Chapter 33 God Tree
The people in the distance approached quickly, their eyes were like torches, and they naturally saw the words on Weiwei's lips.

"Is this a provocation?" This thought arose in everyone's minds. They saw the figures of Weiwei and others rushing into the crack, and disappeared in an instant.

The huge crack opened to both sides, like a cauldron held in the sky, and the others stood below, feeling the vast and unpredictable atmosphere inside, with excited and complicated expressions.

"Is this a new world?" Someone murmured.

Legend has it that ancient sages can open up secret realms. The secret realm has been passed down for years. Unlike the outside world, such secret realms are usually hidden in the void. Is the crack that suddenly appeared today a new secret realm?

Someone quickly realized this, and quickly sent a message through the air to let the seniors in the cave come, and the secret realm appeared.

In the face of such changes, some people hesitated to move forward and stood still; some were decisive and rushed in directly...


The rosy clouds are filled with vitality, and at a glance, countless stamens are competing to bloom, and this place is full of vitality.

As soon as Weiwei and the others came in, they found a giant tree located in the center of the world.

No matter who comes here, I am afraid that they will be attracted by this tree immediately.

The branches and leaves are luxuriant, the ancient trees are green, and the huge branches connect the sky and the earth. The trees emit brilliant light, and the colorful clouds in the sky are all reflected by them.

There is no doubt that this is a sacred tree.

Looking from a distance, there are nine kinds of light on the sacred tree. After Weiwei realized this, her heart shuddered. The number "nine" has been mysterious since ancient times.

"Let's go, let's go quickly." Weiwei said, the others will catch up soon, and now they have the upper hand, so naturally they must seize the time and rush to the sacred tree as soon as possible.

"Okay, senior sister," the disciples responded. They were also in the center of the vortex just now. They experienced a lot of baptism and gained a lot of benefits. The upgrade is correct.

A group of people galloped like a meteor across the sky and earth, and soon came under the sacred tree.

Huge branches propped up the sky and the earth. Looking up, the sacred tree submerged in the clouds, as if it had reached the end of the sky. Countless branches and leaves were hanging down, and the nine-colored rays of light shone on the world, dyeing the sky into a colorful picture.


A burst of melodious and melodious bells rang out, just like the sounds of nine heavenly celestial beings falling in the world. If you listen carefully, there are various melodies mixed in, such as the sound of flute, qin, and flute... all kinds of sounds are endless, and people can't help being intoxicated by it. unwilling to wake up.

Hearing the fairy voice beside her ear, Weiwei seemed to have stepped into a fairyland, various grotesque scenes appeared in front of her eyes, and she seemed to have found the essence of Tao in a trance.

Because of the weird experience before, Weiwei woke up in an instant, her eyes burst into radiance, trying to see the truth of this place.

"Well, it's okay, there's nothing," Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief. Under her observation, Tang Zhuo and the others were not in danger of being immersed in the fairy music, but it was beneficial to their own practice.

"So, this fairy sound helps to increase the perception of practice, so that I can better find the prototype of the "Tao"," Weiwei observed the sacred tree, and the wind blew through the leaves, bringing bursts of notes.

In the field of vision, layers of colorful awns covered the surroundings. Weiwei looked towards the sacred tree, and a darker colored awn crossed the sacred tree one after another, and the gorgeous colors illuminated the whole world.

There is no sun here, no moon here.

The God Tree is everything here.

If she looked from the sky, Weiwei would find that the whole world was covered by the sacred tree, and its branches were spreading towards the surroundings, like spears thrown in all directions, at an extremely fast speed, rushing out in an instant. hundreds of meters away.

The fairy sound continued, and after confirming that the people in the Lingxu Cave were not in danger, Weiwei calmed down and carefully understood the mystery.

At first, it was just the sound of a flute and a zither, but gradually, Weiwei's thoughts drifted to heaven and earth, and she heard clear springs and flowing water, birds singing, dragons singing and tigers roaring, the sound of wind and rain, etc...

Weiwei's thoughts danced with the melody, she saw a lot, but also forgot a lot...

In the end, Weiwei's thoughts stopped in front of a thatched cottage.

When she came here, everything seemed to be different. Weiwei felt that her consciousness was clear and fuzzy. She looked towards the surrounding fields, and it was empty and there was no one there.

There was no fairy sound here, and just when Weiwei thought her journey of enlightenment was coming to an end, a person appeared.

A young man in green shirt stood abruptly in front of the thatched cottage, holding a scroll in his hand, looking at Weiwei with a smile on his face.

"Please!" said the young man, and he made a "please" gesture.

Weiwei walked to the thatched cottage in a daze, and followed the young man into it.

The thatched cottage is very simple, and there are not many items in the house. The young man in the green shirt poured a cup of tea, and he pushed it to Weiwei, saying: "You are here."

Vivi: "?"

After seeing the young man, she felt that she had become dull. What does this mean now?Did she hear correctly?
"You know me?" Weiwei said directly.

"I don't know." The young man in green shirt shook his head.

"Then, should I know you?" Weiwei said uncertainly.

The corner of the young man's mouth lightly raised, and he said, "You've never seen me before."

Weiwei is speechless, so what do you mean by "you are here"?
The young man smiled faintly. He seemed to know what Weiwei was complaining about, and said calmly, "Although we have never met, fate brought us together."

"I've been waiting for someone to pass on what I've learned," the young man's eyes suddenly became deep, and he stared at Weiwei, as if he was sizing up whether the inheritor was qualified.

Weiwei was uncomfortable being stared at by him, she twisted her body, and said loudly: "Are you amazing? Can you stand shoulder to shoulder with the ancient emperor?"

The young man in blue was staring at her, and there was an aura of majesty looming over her, which made her very uncomfortable.

Although Weiwei didn't feel any malice from him, but now he wants to use his strength to accept her as his apprentice, she will never give in!
"It's okay," the young man restrained his breath, and became ordinary again.

He commented on Weiwei, saying: "The talent is not bad, it's worth noting that she is someone who can open the secret realm."

He said: "There is no trace of time, and most of the seal of the secret realm has been lost. I thought that when I opened it again, a slightly ordinary person would come in."

"I didn't expect your aptitude to be pretty good." The young man nodded to Weiwei, and he smiled with satisfaction.

If a few more years pass, he will perish. At that time, in order not to lose what he has learned, he will also go out. Even, if Weiwei did not open the secret realm this time and wake him up, he might be silent. Disappeared without interest in the years.

The young man was very satisfied with Weiwei, the smile on his face couldn't be restrained, like a bright flower fluttering in the wind.

Weiwei said with a blank face, "I don't seem to have promised to be your apprentice."

"Why, you don't want to?" The young man was taken aback, thinking he had heard it wrong.

"Are you stronger than the ancient emperor?" Weiwei repeated her question again.

The corner of the young man's mouth twitched, and he said, "Although I don't have one out of ten memories, I guess I'm not as powerful as the Great Emperor."

Weiwei smiled, and said: "I'm going to conquer the Emperor's Road in the future, even if I want to learn, I should learn some exercises comparable to the Emperor's Classics."

The young man in the blue shirt smiled slightly, and said in his heart, "You still have energy!"

He looked at Weiwei and said seriously: "Did you see that tree outside? If you learn my skills, you can also have such a tree."

(End of this chapter)

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