Become a god in the horror world

Chapter 38 Gao Hong's tragic death

Chapter 38 Gao Hong's tragic death

Looking at Gu Zhi's slightly open arms, Han Jinyu didn't realize what it meant for a while.


Gu Zhi tilted her head slightly, "Huh? Can't we just go back to the bar in a hurry?" Han Jinyu was amused by her with gestures as she spoke.

"You really didn't listen to what you said just now."


Han Jinyu: "I don't have enough mental strength, so I may not be able to do it in such a short time. Let the two of us go back to the bar at the same time."

"Oh, that's it." Gu Zhiwei didn't quite understand this, "Then why don't you try it, what if it works?"

Looking at the gesture of wanting to throw his arms into his arms, Han Jinyu felt that he was no longer a man, so he pursed his lips and hugged him. At this moment, how can a man say that he can't do it?Even if it really can't, it has to work.

It was only Gu Zhi's blink of an eye, and they seem to have moved from the original inner cabin to the room with the balcony, because the moonlight can be seen here.

He could still feel a cool breeze blowing in, almost as soon as he landed on the ground, Han Jinyu himself felt incredible.

"It seems that the mental strength is really not enough, because if I guess correctly, we seem to be still on the fourth floor."

Han Jinyu was a little ashamed when she said that, but in fact, he didn't even think about going back to that bar at that time.

By the moonlight, Gu Zhiwei saw his embarrassment, "Ah, you don't have to think about it, at least you chose a good place, didn't you?"

"Why didn't I realize that you are so good at comforting people?"

Gu Zhiwei sat aside alone, "Maybe you don't know me well enough."

Maybe he was really tired, or maybe Han Jinyu was beside him, Gu Zhiwei felt very relieved and fell asleep after a while.

When Gu Zhiwei opened her eyes again, she was in the bar on the fifth floor and glanced at Han Jinyu. Han Jinyu nodded at him, presumably his mental strength had almost recovered, and he secretly brought her up.

It was still early, and everyone had just woken up. When Lin Zixi woke up, his eyes were a little red, and Ye Jinyao leaned over with concern, "What's wrong?"

Lin Zixi sniffled, "I had a dream, I dreamed of An An."

In fact, in this case, the chance of the child surviving is almost zero, let alone the two who know the truth on the other side.

Ye Jinyao hugged her shoulders, "Relax, I believe she will be fine, maybe at this time, she has already woken up in the real world, so we have to work hard to get out of this world as soon as possible .”

"Do you know how to get out? Draw big cakes for me at a young age?" Lin Zixi was amused by his skinny face.

Ye Jinyao didn't know that, he just wanted to comfort her subconsciously just now.

From Lily's diary, Gu Zhiwei can probably see that the answer should be found by going to the upper floors of the cruise ship. Moreover, at this time, the lower floors are almost occupied by walking corpses, so going down is not very effective.

"Sister Zixi, when you lead the way, try to find the direction of the stairs going up. I want to go up and see what's going on."

The entire 16th floor of the cruise ship, they are now on the fifth floor, and there are still many places above. If they continue to search like this, they don't know if there are enough supplies. Gu Zhiwei looked at Li Baoni's stomach, and was also a little worried.

As if she knew she was looking at her, Li Baoni smiled at Gu Zhi.

After leaving the bar, these two days were almost repetitive things, collecting supplies during the day and hiding from the walking corpses at night. Gu Zhiwei also found that the walking corpses below did not seem to come up, but after passing the fifth floor, some The walking dead can also climb up.

During this time, Ye Jinyao thought about not taking the usual route, and planned to find a balcony room and go directly to the upper floor, but the reality was cruel, and the idea did not come true.

When walking further up, Gu Zhiwei and the others ran into another familiar face. The man was lying on the bed, wearing only shorts, his back seemed to have been beaten by something, his skin was ripped apart, and there was no intact part of his leg. .

That day, Gu Zhiwei remembered that the weather was quite good. It was a rare sunny day, the room was bigger as it went up, and the more places the sun could shine. The man just lay on the bed like that, without any movement.

When Han Jinyu approached and turned the person over, he realized that it was Gao Hong. The last time Gu Zhiwei heard Gao Hong was when he and Han Jinyu were looking for the broken pages of the diary that day.

Later, Han Jinyu told him that those two people should be the ones who followed the moustache at the beginning, but the surname Gao in the population, I don’t know if it is Gao Hong, if so, then the woman they are talking about can only be It's Shuxi.

Before they could continue to check, there was a voice at the door, "Oh, you are still alive." Of course Gu Zhiwei was familiar with this voice, it belonged to Shu Xi.

"Sister." Yin Weilin ran over when he saw the person coming.

"Xiao Lin is good." Shu Xi smiled and rubbed Yin Weilin's head, "How about it, did you encounter any interesting things when you were with Sister Gu and the others?"

Like Xianbao, Yin Weilin handed over his album, "Draw, Xiao Lin, be good, and draw well."

Although he knew that Yin Weilin had the ability to predict the future, Gu Zhiwei hadn't looked at his paintings since the time he lost control in the bar, so he didn't know what he drew.

"You should have also discovered that Xiaolin's paintings seem to have the function of predicting, so if these few paintings of his are really going to happen, I don't think it should be something that people can relax."

Those paintings were still the same as what Gu Zhiwei saw. They were all being chased by walking corpses, chasing all the way forward, and she could vaguely see her own shadow in those paintings.

There are also Han Jinyu, Ye Jinyao and Lin Zixi, and if it is really as described in the painting, it is impossible for Yin Weilin to be with Shu Xi.

There is no shadow of Shu Xi in the painting, that is to say, there are only two possibilities for Shu Xi at that time, either he is already dead, or he is in a very safe place.

"I know what you're thinking. Are you missing me, sister Gu, or them in these paintings?" Shu Xi pointed to Li Baoni and Xiao Ming.

Gu Zhiwei didn't say it at first, and didn't think about the possibility, because she was afraid that if she said it, it would scare Li Baoni and the others. One was a pregnant woman with a big belly, and the other was a half-grown child.

In addition, is it possible that Yin Weilin's paintings are not complete at all.

"Actually, I'm not afraid at all. Look at this man, he tortured me so much, and finally died at my hands." Shu Xi seemed to not care about what was on the painting at all, and walked to the bed, as if caressing something precious. The same thing, touched the already dead Gao Hong.

Then with a snap, she pulled out the belt and slapped Gao Hong's body a few times, with a cruel expression on her face, as if she hated this person to the bone.

(End of this chapter)

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