Chapter 53
All the beautiful legends seem to be passed on by word of mouth, but those misinterpreted goodwills have become knives to perish.

More and more people poured into the frozen land, but ordinary people couldn't bear the extreme cold. The priestess patriarch couldn't bear the people's succession, so he summoned the tribe to die.

Ice and snow have spirits, they walked into the pagoda temple hand in hand, listened to the eulogy of the patriarch Shen Mian with a smile, and finally merged with the ice and snow.

From then on, legends belonged to legends, and the clan of Lingshan witches turned into ice and snow, and completed the final mission with their lives and souls.


The story is heavy in the end, as Xia Hongzhang himself said, it is all a legend, so no one will pursue whether his grandmother's grandmother is a descendant of the Lingshan clan.

Xia Hongzhang has no ulterior purpose, he may just want to verify grandma's story.

"Those symbols are a little fuzzy in my mind, but I reckon I can guess a few general meanings." After the story was told, Xia Hongzhang also returned to the topic, and as for whether the story was true or not, it was up to them to ponder.

"It should be said that the land of the home will return to the land of no land." Lin Zixi interrupted suddenly.

Gu Zhi looked at her slightly, wondering how she could understand, Lin Zixi saw the doubt in her eyes, and then said: "At the ski resort, those dolls who built snowmen together once drew that picture on the ground. A few symbols, I didn’t take them seriously at the time, I seemed to be muttering this in my mouth when I was painting.”

Pointing to the symbol around the hole in the drawing paper, Gu Zhiwei didn't remember it, or didn't pay attention at all.

The land of the home is no land?The general meaning that Xia Hongzhang can guess is also the same. Maybe the simple explanation is that there is no place for the ending?Or is this the place where it ends?
"Should it be possible to go down this hole?" Gu Zhi opened his mouth slightly, and everyone became nervous. In fact, everyone wanted to know this question. Otherwise, in such a icy and snowy place, why did a hole appear out of thin air.

What's the point if it's not for letting them in.

Fu Yueru rubbed her hands, "Then go down for a walk and see if you don't know." She belongs to the action group, and doesn't like to be like a scholar who knows nothing, studying some unnecessary things there.

And as soon as she opened her mouth, Zhou Jun and Luo Hongping behind her began to pack their backpacks in a tacit understanding, which seemed to be the result of long-term training.

They would not ask her why, and why she had to go down, as if as soon as Fu Yueru opened her mouth, they would jump down without saying a word.

Han Jinyu didn't think so. No one knew what was going on down there, so he pulled Gu Zhiwei who was next to him, "You're up there, I'll go down with them to find out first."

As if hearing something terrible, Gu Zhi glanced at him in surprise, shook his head, "No, if you want to go down, go down together."

Zhou Jun and Luo Hongping also meant that.

Ye Jinyao was actually a little entangled, and didn't want Lin Zixi to go down to take risks, but if he went down by himself and left Lin Zixi on top, no one could say whether he would run into wolves again.

And that weird snowball, what the hell is it?If it has something to do with the story told by Xia Hongzhang, can it be assumed that those moving snowballs are the people who martyred themselves for the priestess clan.

But the witches are not kind people, they are willing to protect the frozen land, how could they easily take Feng Weixiang away?

"I want to follow." Lin Zixi seemed to understand the way Ye Jinyao looked at her. They came together when they came, and no matter where they went, they naturally wanted to be together.

After a final discussion, they decided to keep the members of the archaeological team, Xia Hongzhang and the others, and let Gu Zhiwei and Fu Yueru go down to explore the road to see if there was any danger before deciding whether to let them go down.

After simply eating the dry food, everyone brought the necessary supplies and went into battle lightly.

"Xiao Gu, I can see that you are a person who knows the overall situation. This archaeological work has been difficult since ancient times. After you go down, if you have any problems, don't be rash. Let that child Xiaolin draw what you see. , we will discuss it together after we come up.”

These words sounded like they were complimenting Gu Zhiwei, but they actually meant that they should not throw anything around when they saw it. Gu Zhiwei just nodded indiscriminately, anyway, she didn't think there would be anything.

Han Jinyu planned to go down first. The climbing pick scratched on the ice, but it was only a small mark, but he couldn't catch it anyway. The distance between the cave entrance and the rocky place was too far, and the rope was useless.

In the end, Han Jinyu simply put away the climbing pick and climbed down with bare hands. Fortunately, the entrance of the cave is not big, and the potholes on the cave wall can barely stand. It was only when Han Jinyu stretched his legs down that he realized that it looked like a straight cave. , but it can actually be stepped on the ground.

It turns out that because of the ice, the entrance of the hole is visually an illusion. The hole is curved, and it doesn't make people fall directly as it looks.

The long corridor seemed to have no end, and the watch stopped turning. They had forgotten how long they had been walking, and not long after they went down from the cave, it was always a road bent over and crawling.

It seemed to be getting dark outside, when a gust of wind suddenly came, Zhu Lifang gathered her coat and complained, "It's so bad, it can freeze a person to death." She planned to go back to the tent.

Dark clouds approached in the distance, and there were snowflakes floating in the air. It turned out to be snowing. Zhu Lifang reached out to catch a piece of snowflakes, glanced at Xu Changde not far away, and called out, "Teacher Xu."

Xu Changde was looking at the map when he was called out by Zhu Lifang. As soon as he turned around, he saw dark clouds approaching from a distance, shouted that something was wrong, and trotted over.

Xu Lang, who looked like a dead man in the tent, suddenly sat up like a dead body, and then went out of the tent to the entrance of the cave like sleepwalking.

Li Daikun grabbed their bags and followed them. Before he came, he knew all of Xu Lang's problems. His family made him live like an invisible person, as long as he could take care of Xu Lang's safety.

Their family is only today under the care of Xu Lang's mother, so no matter what he says, he has to let Xu Lang go back as he came.

Just when Xu Lang jumped into the cave, a strong wind and snow came whistling, and without any preparation, everyone just grabbed the things at hand in time and headed towards the entrance of the cave.

They all jumped down, but after a while, the wind and snow flattened the ground, and there was no trace of anyone coming. The place they planed was covered by the wind and snow in an instant, and the whole land returned to silence.

(End of this chapter)

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