Chapter 136.
"Ha ha!"

'Ao Hong' smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just thought of one thing, and my mind was distracted."

"Oh, what a good thing?" the elder asked.

Ao Hong smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's just the women from the small ethnic group that were snatched some time ago. Looking back, tsk tsk..."

"Haha, it turned out to be this one. Elder Ao Hong is so lucky. Those women are very nice. No wonder you still miss them when you walk." All of this virtue, otherwise there would be no dragon blood full of prehistoric.

"Yes, it is indeed very good. But Elder Ao Yu, do you know which tribe's women are the best?" Ao Hong asked.

"This? It should be the Fox clan, or the Qingluan clan, and the Rabbit clan.

It's just a pity that the fox clan is in the sea of ​​blood and cannot be provoked. The Qingluan clan is a subordinate of the Feng clan, and the rabbit clan and butterfly clan have all gone to the sea of ​​blood over the years. It's a pity, it's a pity. "Elder Ao Yu said with a bit of regret.

"Hey, Elder Ao Yu, you are wrong." Ao Hong said with a treacherous smile.

"Oh, how do you say?" Ao Yu asked incomprehensibly.

"To tell you the truth, the best woman is actually the Feng Clan, who is the best match for our Dragon Clan. Haven't you heard of 'Turn the Dragon and the Phoenix'?" Ao Hong said seductively.

However, these words startled Ao Yu!
"Don't say it, don't say it! This will cause trouble." Ao Yu was afraid.

Because, there are indeed many women of the Phoenix Clan who were secretly taken captive by the Dragon Clan, and many women of the Dragon Clan were also taken captive by the Phoenix Clan.

It's just that neither of the two races admit it, because once they admit it, it will be troublesome, and it means war.

"Haha, it scares you, so I'll just talk about it, let alone the two of us discuss it ourselves, and no one knows." Ao Ming laughed.

"Hehe!" Ao Yu nodded.

And then...

"I'm afraid Elder Ao Yu has never tried the Phoenix Clan...?"

"This, this..." Ao Yu felt ashamed, as she had never tried it.

On the contrary, Ao Hong's eyes suddenly lit up, and a plan quickly appeared.

"Elder Ao Yu, to be honest, I heard..." Ao Hong told Ao Yu about his plan to kidnap a woman from the Feng clan, and Ao Yu was very moved.

"Really?" Ao Yu asked excitedly.

"Of course, that woman from the Feng clan is the daughter of a high-ranking Feng clan who was demoted. The high-ranking Feng clan was suppressed for violating clan rules. Not only is this woman beautiful, but even if she dies, no one cares. Anyway, her father Before being demoted, I offended a lot of high-ranking members of the Feng Clan, and we just happened to..."

After some explanation and planning, Ao Hong persuaded Ao Yu.

The two planned to secretly rob the daughter of the Feng family who was demoted to a higher level, and they did it a few days later!

of course……

What Ao Yu didn't know was that the 'Ao Hong' at this time was no longer Ao Hong, but a pawn controlled by Luo Hu's heart demon.

It was also the beginning of Luo Hu's promotion of the tri-clan war!

A clansman with the appearance of an old man, with a black light flashing in his eyes.

"Old Ancestor Luohu has issued an order, and I have to finish it after my death, just in time to cooperate with Ao Hong to complete the plan."

This old man is also a pawn controlled by Luo Hu, and a master of the Feng clan in the late Taiyi period.

Luo Hu's magic ball not only allows him to issue orders, but also allows many chess pieces to communicate with each other. The function is similar to the communication talisman invented by Styx, and may be more advanced, after all, it can open group chats.

Therefore, under such convenient communication tools, countless conspiracies and tricks began to form among the three clans.

The old man came to a beautiful woman from the Feng clan.

"Xiao Ling'er, where is the person the old woman asked you to find? It just so happens that I'm fine recently, so I'll take you to experience it."

"Ah, it's Granny Huoyin. Don't worry, I've already found them. They are the disciples and children of several elders. I heard that Granny is taking us through training. They all want to go." Feng Linger said hastily. .

It turned out that it was Ao Hong who contacted Huoyin, and the two started a plan.

Ao Hong took Ao Yu from the Dragon Clan to snatch the woman from the Feng Clan, and told Ao Yu that she was the daughter of a high-level Feng Clan leader who had been suppressed, but in fact she was the daughter of a high-ranking person in power of the Phoenix Clan.

But this fire seal is in line with Ao Hong's plan, bringing Feng Ling'er and others, a group of children or disciples of high-level Feng clan.

In the end, after mistakenly killing this group of descendants, the Feng Clan will definitely not let it go, and the Dragon Clan will confront the Feng Clan head-on in order to protect their clansmen.

Moreover, this is only a plan of Ao Hong and Huoyin, but according to the connection of Rahu's magic ball, countless Rahu chess pieces in the three clans have begun to act secretly.


Huoyin left Feng Clan with a group of high-level disciples and children of Feng Clan.

But Ao Hong and Ao Yu, who were ambushing in the distance, were waiting anxiously.

"Elder Ao Hong, is your news accurate? Why haven't you come yet?" Ao Yu asked anxiously.

On the other hand, Ao Hong smiled disdainfully in his heart, seeing the virtues of the elders of the dragon clan, how could they be the opponents of the ancestors, the three clans are waiting to be destroyed.

"Don't worry, don't worry, huh..." Ao Hong suddenly smiled and said, "You see, it's not here. I'm right. After the high-level Feng clan was suppressed, only an old man Taiyi was still loyal to her. He escorted his daughter and several disciples out to practice."

I saw Huoyin showing up with a group of direct descendants of the Phoenix clan, Huoyin Taiyi's cultivation base, and these direct descendants of the Feng clan only had the Immortal Golden Immortal.

For Ao Yu and Ao Hong in the early days of Da Luo, it was simply too simple.

Sure enough, the excited Ao Yu was dispatched instantly.

"Not good, who is it?" Huo Yin pretended to be a gesture, but he did not hide it from Ao Yu and the juniors of the Feng clan.

"I am a member of the Feng Clan, who is it? Come out? You dare to ambush my Feng Clan, you are really bold." Huo Yin asked arrogantly.

"Haha, Feng Clan, I'm so scared, but we don't seem to be afraid of Feng Clan." Ao Hong appeared just right.

Ao Yu also looked at those beautiful Feng women with a smile.

at this time!

Seeing that Huoyin's face changed, a few juniors of the Feng clan secretly said: "No, I'm a master of the Dragon clan. We are in danger. Even if I blow myself up later, Xiao Linger, you have to run out."

"No, I won't leave, I..." Feng Ling'er said firmly.

"I, I..." A junior from the Feng clan suddenly murmured, seeing him as a handsome and handsome Feng clan man, he was afraid, he was afraid of death, he wanted to live.Suddenly I heard Granny Huoyin say that if she blew herself up and let Huo Linger escape, wouldn't she and others all die?
So this Feng clan man was afraid.

"Let him go, I'll stay." Huo Ling'er looked down on this tribe and said to Huo Yin.

Instead, Granny Huoyin smiled, and the plan was successful.

As long as there is someone who goes back to report the letter, that young man of the Feng clan who is greedy for life and fear of death is just right. Presumably that guy Ao Hong will successfully formulate a plan for the young man of the Feng clan to escape.

In fact, the juniors of the Phoenix Clan are ignorant. Let me ask you, if two masters of the Dragon Clan Da Luo work together, their highest is the fire seal of Taiyi cultivation level.

As for Huoyin, it is true that he had to 'protect' one person when he blew himself up.For Rahu, they willingly died.

This is the power of being controlled by Luo Hu.

Sure enough, the situation looked ridiculous, but the fire seal really blew itself up, and the Feng Clan youth really escaped under Ao Hong's 'carelessness'.

Although Ao Yu is dissatisfied with Ao Hong's carelessness, it doesn't matter. The Phoenix Clan is just a forgotten high-ranking child. Does the Dragon Clan really dare to take revenge?
Everything is in Ao Hong's plan.

On the other hand, under the temptation of Ao Hong, the women of the Feng clan began to live in darkness.

However, because Feng Ling'er was too beautiful and very virtuous, she would blew herself up if Ao Yu dared to touch her.

In this way, after tasting the other women of the Feng clan, Ao Yu patiently began to concoct Feng Ling'er.

Feng Ling'er was restrained by him, but after being restrained, she was like a corpse. Ao Yu didn't like it, so she began to "advise" and "intimidate" every day!
He is not in a hurry, there is plenty of time for Feng Linger to be willing.


It happened by accident!
Ao Yu didn't dare to take back the Dragon Clan because he plundered the Phoenix Clan privately. After all, the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan are still in peace at this time.

It just so happens that Ao Yu is on the edge of the east and the south, and it is a dragon clan guarded by him and Ao Hong, where he is the sky.

But in order not to be discovered by others in the clan, he said to his subordinates to retreat, and then he did this with Ao Yu.

But he couldn't easily return to the station, so he could only solve it outside, so he arranged a series of tricks, slowly playing with the Phoenix woman, and slowly concocting Huo Ling'er along the way.

On this day, after another round of intimidation and threats, Ao Yu found that Huo Ling'er still refused.

This made Ao Yu very angry.

He and Ao Hong shared the women who were snatched from the Feng clan, and the other half was taken away by Ao Hong.

For the rest, he caught here and planned to enjoy them slowly. The rest of the Feng clan women were all eaten up, but this most beautiful and most virtuous Huo Ling'er became his target to nibble away bit by bit.

Ao Yu said bitterly to Huo Ling'er who was banned: "It's better for you beauty to follow Benlong, as long as you follow me, I guarantee you prosperity and wealth, your demoted father can no longer give you a stable life Well, why not..."

Among the Phoenix clan!
The young man from the Feng clan who managed to escape back to the Feng clan finally reported the matter.

They were all the children of high-level people or subordinates of the sect, so naturally the entire Feng Clan was shaken in an instant.

"What? My child was kidnapped by the despicable Dragon Clan."

"It's impossible. Is his Dragon Clan going to live forever with our Clan?"

"Ah, God damn Dragon Clan, you all deserve to die." After a high-level deduction, he found that his daughter no longer existed.

Soon, everyone deduced...

They were all angry, but Huo Ling'er hadn't fallen yet, which made Huo Ling'er's father happy and angry at the same time.

Although his daughter is not dead yet, how can she run away in the hands of the Dragon Clan, thinking of what happened to her daughter.

"No, I'm going to see the patriarch, the patriarch must decide for us." Huo Ling'er's father said.

After he finished speaking, several high-level officials of the Feng clan turned red-eyed, and they all went to look for this Yuanfeng together.


What they didn't expect was that this was just the beginning. In the next period of time, there would be too many assassinations and surprise attacks by the Dragon Clan.

The many Yuanfeng were suppressed, and he knew that the disaster had begun.

This time, there was no way to detect the inner ghost, and there was no trace at all. Immediately after, Yuanfeng investigated the luck of the ethnic group, and this investigation shocked him.

"The decline is only in an instant, so it is, it is so!" Yuan Feng said in a daze.

Unknowingly, more than half of the protection of heaven and the condensation of luck have dispersed.

At this point, Yuanfeng no longer doubted, and with the recent hostility and resentment in Honghuang, he understood that a big catastrophe was coming.And his own group was very unlucky, and their luck began to decline when the disaster began.

Immediately Yuanfeng summoned the clansmen, and after announcing some matters, Fang Mingwu, the members of the Feng clan, felt strange everywhere recently. Their chests were full of anger, and their cultivation had not improved at all. The Phoenix Clan kills the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan attacks the Qilin Clan, the Qilin Clan kills the Dragon Clan, etc...

After the patriarch said so, it turned out that the calamity had begun.

They don't quite understand what the calamity is, but the patriarch said that it is more dangerous than when the beast was exterminated before, and the three clans are the ones who should be calamity.

The person who was the first to measure the calamity and respond to the calamity was a ferocious beast, but in the end the ferocious beast perished, then...?
But Yuanfeng also said that the calamity is a cleansing and test, if his own group can have the last laugh, it will become the overlord of the wild.

Of course, Yuanfeng also said that there is no escape, everyone is like this, so prepare for the coming disaster.


Not only the Feng Clan, but the Qilin Clan are also troubled recently.

First, the clansmen were assassinated and ambushed by the Dragon Clan, and they were all important figures, or directly descended from the younger generation.

Afterwards, the clansmen were full of anger, and it seemed that if they didn't vent it, even their mood would be affected.

Therefore, in order to avenge and vent their anger, many clansmen cast all their anger on the dragon clan.

This also made the conflict between the three clans more and more serious, and it felt a little out of control.

After some deduction, Shi Qilin, like Yuan Feng, understood the reason of the matter, and it turned out to be like this.

The tribulation is coming, and the three clans cannot escape the tribulation, so recently the conflicts between the three clans have been constant, and the hostility is rampant, and there is endless resentment in the chest.

Therefore, Shi Qilin also summoned the clansmen and explained what happened.

But Shi Qilin understands that the Qilin clan is the weakest among the three clans, and any clan of dragon and phoenix alone is stronger than him.

Then in order to prevent the other two clans from being the first to clean up before the decisive battle between the three clans, he had to unite.

Uniting the Dragon Clan will not work, the Dragon Clan is too strong, even if the Phoenix Clan is wiped out, it will be unlucky.

Then you can only unite with the Phoenix Clan, as long as you unite with the Phoenix Clan to resist the Dragon Clan, in this way, you can ensure that your own group will not be wiped out first.

As long as we work together with the Phoenix Clan to resist the Dragon Clan, or even destroy the Dragon Clan, then?The losses of the two clans are not easy, and it is not necessarily true that the Qilin clan has no chance.

Therefore, Shi Qilin quickly found his confidant and sent a joint message to Yuanfeng.

And the most unlucky is the Dragon Clan.

Not only were many members of the clan killed by the two clans in a secret attack, but the clan was also blamed for instigating war.

The two ethnic groups seem to be targeting their own ethnic groups.

Moreover, luck began to decline, hostility began to spread, they naturally understood what happened?
For this reason, Zulong began to arrange everything secretly under the circumstances.

(End of this chapter)

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