Chapter 43

A huge slit opened in the sky, and an ancient chariot was slowly pulled out from it, rolling over the sky, overwhelming the sky with majestic momentum, and people couldn't help but worship.


The battle flag was clanging, and nine creatures that looked like dragons and not dragons came from a distance at a high speed. Their bodies were so huge that just one could cover the sky. Now, there are nine of them, but they are only one The mount of a great man.

This kind of ostentation and grandeur, I am afraid that only those holy places and aristocratic families can have it. Yan Kingdom is just a corner of the vast eastern wasteland, why does it attract the attention of such a behemoth?

The heads of the Six Great Caves watched all this happen, they were sweating coldly, and their hearts were trembling.

"Why are you here?" A young man on the ancient chariot sat in front of him, driving along, looking down gently at the people below.

"My lord, our disciples came here for trials, but unexpectedly something happened here. We have been thinking hard, but we have not found a way to rescue them," said the head of Jade Cauldron Cave.

"So that's it," the young man nodded, presumably these Dongtian disciples touched some kind of restriction again, which led to the changes in the blessed land, which aroused the interest of the big figures in the clan.

Even though he has followed this lord for several years, he still can't understand his mind. Now that he has reached the source of the mutation, why doesn't he say a word?

The young man stopped thinking about it, and stood quietly aside, waiting quietly.

The masters of the Six Great Caves didn't move or stay still. They saw a new force coming across the void from afar. A huge Shenzhou rowed across the sky, and finally floated on the thousand mountains, facing the ancient chariot in the air. see.


There was a sudden change, and a person surrounded by mist suddenly appeared in the sky. He reached for Qianshan blessed land with one hand, but encountered a barrier.

"Who are you?" A sonorous voice sounded, and everyone looked again, and there were two more figures beside the mysterious man.

The mysterious man chuckled and said, "Everyone, what are you waiting for, let's break the barrier together!"

It turned out that when the mysterious man's big hand reached the barrier, the big man on the ancient chariot moved, and at the same time, a middle-aged woman on the Shenzhou made a move, and they blocked the big hand together.

"When will there be another person like this in Donghuang, fellow Taoist, why don't you show your real body and let everyone be honest with each other," the middle-aged woman said in a deep voice.

"Fellow Daoist is extremely powerful, if he hadn't acted rashly, even I wouldn't have noticed it," the middle-aged man sighed.

The mysterious man smiled indifferently and said: "The art of concealment, Xiao Daoer, really can't be put on the table, what are you two waiting for, why don't you do it together."

The mysterious man raised his finger and pointed to the distance. Thousands of miles away, there seemed to be a horse-drawn cart, which was traveling at an extremely fast speed.

The middle-aged man's gaze followed, his gaze seemed to span thousands of miles of space, and he could feel the dangerous atmosphere in it here.

However, he retracted his gaze again, looking at the Qianshan blessed land below, his eyes flickering, and this place is even more tricky.

"Two, if you don't make a move, please don't stop me," said the mysterious man, seeing that the two were indifferent, and took a step back.

"Shooting rashly, if it causes a change, can you bear the consequences?" The middle-aged woman said this, she was very afraid of the things below, and she was very greedy in her heart. She wavered for a while, not knowing what her real thoughts were.

"You two, just take care of yourself," the mysterious man thought they agreed to him, and he directly slashed at the barrier with a long rainbow like a sword.

In the meantime, he saw that the two were still about to make a move, and he transformed into two bodies at the same time, temporarily blocking their steps, while he used his real body to hold the treasure, and blatantly blasted towards the barrier.


After a loud noise, the barrier was easily broken, the mysterious man was a little surprised, and thought: "Is it old and in disrepair, is the formation broken?"

"You..." The other two shouted in surprise, followed by their figures.

Then, they saw the mysterious man's smile froze.


An icy air pierced through it, and the bone-piercing cold air froze their minds. The next moment, they saw the figure of the mysterious man disappear in place in an instant. After that, their consciousness was temporarily frozen.

The figure of the mysterious man jumped far away. He stayed in the air and saw the two people who were still there frozen into a piece of ice sculpture. However, he couldn't bear it either. The mysterious man swung his arm, and the icy air was forced out of his body, directly turning into an ice sculpture. Falling from the sky as a piece of ice.

"Intangible, qualityless, indestructible," the mysterious man saw that the barriers gathered again, and the damaged hole was restored intact. His eyes seemed to see the picture through the invisible barrier.

"Is this the scattered way?" The mysterious man just waited and watched for a moment, and he had a panoramic view of all the scenery. He saw snowmen one after another, their bodies were covered by heavy snow, and their consciousness was unconscious. I don't know if they are alive?


The two quickly got out of the ice, and their consciousness has been extremely clear, but they still feel cold.

The middle-aged man was extremely surprised, and said, "What's going on?"

His cultivation base has reached the point it is today, and he can still be so embarrassed. It's just that his body was frozen in an instant as soon as he touched it.

"This should be a remarkable person. If my guess is correct, this senior should have gone on a free journey, and they can all gain a lot of benefits," the mysterious man said with indescribable emotion.

Scattering the Tao and repaying the world, most people would never do this. Now, he was lucky enough to see it with his own eyes. He really had to sigh the courage of this senior.

"You two, I have no luck here, so I will quit first," the mysterious man said with a smile. He came here to find further possibilities. Now although he didn't find what he wanted, he also saw something. With a different scenery, my mood has improved.

"Since Fellow Daoist has withdrawn, I will also withdraw. This place is still left to the juniors to compete for," the two said with the same smile.

Although they haven't made any further explorations yet, if they want to go against the wishes of the seniors here, they won't be able to please them after all.

"Boom," "Boom," "Boom"

The sound of piercing the sky continued to sound, and more and more sects came here to explore. They felt some earth-shattering movements before, and now they are continuing to come, and more and more people gather here. In just one hour, the More than a dozen ancient religions came.

"Ziwei Sect, Wansheng Sect, Yin Yang Sect..."

It was the first time that so many people came to Yandi, and the heads of the six caves were dizzying. They tried to reduce their sense of presence as much as possible. They couldn't provoke any of the current forces.

"The reappearance of such characters in the world, even if they have long since disappeared, will set off boundless turmoil and stir up the Eastern Wilderness," the mysterious man sighed.

The previous huge fluctuation resounded throughout the world, attracting prying eyes from many parties. All powerful monks must have sensed it. Soon, this place will definitely attract the prying eyes of many forces.

"The wind is raging, the clouds are moving in all directions, and the Donghuang, which has been quiet for many years, is finally about to make waves again!" The mysterious man vaguely predicted a corner of the future.

(End of this chapter)

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