed with anxiety, and stayed silent in the room outside by himself.

There was just a little sunlight coming out of the window that day, and he heard voices talking outside in a daze.

At first, he just thought it was a hallucination after being too hungry, but then the voice got closer and closer, Ye Jinyao forced himself to stand up, and almost staggered and sat back down.

Bang bang banging on the cabin door, "Outside..." His throat was a little dry, and it was also because they hadn't communicated in the past two days, "Is there anyone outside..."

Perhaps the people outside heard the movement, and it was quiet for a while. They didn't know where they were until Ye Jinyao patted the cabin door again and again.

"Is there someone inside..." The voice of the outsider seemed to be covered by something.

It was Ye Jinyao's banging on the door again.

"Stay away from the door, don't hurt you."


The door was pushed open from the outside, and the cabin door seemed to be in disrepair, and there was a creaking movement between the rusted iron plates.

Ye Jinyao finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Lin Zixi helped the child out from inside.

The person who pushed the door to save them was the same guy with the mustache who wanted to recruit Han Jinyu into the gang but was humiliated instead.

Lin Zixi had already put on a hat, so that he couldn't see his face clearly, but Mustache looked at the child twice more, Liu Deliang bumped him with his elbow, and he came back to his senses.

"You should be hungry too, eat something." Mustache handed over something, and Lin Zixi stretched out her white hand to take it.

(End of this chapter)

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