Chapter 116.

Ming He looked at the giant white egg and realized in his heart that in this sea of ​​blood, besides the mosquito, who else could be the creature that could devour the sea of ​​blood.

Minghe was about to separate the true spirit particles to turn the giant egg into his clone while his mind was spinning, but a sudden inexplicable feeling appeared in his heart, which was a warning from the primordial spirit.

Creatures in the prehistoric world can disbelieve what they see with their eyes and hear with their ears, even if they are scanned by their spiritual consciousness. Be blinded.

But you must absolutely believe that the primordial spirit warns and the true spirit warns, which are used to save lives.

Styx realized that he had a warning from the primordial spirit, stopped his movements immediately, and then summoned a clone to come here.

After the avatar arrived, Styx ordered the avatar to investigate the situation of the giant egg.

The avatar didn't delay, and directly stretched out the power of the primordial spirit and entered the giant egg.

And just when this avatar used Yuanshen to probe into it, Styx felt a coercion of heaven appearing in the sea of ​​blood.

Styx was taken aback, but he soon relaxed. After all, the prehistoric world at this time is not in charge of the Dao of Heaven, and he has not established cause and effect with the Dao of Heaven, so naturally it has nothing to do with it.

It's just a pity for my clone!
Sure enough, just when Styx felt sorry for his avatar, that avatar turned into ashes from head to toe.

In the blink of an eye, a clone of a peak Taiyi Golden Immortal fell within the rules of the Heavenly Dao, and even his true spirit particles were directly wiped out by the Heavenly Dao.

When Styx saw this scene, he also understood that this was a calculation by the Dao of Heaven, or that the calculation was a bit inappropriate, and it should be an anti-virus program.

If you compare the prehistoric to a computer, the way of heaven is like a computer program, and the prehistoric creatures are like the software in the computer or part of the program.

As for those creatures that are not controlled by Heavenly Dao, they are like computer bugs or viruses.

The natural way of heaven is to eliminate these viruses.

Just like just now, destroy it directly.

After Styx realized that this was the calculation of the Dao of Heaven, he also fully understood that he was too high-profile, a creature that was not under the control of the Dao of Heaven, and he was constantly changing everything in the prehistoric world, whether it was a beast or a dragon, phoenix, and unicorn. The three clans, even the Qingqiu fox clan have already settled in the sea of ​​blood.

Now half of the seventh calamity has passed, and the way of heaven has already gained some power, otherwise it would be impossible to directly control the prehistoric world in the eighth calamity.

Of course, it can also be said that there are already a large number of creatures in the wilderness who are actively intersecting with the Dao of Heaven, which greatly increases the strength of Dao of Heaven.

But countless creatures intersect with the Dao of Heaven, but the creatures in the sea of ​​blood do not embrace the Dao of Heaven, but instead constantly change the existing pattern in the prehistoric, which will naturally trigger the error correction procedures of the Dao of the Prehistoric.

Styx came through from later generations and has the memory of later generations. If you look at the setting of the Great Desolate Heavenly Way with the memory of the later generations, you will find that there is actually no problem with the planning of the Great Desolate Heavenly Way.

First of all, the hegemony between the dynasty and the fierce beasts at the end of the Seventh Calamity directly swept away countless grievances of the Chaos Demon God, as well as creatures that evolved from the Chaos Demon God's inheritance;
Then there is the war between the three innate clans of the eighth calamity and the people who have established the right way, which is the law in the perfection of the prehistoric;

In the Lich Contest for the Ninth Calamity, the Six Saints were born in order to completely control the prehistoric world.

Twelve of the Dao is consummation, and nine of the way of heaven is consummation.

In other words, after the Lich struggled for hegemony, there were six saints in the prehistoric people who governed the prehistoric people. There should not have been a calamity, but these six saints directly smashed the prehistoric people to pieces, although in the end Honghuang was refined again, but the original source of Honghuang has been lost, and in the end it will naturally come to the end of the Dharma.

Styx was thinking about the development of the prehistoric world, and at the same time, he did not forget to check the situation of the giant egg carefully.

I saw that the giant egg scanned the sea of ​​blood after killing the clone of Styx, but got nothing. It could only disappear into the sea of ​​blood with the giant egg after a burst of heavenly coercion. among.

Ming He looked at the giant egg that had disappeared, and couldn't help muttering in his heart: "Isn't this the mosquito, why did it run away?"

Styx thought for a long time but couldn't come up with a reason. In desperation, he had no choice but to return to the Blood God Palace and continue to retreat.

And when Styx was retreating, all the creatures connected with the heavens got the news that obliterating the fierce beasts would gain the merits of the heavens.

Styx naturally did not get this news, but Styx has avatars, whether it is Zijia or Xuanqing, or Ao Ming, Fengning, Lin'an and other avatars all informed Styx of this matter .

After Styx got the news, he naturally told God Eater.

After experiencing the investigation of the Dao of Heaven just now, Styx has decided that from now on, he will be a stable person in the way of the dog. Therefore, Styx directly sealed the sea of ​​​​blood, and no one can enter the sea of ​​blood again.

Of course, Styx will not close the mall he built.

Styx, which has thirteen small worlds, can completely move the mall into the small worlds!That place belongs to chaos, no matter how powerful the law of heaven is, he can't go to his own small world!

After Styx informed God Eater of the news of the killing of beasts sent by Heavenly Dao, he also told God Eater about the relocation of the shopping mall to the small world.

Styx believes that with Styx's reminder, the beast clan will naturally think of a way to deal with it. Of course, if they can't figure it out, can they rent their own small world? He is not afraid of the evil spirit of this beast.

I just don't know if this beast has so many merit coins to pay the rent!
After all, Styx really couldn't think of how to earn merit in the small world.

Besides, the Divine Devourer on the Northern Continent, after receiving the message from the Styx, immediately came to the Divine Rebel's side, and without any fuss, he directly ordered the prehistoric heaven to kill the beasts. Every beast is a meritorious deed. God rebellion.

Shen Ni listened to the words of God Biting, but he laughed, and said directly: "I have known for a long time that after the coming of the Heavenly Dao, I will definitely deal with my fierce beasts. Can slowly rely on time to wipe away the evil spirit."

After saying this, Shen Ni said again: "Then did Styx say anything else?"

"Styx said that their shopping mall has moved to the small world he created himself. He also said that if our beasts need a small world, he can rent it to our beasts for 1000 years and five years. Ten thousand merit coins would be fine." Shenzhu hurriedly said.

"1000 merit coins for [-] years is really a high rent!" Shen Ni muttered, and then said again: "You go to Styx to rent a small world first.

Although I am confident that I can resist it, but who knows if there is a tyrannical existence in this prehistoric place, I must also be careful. "

"Okay my lord, I will arrange it.

But why didn't my emperor go to find that Luohu?Our fierce beast clan helped Luo Hu resist the invasion of Qian Kun and others, and now it is up to him, the demon ancestor, to do his part. "

God Chew said to Luo Hu.

After listening to the words of the God Eater, Luo Hu nodded immediately, saying that what the God Eater said was good, and he went to contact Luo Hu now.

God's rebellion is not because of the great difference in combat power, but because Luo Hu wants to cut himself off from the prehistoric creatures and stand on the opposite side with other creatures.

This is roughly what Divine Devouring means, just push Luohu to let it rise quickly, otherwise the flood is not chaotic enough, how can Styx search for merit.

Yes, at this time, Styx, after experiencing the temptation of heaven, besides relocating his shopping mall to Small World No. 13, is also preparing to make a fortune in war.

As for how to make money from this war.

It's too simple. In a war, there is nothing like a powerful spirit treasure, a medicine to restore damage, and a safe place to protect oneself.

So, after being instructed by God Eater, God Rebel soon came to Mount Sumeru and told Rahu about his intention of coming.

Luo Hu naturally understood the calculations of God's rebellion, but unfortunately, he had to pay back favors, and naturally he had to pay back karma in the wild.At the same time, Luo Hu was also very happy. After all, there was no great battle in the prehistoric world, and it was very difficult to erase the seal of the Four Swords of Jade Immortal by himself.

After Luo Hu agreed, Shen Ni happily left Mount Sumeru and returned to the Wild Beast Mountain in the Northern Continent.

Shen Ni, who returned to the beast mountain, immediately called out the four kings of the beasts and the generals of the beasts, and at the same time sent a message to Samsara.

After that, Shenniang arranged various tasks in the beast mountain, so that all the beast boys began to prepare for the battle.

A ferocious beast with the existence of Divine Devourer naturally wouldn't play solo or passive defense.The strategy of the ferocious beast is to shoot a shot to change the place, and if it finds a creature that resists the ferocious beast, it will be an army of ferocious beasts to crush it and directly slaughter it.

At the same time, whether it is the king of beasts, the warrior of beasts, or the gods, rebellion, reincarnation will be hidden above the army of beasts, and whenever the beasts encounter a bone that is not easy to chew, they will immediately take action.

Therefore, although the Heavenly Dao issued a mission, the creatures in the prehistoric wilderness were slaughtered by fierce beasts for nearly 10 billion creatures in a short period of 30 years because no one organized them. It was like being stained red by the blood of the prehistoric creatures.

Luo Hu, on the other hand, looked at the Four Swords of Jade Immortal, which was about to be completely wiped out, with a look of surprise, and was also very happy.

Just when Luo Hu was about to continue to retreat and wait for the seal to be completely wiped out, Shenniang asked him to come out of the mountain to deal with Qian Kun and the others.

Yes, after all kinds of killings by fierce beasts, the prehistoric creatures are not fools, and they will also look for a suitable leader.

And Qiankun, Yinyang, and Five Elements' casual cultivator alliance fell into the eyes of the prehistoric creatures.

As for the Qiankun and other three ancestors, they were naturally very happy. After all, this is a good way to enhance the prehistoric reputation. Killing the beasts will still have merit, so the three of them quickly stood up and began to command the prehistoric creatures. The beast blew the horn of counterattack.

After Shenni learned that it was Qiankun, Yinyang, and Five Elements who opposed the beast this time, he immediately contacted Luo Hu.

After listening to Shen Ni's narration, Luo Hu's deep hatred and old resentment came to his heart immediately, and he didn't care about the Four Swords of Zhu Xian hidden under Mount Sumeru. .

The six-eared macaque who had just set off on Luohu's side and had been listening to Mount Sumeru sent a message to Ming He immediately.

Ming He moved his body and disappeared into the sea of ​​blood, quickly heading towards Mount Sumeru.

And just as Styx was on his way, fierce beasts had already begun to fight against the creatures in the South China Sea in the sky above the South China Sea.

The ferocious beast has rough skin and thick flesh, and every attack is accompanied by evil spirit.

For the prehistoric beings, although they also practice both dharma and body, the physical body is still a little bit worse. At the same time, the prehistoric creatures cultivate more primordial spirits, and what they fear most is evil spirits.

Not everyone has the means of Styx, making the avatar into a physical body to absorb evil spirits, but it does not affect the primordial spirit's absorption of innate spirit energy.

Therefore, each and every creature in the South China Sea retreated steadily after being beaten by the fierce beasts, and more and more creatures fell continuously.

The boundless sea water of the South China Sea was also directly dyed red, and at the same time, the sea water was filled with evil spirits.

But even if the creatures in the South China Sea are in such a miserable state, Qian Kun and the others still did not make a move. They are very clear that it is unnecessary for them to make a move now, because if they make a move, they will immediately face opponents similar to them, and may be directly killed in the end .

As for the dead casual cultivators or prehistoric creatures in the South China Sea, to them, they are nothing more than cannon fodder and useless.

Just like that, a great battle lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, and the entire South China Sea was dyed like a sea of ​​blood. At the same time, the sea was filled with evil spirits, making it no longer suitable for a dojo.

Just when Qiankun and the others were thinking about where to build a dojo, a black mana attack suddenly hit them, it was Luo Hu's attack.

"Rahuer dare!"

The Yin-Yang Patriarch held up the Tai Chi Diagram immediately, blocked the attack, and roared angrily when he saw the person coming.

"What dare I not dare, you dare to attack Mount Sumeru of this seat, you must make a plan to be remembered by this seat."

While talking, Luo Hu summoned the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Wanmo Pagoda, and pressed it towards the three of them.

However, these attacks were all blocked by the Taiji diagram, but in an instant, a gun shadow like electricity pierced straight into the Taiji diagram, directly tearing the defense of the Taiji diagram, and at the same time, the Yin-Yang patriarch loudly roared: "Ah..."

The person who came was God Rebel, and as for the attacking weapon, it was naturally the Innate Supreme Treasure Killing God Spear.

"Luo Hu, you actually colluded with that God Rebel, I will definitely make a big publicity wave in the prehistoric world!" Qiankun Patriarch sacrificed the Qiankun Cauldron and placed it on top of his head to defend against the wave, and at the same time shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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