Chapter 35 Withering
"Are you willing to worship me as a teacher?" The green-clothed guest asked this question formally with a solemn expression.

Weiwei took a deep breath. At this point, she had to make a choice. Without too much hesitation, Weiwei knelt down facing the guest in blue, and called "Master" respectfully.

After hearing the voice of Master, the man in blue laughed, he lifted Weiwei up, and at the same time, pointed to the center of Weiwei's eyebrows.

As soon as Weiwei stood up, she felt a boundless, simple and vast true meaning attacking her own sea of ​​consciousness. She quickly gathered her mind and seriously realized this true meaning.

"Everything is extraordinary, immortal is not immortal, life and death are all in one thought..."

In Weiwei's eyes, a boundless Dao map slowly unfolded, and with the expansion of the Dao map, a mantra resounded in Weiwei's mind.

This is the voice of Qingshan Ke. This voice is solemn and rich, different from him now. After Weiwei heard it, she briefly sighed with emotion. It was clearly the same voice, but she could actually speak two tones.

Perhaps, it was because he was already dead, Weiwei opened her eyes and looked at the cheap master, and then she found that the figure of the man in the blue shirt became a little thinner.

"Calm down," said the green shirt guest flatly.

Weiwei calmed down, and soon, she stopped thinking about other things, because the Dao map was undergoing a drastic transformation, a light spot in the center of the Dao map was rapidly expanding, and then, the light spot produced a big explosion with a "bang" , Weiwei's spiritual light was temporarily blocked, and when she observed again, a bud "broke out of the ground" and took root on the Dao map.

After the sprout appeared, it quickly devoured the surrounding essence, and it grew wildly, rising thousands of meters in an instant. Even Weiwei couldn't fully observe the growth trajectory of the sprout in such a short time.

Simply, there is still a voice in Weiwei's ear reminding her, it is the voice of Qingshanke, he is explaining the essence of "Fan Jing", "Take the sea of ​​bitterness as the spring, the wheel of life as the soil, and the bridge of the gods as the tree, Rooted in the heart, implanted in the self..."

The scriptures and the Dao map complement each other. With the blessing of the two, Weiwei barely keeps up with the growth of the buds. The current "shoots", to be precise, should be called the sacred tree.

The divine tree held the sky, covering the starry sky. As it grew, Wei Wei gradually couldn't keep up with it, and she could no longer see the appearance of the divine tree clearly.

At the last moment, Weiwei's consciousness was blurred. In a trance, she only saw a part of the image of the sacred tree, a branch supporting a star.

This gave Weiwei a great shock, as Qingshanke said, the scene she saw before was nothing compared to this.

The voice of Qingshanke continued, and Weiwei fell into a strange situation. She didn't want to read it, and just remembered all the scriptures in her heart.

Time passed silently, and after an unknown amount of time, Weiwei woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt her head was about to explode, "Master..."

Weiwei looked at the guest in blue with doubt written all over her face.

"Normal, as your cultivation level improves, you will digest it slowly," Qingshan Ke glanced at Weiwei calmly, and continued to drink tea.

He taught Weiwei everything in one go. Although he sealed most of the content, it was not something the current Weiwei could bear. What he imparted was not only knowledge, but also the embodiment of his own principles.

"Have a cup of tea, sober up," Qingshanke poured a cup of tea for his apprentice, and pushed it over.

Weiwei raised her hand to take it, and said, "Thank you, Master."

She approached the teacup and smelled it lightly, and there seemed to be a fragrance lingering on the tip of her nose. She asked casually, "Master, where did you get the tea?"

"I don't know, it must have been tens of thousands of years before I died," said the green-shirted guest nonchalantly.

Weiwei froze when she heard this, she had already drank it, after so many years, it won't expire!
Without waiting for Weiwei to think about it, a wonderful feeling suddenly appeared in her heart, as if a clear spring passed by, she immediately restrained her mind and realized this change with her heart.

After a while, Weiwei opened her eyes, and she looked at the teacup in surprise. After just a moment, she felt that her sea of ​​consciousness was extremely clear, as if she had been baptized.

Weiwei felt that she could watch the sprouts again, the previous pain had long since disappeared, and she was now full of energy and refreshed.

"Master, is there any more?" Weiwei shouted more and more slippery about the title, her big eyes flickered, looking expectantly at the teapot in Master's hand.

The man in blue gave a faint smile, shook the teapot, and poured the last bit of tea to Weiwei, "There's only half a cup left!"

Weiwei felt a little regretful, seeing that Master was drinking all the time, she thought there was a lot of it?Unexpectedly, there was only half a cup left!
Weiwei drank half a cup of tea in one gulp, and felt the change in her sea of ​​consciousness again, "Master, where did you get this tea?"

"Forget it, it seems to be picked from a mountain. When you have a chance in the future, you can pick some tea and drink it yourself," Qingshan Ke said casually, his figure became more and more dim, and he had been drinking tea before, but it was just to maintain himself .

He has accepted apprentices and passed on what he has learned. Most of his wishes have been fulfilled, and his obsession... is about to die out.

The man in the blue shirt sighed inwardly, and with a smile on his face, he asked: "Apprentice, you must remember what I said, 'Don't play dead', I mean it, your master and I, the life yuan has not been exhausted before you die. He died prematurely due to his injuries!"

The more the Qingshan guest spoke, the more painful he felt, as if he really felt sorry.

Weiwei felt that Qingshanke's expression was very exaggerated, as if he was acting again, Weiwei couldn't tell the true meaning of his words, he didn't feel like a dying person at all, she always felt that Qingshanke had a way to live.

"Master, while you still have time, why don't you find a magic medicine to continue your life," Weiwei suggested.

"Hey, if I can live on, I would have lived in the past, and I don't have to wait until now. My old friend has already died, so I don't need to know anyone in this world!" The guest in blue said with a melancholy tone.

When Weiwei heard it, it was true. Could it be because Master was too optimistic?That's why she subconsciously thought that he had left behind.

Or maybe it's because she hopes that Master can grow up with her, and one day in the future, let Master see that she can be independent.

Weiwei was thinking wildly. Seeing that Master was not afraid of death at all, she suddenly thought of something, "Master, what is your name?"

The man in blue shirt looked at his apprentice's expectant eyes, and suddenly felt a bit of evil in his heart. He coughed and said solemnly: "When you reach a certain height, you will meet my former opponents, and they will tell you the answer. "

"Of course, maybe you will never meet. If so, you naturally don't deserve to know my name, and I don't have you as an apprentice."

Weiwei's face darkened, she didn't say yes, I didn't say anything, finally the atmosphere got here, Master interrupted her again, she was inexplicably irritable, like a roller coaster, neither going up nor coming down, abrupt stuck in the driveway.

Weiwei said angrily: "What if all your opponents disappear?" Or, you were so ordinary back then, they don't even remember!You won't fail to recognize my origins, will you? "

The man in blue didn't care at all, he said calmly: "Under the starry sky, if we meet, I hope you don't lose my prestige. Of course, if you can't beat me, you should run. Long life is king. "

It can be seen that the mentality of the Qingshan guest is obviously different from that of the past. Weiwei unconsciously compared it with the time when she passed on her scriptures, and she could only sigh the difference!
"This is...?" Weiwei's hand gently brushed the surroundings, as if feeling a ray of wind, she looked around again, and found that the environment was slowly changing.

"The end of prosperity is decay," the green-shirted guest looked at all this with complicated emotions.

Wei Wei heard Qingshanke's words, and then noticed his situation. After a while, Qingshanke's figure became dim, and he didn't look like a real person at all.

"Master," Weiwei's voice was slightly trembling, and they had only been together for a while, did they really want to say goodbye?

The first time we met, was it parting?Thinking of this, Weiwei felt inexplicably sad in her heart.

"Prosperity is bound to decline, there is a cause and effect," Qingshan Ke had expected this at that time, and a mirror appeared in front of him, gathering the entire space of Qianshan Paradise here.

Moreover, not only inside the blessed place, but Weiwei took a general look and found the figure of the head of the six caves.

"This place is about to collapse. When the time comes, we can't hide anything. People from holy lands and desolate families will come. I hope you can protect yourself," the guest in blue asked.

Since he woke up, he has been in control of everything and has not let others leak the news, but when his remnant thoughts completely dissipate, the entire secret realm will surely turn into a land of no one, and then the secret realm will fall from the void, causing The movement will definitely shock the entire Eastern Wilderness.

"Master, are you really... helpless?"

The man in the blue shirt shook his head, and he smiled slightly, "Don't think too much, you still have something unresolved."

The images in the mirror flowed, and then, Weiwei saw a scene that made her angry!
People from other caves are actually looking for trouble in Lingxu cave!

(End of this chapter)

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