Chapter 51 Snow Doll

From far to near in the dark night are the eyes of the wolves. They seem to be very hungry. With good eyesight, they can see the saliva dripping from the corners of their mouths. Two of the wolves still have some blood stains at the corners of their mouths, as if they have just eaten.

It is not a snowy day, and there will not be many animals that come out to look for food at this time, unless something attracts him.

"What's the situation?" Xu Changde put on his coat and took two steps forward.

The wolf's sense of smell is very sensitive, and the preparations before departure have been done. It stands to reason that they should not attract them. Why did they come out again?This kind of animal has never been able to haunt alone. Their old, weak, sick and disabled team, let alone deal with a pack of wolves, is extremely difficult.

Everyone raised their vigilance, Ye Jinyao picked up the unfinished stick and stuffed one into Lin Zixi's hand, and the wolves got closer and closer.

There are hordes of wolves in front of them, and behind them are mountains that cannot be crossed. They are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, with no retreat.

Han Jinyu pulled Gu Zhiwei, he could guarantee their safety, but what about Ye Jinyao and Lin Zixi?What about those people, things can't be that simple.


Just when everyone was at a loss, children's laughter suddenly came from the empty surroundings, and the sound of hehehe resounded throughout the snow mountain.

The pack of wolves also stopped, and suddenly the pure black wolf howled, followed by the sound of wolves running, coming straight to them, without giving them a chance to react.

Those wolves were moving very fast. Everyone ran away to protect themselves. The whole camp was in chaos. Just when everyone thought they couldn't run away, there was a barrier in front of them. The wolves collided in the air. It was bloody.

Accompanied by the suicidal behavior of the wolves, the child's laughter was even more distant.

After a while, the pack of wolves collapsed in front of everyone's eyes. Gu Zhiwei was frightened by the sight, and Zhu Lifang fell to the ground in fright, screaming all the time.

"Shut up, you." Feng Weixiang finally looked at her as if he was holding onto her pigtail.

But after Zhu Lifang finished yelling, she curled up into a ball and trembled all over.

Zhou Jun and Luo Hongping protected Fu Yueru behind them, and each of them held a dagger in his hand, as if as long as the wolf caught up, they would definitely separate the wolf's head.

Lin Zixi was also a little scared, Ye Jinyao put the gun hand on his waist, and finally let it go after the strange behavior of those wolves.

Lin Zixi next to her seemed to lose her strength, and she collapsed. Ye Jinyao caught her quickly, "Sister Zixi."

"Huh..." Lin Zixi's heart beat fast, and it took a long time before she said that she was fine.

But just when everyone was rejoicing for the rest of their lives, Gulu Gulu rolled out countless snowballs in that barrier-like place, and a wolf's body would roll out a snowball, and then followed The snowballs next to it merged into one.

The snowball rubbed against the snow, making a sound like a child laughing, rolling around from time to time, as if playing, this scene made Gu Zhiwei feel inexplicably familiar, and then remembered the time when they were in the Aimai scenic spot, Little child making a snowman.

These snowballs are like naughty children. They didn't stop rolling until they could no longer see those wolves.

There were countless snowballs in front of them. Li Daikun kicked the fire and added another one, which made the fire even hotter. Xu Lang, who was next to him, was looking at those crazy wolves expressionlessly. But when those wolves turned into snowballs one by one, his eyes opened very big.

Just like the pictures he had seen in his mind before, he looked at those snowballs without blinking.

"What's the situation now?" After a long time, the whole snow field returned to calm, Fu Yueru came out from the circle surrounded by the two, and asked suspiciously.

To Gu Zhiwei and the others, it may be nothing, but after all, Fu Yueru and the others are just people from this world, so these scenes are a bit too weird.

Xia Hongzhang was muttering something, and after a while he knelt down on the ground again, digging up the snow, and kept making plausible words in his mouth.

Gu Zhiwei wanted to go up to check, but Han Jinyu held her back, Gu Zhiwei shook his head at him, "It's okay." She didn't feel the malice of these strange snowballs, so she just wanted to take a look.

Those snowballs are similar to the foundations they built when they made snowmen, except that these snowballs are smoother, probably for the convenience of movement.

Gu Zhiwei squatted down, Han Jinyu followed closely one step at a time, leaning against her, with his hands above her all the time, it seemed that if there was any problem, he would definitely lift Gu Zhiwei's collar and pass it to the safest place.

Gu Zhiwei didn't know the little Jiujiu in his heart, and lightly touched the snowball in front of him, but the snowball didn't respond at all, just like the most ordinary snow piled up.

Everyone held their breath, afraid that if there was any movement, it would startle the "alien creature" in the snowball, but when they saw that Gu Zhiwei did not respond after touching it, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe the scene just now was just a mirage*, or maybe it was just a hallucination of not waking up.

Gu Zhi was slightly unsure, and stretched out her hand to touch it lightly.Almost the moment she withdrew her hand, the snowball melted and turned into a small transparent flying insect, like a firefly, shining yellow.

The little flying insect flapped its small wings and flew higher and higher, when it was at the same height as Gu Zhiwei's parallel line of sight, it stopped and went up, its wings fluttered extremely fast, as if expressing its own happiness.

Gu Zhi felt it slightly, and raised her lips unconsciously, "Han, did you see it, it's greeting me..." Gu Zhi slightly excitedly reached out and tugged Han Jinyu behind him.

Han Jinyu in the back frowned and said "hmm", as if he was very unhappy with what happened in front of him.

That unhappy aura soon infected the little flying insects, and the little flying car flew higher and higher, and then disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

The people behind did not step forward because of fear, and the light of the little flying insects was too weak to see.

Feng Weixiang thought of the things he encountered when he went to the convenience just now, and they seemed to be some strange little snowballs.

Thinking that there was nothing wrong, he stepped forward and kicked one of them, and the snowdrift scattered in all directions, blending with the snow-white earth.

"Xiao Feng..." Xu Changde couldn't stop the fast-footed people behind him, and could only watch helplessly as he kicked away the snowdrift.

"It's okay, Mr. Xu, I saw this thing just now when I was conveniently behind the stone. I'm afraid it was formed by some special geographical reaction. It's not so evil..." Feng Weixiang didn't take it seriously, and smiled Said.

Then, as if to prove his point, he raised his foot to kick again, but before Gu Zhiwei could speak, he felt the ground under his feet start to shake.

Han Jinyu's ready movements happened to be able to easily stabilize her and protect her in his arms.

But Feng Weixiang was not so lucky.

(End of this chapter)

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