Chapter 19
What makes Gu Zhiwei most sad about this place is that there is no restaurant, to be precise, there is no place to eat.

As the person in charge of the company, Gu Zhiwei has high requirements on her quality of life. She doesn't want to become a sick child at a young age, but now they even have something to eat.

After going out from the restaurant, some places had open hatches, and occasionally passed by some entertainment facilities. These things were of no use to them, and she even missed the meal in the castle.

In the huge cruise ship, the few of them are like inconspicuous grains of sand. The open area on this floor has not gone from the beginning to the end, Gu Zhiwei is already tired and doesn't want to move anymore.

The people who came out of the cabin with them had long since disappeared. After a long time, they still seemed to be spinning around in place.

"I'm not going, whoever wants to go will go." The benches at the entrance of the luxury goods looked much more upscale than other places, Gu Zhiwei sat there and started to play.

The bread that was only the size of a palm in the morning made her walk for almost a whole morning after eating it, and she has almost reached the limit of digestion by now.

Li Baoni hesitated and took out the biscuit from his jacket pocket and handed it over. Gu Zhi glanced at it, and it was given to her by himself at the time, "I'm not hungry." Her stomach growled.

Li Baoni stuffed it into her hand, "Eat it, you can eat it."

"It's better for you to eat, you took the baby and walked for so long..." After saying this, Gu Zhiwei blushed in embarrassment, knowing that other pregnant women and children didn't say a word of tiredness. Good feet, isn't it a bit too hypocritical.

Han Jinyu saw her embarrassment, "Let's take a break, it's been a long walk, and I didn't find any clues from the beginning to the end. It's tiring to go on like this."

I searched all the way just now, and those rooms with open doors seem to have been searched.

Gu Zhi said slightly: The "owners" of this world must starve to death, so they have to be starved to death cruelly, that is really not a good way to die.

Holding the biscuit in his hand, Gu Zhiwei still didn't eat it, and gave it back to Li Baoni. Li Baoni glanced at her, and finally took it and put it in his jacket pocket.

"Xiao Ming, are you hungry?" Gu Zhiwei wanted to do something else to divert his attention.

Xiao Ming shook his head and said he wasn't hungry, but Gu Zhiwei was gone again, feeling that the kid was really seldom talking, and was rubbing his stomach, so hungry that he couldn't take it anymore, a smell of stewed pork ribs came over.


"Huh?" Han Jinyu turned around, "What?"

"Do you smell it?"

Han Jinyu: "What?"

"It smells so good~" Gu Zhiwei is not a carnivore, but when a person is hungry to a certain extent, I am afraid that as long as it is eaten, it is delicious.

Han Jinyu shook his head and said he didn't smell it, Gu Zhiwei asked Li Baoni again, Li Baoni also said he didn't smell it.

"It's strange." Gu Zhiwei stood up, you might say that you are hallucinating from hunger, but at this moment, the level of hunger should not be enough, but why only you can smell it.

Following the aroma of pork ribs, Gu Zhiwei really found a place to eat, the door was not big, as if it was suddenly picked out in this dazzling array of shops, it seemed a bit abrupt.

"It came from here." Gu Zhi pointed slightly, and the fragrance became more intense.

Han Jinyu took a sniff, as if he finally smelled something.

The surrounding area was still empty, there was no one there, only the four of them, Gu Zhiwei walked in first, there were two sparse tables in the shop, and the cleaning was decent.

But in the past, Gu Zhiwei probably wouldn't even take a look at such a place.

On one of the tables, there was an electric pot, and the meat was gurgling in it. The aroma came from there, and Gu Zhi's saliva almost overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

She licked her lips, even though she was hungry, Gu Zhiwei still didn't forget to ask, "Can I eat it?" She was thinking that as long as Han Jinyu said the word can, she could immediately swallow half of it, but the reality is Cruel, beautiful lips uttered two cruel words, "No."

Gu Zhi jumped slightly, "Why can't it be done, delicious meat, look, four pairs of chopsticks, these are prepared for us for no apparent reason, what's wrong with eating it, and you won't die."

Of course Han Jinyu knew that no one would die, but he was afraid that Gu Zhiwei would vomit.Before he could find an excuse, Li Baoni and Xiao Ming picked up the chopsticks and started scooping up the meat in the pot without fear of it being hot.

Go down with the chopsticks, get up again, the meat is meat, the bones are bones, not to mention how delicious it looks, Gu Zhiwei's eyes are red, seeing that the two of them seem to be fine after eating, so she is going to get the chopsticks, and is caught Han Jinyu saw the intention and gave her a hand directly.

"Don't eat, both of you. Wait for me here. I'll take her to the back to see what's going on. Don't run around."

When they said this, the two of them had already eaten several yuan. One of them was hungry to the limit, and there was a pot of meat in front of him. Even if it was poisonous, he would probably eat it. So what kind of meat is this pot? It's a lifesaver.

But Han Jinyu opened his mouth, and the two of them obediently put down their chopsticks.

Gu Zhiwei only thought that he was making a fuss, but after thinking about it, there are indeed too many uncertainties in this world, so it's good to go and have a look, and eat later, to see how this man still pulls himself.

Li Baoni and Xiao Ming were sitting almost motionless, there was no one around at this time, and it was broad daylight, so Gu Zhiwei didn't think there would be any problem.

Going inside, there is a bar first, the store is not big, the whole store is divided into two from the bar, Gu Zhiwei thought, why did he come to this world, what happened to the "owner" here .

On such a huge cruise ship, it took half a day to get here from the cabin where they woke up. In the impression of Gu Zhiwei's busy life, time is counted in minutes and seconds, but here, time is the most useless thing .

Han Jinyu habitually walked in front, with one hand in a protective posture to block Gu Zhiwei, as if there was any danger, as if he could protect the person immediately.

In real life, there are many people who are kind to her. Those who approach her are because of her money, and because of her status. Now that I think about it, how blind is that man named Zhou He that he thinks he can accompany her? I spent the rest of my life by myself.

"Follow me after you go in, don't run around." Although the store looks small from the outside, no one knows what it will look like behind.

"Yeah." Gu Zhi responded slightly, unconsciously tugging at the corner of Han Jinyu's clothes.

"What's the matter?" Han Jinyu turned around, thinking that there was something wrong with her, but Gu Zhiwei just shook her head, she couldn't say anything, but felt that this man who hadn't been with him for a long time seemed like he had known him for a long time, which gave her inexplicable peace of mind.

 As long as it exists, it is reasonable.

  Relatively speaking, it is a relatively complete story chain, (the dog's head saves his life)
  Relatively complete (hahaha)

(End of this chapter)

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