Become a god in the horror world

Chapter 95 Medical Miracles

Chapter 95 Medical Miracles
Yu Han woke up.

This may be the first good news that Gu Zhiwei got after coming back for so long. When Xun Fengfengfenghuohuo came back from Huadi, his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Yu Han is awake." These words seemed to be telling Han Xubai, he seemed to have forgotten that Gu Zhiwei was there.

The two looked at him like a fool, and Xunfeng wiped off his sweat, "I just ran over when I got the news."

The computer interface was still there, and Han Xubai didn't even have time to shrink it, looking for the wind to make fun of himself.

"How do you say it?" This was a serious question to Gu Zhiwei.

"No, I'd better fly. I'm not sure what's going on."

"What are you flying?" Han Xubai's tone was not very good, as if he was angry.

When Xunfeng heard this, he shrank back, as if he was afraid of something. Seeing that the two of them were silent, he opened his mouth after a while, "My friend said that he will make a video call to me when he arrives at the hospital. I think so." Just meet once, after all, someone has been lying in bed for more than ten years, and suddenly woke up..."

Before Xunfeng finished speaking, the phone rang.


"Dafeng, hurry up, I'm the one who came in through my relationship, so if you want to ask anything, ask quickly."

Asking a person who has been lying in bed for more than ten years if he can remember anything, Gu Zhiwei thought it was a bit too much.

The camera on the other side was facing the person on the bed, and Han Xubai was standing behind with a dark face. On the screen were the faces of Gu Zhiwei and Xunfeng, especially Xunfeng's big face, which took up almost two-thirds of the screen.

"Go and click, I can't even see it." Gu Zhi gave him a slight push.

Later, Han Xubai was even more upset, and his expression sank a bit.

The person on the hospital bed was well maintained. Even after lying in bed for more than ten years, he didn't look stunted. His eyes seemed to light up the moment he saw Gu Zhiwei.

Muttering a few words out of his mouth, he couldn't hear clearly with a hoarse voice.

"What did he say?" Gu Zhi asked slightly.

My friend leaned closer to listen, and then "translated", "What rose are you talking about? What is that?"

rose?Gu Zhi frowned slightly, a person who looked completely different from Han Jinyu, Yu Han who was obviously his classmate, what connection did he have with "Rose"?
Behind him, Han Xubai's face darkened even more.

Yu Han only woke up for a while, and then fell asleep again, while Xunfeng chatted with his friend.

Gu Zhiwei couldn't figure out many things. When she first came back from that world, she even asked about Ye Jinyao and Lin Zixi, but these two people didn't know her. There were too many weird things.

In fact, there is the most important point. Whenever she wants to find Han Jinyu's whereabouts through other channels, when the expert asks her to describe the other person's appearance in detail, she doesn't know how to describe it.

She seemed to have forgotten what Han Jinyu looked like.

"What are you thinking about?" Han Xubai interrupted her distraction.

Gu Zhiwei shook her head slightly, "It's nothing." When she woke up from Han Xubai's bedroom this morning, Gu Zhiwei still felt a little embarrassed, and didn't even know when she fell asleep.

"What are you going to do about Yu Han?" Han Xubai asked her.

At first, Gu Zhiwei was still wondering if it was possible for people to change their appearance after entering the parallel world, but from the video just now, she could feel that Yu Han really wasn't Han Jinyu.

Gu Zhiwei: "If it is certain that he has nothing to do with the person I am looking for, then he is just an ordinary classmate to me."

"Is the person you are looking for important to you?" Han Xubai seemed to ask casually.

Gu Zhi glanced at him slightly, "If your wife suddenly disappeared, would you look for her?"

After saying this, the three of them were stunned. Xunfeng was just looking for a corner to count one, two, three. For some reason, Han Xubai's face turned red and white.

The words were fast, and Gu Zhiwei didn't even react, her face was slightly hot and flushed, "Anyway, I'm going to let Xunfeng investigate this matter now, it's best to investigate it quickly."

Gu Zhi felt slightly, and always felt that something would happen soon.

Han Xubai had an open class on professional knowledge, and Gu Zhiwei and Xunfeng felt bored so they didn't follow.

In the afternoon, in the office, the sun shone in, making people feel warm. Gu Zhiwei sat on the sofa near the window, and she found that Xunfeng, like Han Xubai, seemed quite obsessed with tea.

There was an old-looking tea table in the office, and Xunfeng was quietly making tea. Gu Zhi flipped through the books in the bookcase, but few were interested.

"Where did you buy this tea, I'll buy some later."

"This, the old folks used to make it. It shouldn't be available in the market. You can ask brother to give you some when the time comes." Xunfeng didn't realize that there was a problem.

Gu Zhiwei sat over and took the tea he handed over, "I think it's okay, it doesn't cost money, it must taste better."

"It's all my own stuff, what do you spend on it." After Xunfeng finished speaking, he realized that he was talking too much, and immediately shut up, not wanting to talk,
"Oh, by the way, I seemed to have something to do with your brother last night, but I fell asleep in his room, and he didn't call me."

From Xunfeng's point of view, these things are commonplace, so she didn't give her too much reaction, "You may be too tired, brother wants you to take a good rest."

"I see that there is soothing incense in the house. Where did you get that thing? I want to get some too. It will definitely help insomnia."

Speaking of this, Xunfeng became proud, "That's right, I made it all myself, and it can even relieve headaches."

"Hiss, I remember that I seemed to wake up halfway, and saw that your brother was not there, where did you go with him?" Gu Zhiwei's hand holding the teacup stopped in mid-air, just to observe Xunfeng's answer.

A certain Hanhan didn't realize at all that he had fallen into the trap, "Oh, that, let's go and settle the matter in the public toilet, before this matter drags on..."

Xunfeng raised his head while talking, and when he saw Gu Zhiwei's expression in front of him, he came back to his senses, "That, I mean..."

Today Gu Zhiwei felt that something was strange, so the problem was there.

"Public toilet?" The tea was a little bit bitter, and it didn't smell good anymore, just like Gu Zhiwei's mood.

"I, I don't know anything."

Not to mention Xunfeng, Gu Zhi pursed his mouth slightly and pressed his brows, as if he was about to cry, "How many things are you hiding from me?"

"Don't, sister, don't ask me, I can't tell."

From the past, Xunfeng had no choice but to "Jianjiaruo", every reincarnation was like this, even though she is now called Gu Zhiwei, the cleverness in her heart really hasn't changed at all.

In the end, Xunfeng had no choice but to delay the search, so he could only explain some innocuous things.

(End of this chapter)

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