In this life, Haotian, due to Yuzhu's suppression in the past and his own forbearance, has not been able to think about it. Although he is very frustrated, he has been secretly looking for opportunities.

He would also stir up dissension from time to time and make them dog-eat-dog.

However, after doing this several times, the sages were unwilling, and threatened Haotian one after another, telling Haotian to stop, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable.

At this time, Haotian was forced into a desperate situation. His plan could not be realized. The saints all saw his plan. What should he do?
"Brother, we can't do this anymore. Why don't you go complain to the Venerable or the Taoist ancestors and see the shameless behavior of the saints." Yaochi gritted his teeth.

She couldn't stand it anymore. The good Lord of Heaven, Jade Emperor Haotian, was forced to look like this.

Nowadays, rumors have spread among the high-level officials of the Great Desolate World that Haotian and Yaochi are just puppets. Haotian is the master of heaven, but secretly it is the territory of the great saints.

"Junior sister, please don't. I forgot what the Lord said. Opportunities are also training. If you can't hold on to this training, what's the difference between this and giving up? You can't complain. You can hold back even if you feel aggrieved." Haotian was determined. road.

"But senior brother, the saint stopped you from moving, and even warned you many times. Are you going to rip off your face?" Yaochi asked.

It was okay before, Haotian secretly instigated, and the Saint forces were provoked to fight endlessly, but recently the Saint seems to have united the front. They can fight on their own, but they cannot be provoked to fight like pawns in Haotian's hands.

"No, we can't tear the skin. If we tear it, we will fail. We must endure it!"

"Endure!" Yaochi looked at Haotian heartbrokenly, "But how long can I endure it?"

Haotian was startled by this question.

Haotian thinks too much.

"Yeah, how long can I endure it?"

"Can I bear it until I can't bear it and give up, or file a complaint with the master, or kill my Taoist heart and become a puppet completely?"

"It's better to endure until you get used to it, to endure until you become numb, to endure until you are like a saint who will risk everything for the sake of seeking the truth. What's the use of being immortal."

"I have traveled all the way, and although I have lived for endless years, as a boy, I have the protection of my master. Although I have heard about the cruelty of the ancient times, I know that this is the real ancient times;
But I always have my own emotions in my heart, my love for my junior sister, and my respect for the master. After the master and the venerable decided to become the Lord of the Heaven, I thought that I should be the Lord of the Heaven, treat everything fairly, and move the stars and the Heaven. For the benefit of Honghuang, like the master and the venerable, do your best for Honghuang and become the pillar of Honghuang! "

"This is my original thought. I want to contribute to the ancient world and work hard to make the ancient world prosperous like the master and the venerable ones."

"But, saints, why do you always push yourself?"

For a moment, Haotian seemed to have an epiphany, a daze, or a realization.

Just when Haotian fell into an inner battle, wanting to protect Honghuang and become one of its backbones, but he had recently experienced various conspiracies and pressures, causing his heart to become different from his original thoughts!

In the underworld under the sea of ​​blood, deep in the origin of the tunnel, an extremely mysterious purple energy condensed in an instant, and then turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

Only three people felt the vibration of the authentic origin.

As for the three people who felt this scene, Hongjun touched his beard happily, while Pingxin looked in the direction of the heaven with confusion.

Only Styx moved and disappeared from the spot.

"Meet Your Honor!"

When Styx appeared again, he was already in front of Haotian and Yaochi. After seeing Styx, the two people hurriedly stood up and saluted to Styx.

Minghe waved his hand and said: "Haotian, tell me, how do you want to become the Lord of Heaven?"

Minghe's words made the entire hall tremble, causing Yaochi to retreat involuntarily, but Haotian said to Minghe as if he had an epiphany: "Be like the master and the venerable, become the patron saint of the ancient world, and contribute to the prosperity of the ancient world. The meager strength is exactly what I, Haotian, think.

Recently, I have been a little lost about the position of the Lord of Heaven, and the recent oppression of me by the saints has made me a little confused;
To protect and strengthen the ancient world and make great contributions is the Taoist heart that I, Haotian, have established since I was born. I have witnessed the actions of the two greatest beings in the ancient world, the Taoist Ancestor and the Venerable;

Although my Taoist heart and ability are not as good as those of the Venerable and Taoist Ancestors, I, Haotian, am willing to be a follower of these two supreme beings, follow in their footsteps, and make my contribution. "


Children can be taught! "

After hearing what Haotian said, Minghe said with a smile, then stretched out his hand and touched Haotian's head, and the shieldless jade ball appeared in Minghe's hand.

Ming He glanced at the jade ball, threw it with his big hand, and flew straight to the top of the 33rd Heaven, emitting an incomparably dazzling light.

"Okay, so the saint can't come in, just do whatever you want.

Remember to stick to your heart!

Only by sticking to your heart can you get what you deserve, otherwise even what you have already obtained will disappear! "

After saying these words, Styx took one step forward and disappeared into the heaven.

Haotian and Yaochi looked at Ming He who had left, and even forgot to salute for a moment, thinking about the meaning of Ming He's words.

Not to mention Haotian's thinking, but to mention Minghe and Hongjun.

After Minghe gave Haotian some guidance in the heavenly court, and helped him arrange the shieldless formation, he came to the Zixiao Palace.

After arriving at Zixiao Palace, Hongjun was already waiting here.

Seeing Ming He coming, Hongjun said: "Thank you very much, fellow Taoist Ming He, for helping Haotian. I feel deeply grateful to you."

"Yeah." Ming He nodded, recognizing the cause and effect of Hongjun taking over his instructions to guide Haotian.

Styx never expected that Haotian would become one of the six saints this time.

You know, Ming He and Hongjun are both thinking that the first saint should be Di Jiang. After all, he is an authentic saint, and Hou Tu is an authentic Hedao saint. Di Jiang will have the upper hand, but now Haotian actually Became the first saint candidate.

This earthly saint is different from the heavenly saint. The heavenly saint is directly determined by heaven according to its own rules, while the earthly saint is given based on the performance of everyone in the prehistoric times.

In other words, this authentic saint, neither Hongjun nor Pingxin, has any way to participate. Even the current prophets of Styx have disappeared because of his own layout, and they do not know the subsequent development.

"Fellow Taoist, why don't we see how this looks like an authentic saint?" Hongjun suddenly opened his mouth and faced the Styx.

Upon hearing this, Minghe nodded, and then with a flick of his finger, a stream of light appeared in Zixiao Palace.

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother, what's wrong with you?" Yaochi suddenly froze when he saw Haotian, and his body trembled for a while, with joy and determination on his face. "Junior sister, senior brother understand, understand, understand your own way?" Haotian said.

Immediately, Haotian waved his hand and concealed the secret of heaven, which even the saints could not deduce.

But it couldn't stop Minghe and Hongjun from observing.

"Junior sister, just now, after Senior Brother was enlightened by His Holiness, he suddenly realized why I was born?" After Haotian finished speaking, he added: "Do you know why the Lord and Dao Ancestor named Senior Brother as the Lord of Heaven?"

"This?" Yaochi was stunned, "Taoist ancestors and venerables are close to Taoism. Their naming is not random, there must be a reason. Since you named senior brother, it means that senior brother, you have a great opportunity and you are also a lucky person."

"Haha, yes, that's true." Haotian said.

"However, opportunities are also training. Only by going through the training can you get the opportunity. As for senior brother's previous training, you have seen it. The saint obstructed him and opposed him everywhere. And senior brother was also oppressed by the saint. When my junior sister asked just now, he endured When will we finally realize it?"

Haotian said: "Junior sister, you and I have been protected by the master since the ancient times. To be honest, we have heard about the cruelty of the ancient times... Therefore, the venerable master and the Taoist ancestor have always made the senior brother feel proud and respected, and I also want to be with them. Like a great being, I went to contribute to the prosperity of the ancient world... Until just now I was almost defeated by the recent conspiracy and pressure. Senior brother understood that the true sentient self is my opportunity..."

After saying that, in Yaochi's confusion, he added: "Junior sister, do you know why the saint oppresses us like this? Is it just for the Lord of Heaven?"

"Isn't it?" Yaochi said.

"No, Junior Sister, could it be that I have forgotten that His Holiness said that there are three holy saints in heaven and earth.

The first is our master, the master of Zixiao Palace, Hongjun Taoist, Dingdao Demon, and preacher of Taoism;
The second most benevolent empress of Houtu, the great compassion incarnates into reincarnation, fits into the underworld, and achieves the state at this time. "

Hearing this, Yaochi was a little surprised, "Senior brother, have you realized the opportunity of becoming a saint?"

Yao Chi was a little bit surprised after being frightened, knowing that his senior brother has always been very good, and sure enough...

"Not really.

Junior sister, senior brother has realized something, but after the senior brother just realized it, he is not a combined saint, but an authentic saint.

At that time, because the senior brother realized that he was guarding the ancient world, making contributions to the ancient world, and taking charge of the heavenly court, at that moment of selflessness, the authentic origin chose him as his brother, and thus he obtained the status of an authentic saint. However, if he wanted to achieve the status of a saint, he had to Contribute more.

Therefore, the position of an authentic saint is a right, a dedication, and a responsibility. "

After Haotian finished speaking, both Yaochi and Hongjun and Minghe who were observing all understood. .

Whatever Ming He and Hongjun have done all along, whether intentionally or unintentionally, they have always done something to protect the ancient world. It is precisely because of this that Haotian's Taoist heart has been forged.

Thinking of being like Styx and Hongjun, becoming a being that protects and strengthens the ancient world.

However, the recent oppression by the Lord of Heaven and the Saints has made him a little lost.

Therefore, with the sudden enlightenment just now, Haotian also has the firm Taoist heart at this moment.

"Haha..." Haotian suddenly laughed: "Junior sister, those saints made all kinds of calculations, but they were all wrong. Although my brother is not a saint who has achieved harmony, he is just an authentic saint, but at this time he also understands that he wants to achieve harmony. A saint must have great contributions and great merits, rather than greedy demands like theirs.”

He added: "A saint who adheres to the highest rules of the ancient world will never be the kind of saint who only knows calculations and does not know rewards.

They have no feelings and will never understand that only by dedication can there be gains and only by hard work can one 'attain the Tao'. This is a kind of great wisdom.

Just greedy asking will only cause anger and resentment. "

Haotian just finished speaking. Everyone, including Styx Hongjun Yaochi, nodded in agreement.

Of course, unlike Yaochi who had only a half-knowledge, Hongjun and Minghe understood the importance of contribution better.

Of course, Hongjun only understood it recently, and Minghe didn't know it before. He had always thought about Pangu Daoguo. Therefore, what he always wanted was to make Honghuang owe him karma. Therefore, the continuous layout made Honghuang more and more popular. powerful.

Later, I suddenly found that I was becoming more and more comfortable in the prehistoric period and had less and less restraint.

Now after listening to Haotian's words, I suddenly realized that it turned out that because my contribution to the ancient world was enough for me to live freely in the ancient world, I was allowed to write all kinds of things in the entire ancient world.

Just like Hou Tu, because of the abandonment of reincarnation, he has the foundation of a saint in the underworld.

Gains and losses are extremely clear at this moment.

Balance and justice are also extremely dazzling at this moment.


"Then what are you going to do, brother?" Yaochi asked.

After hearing this, Haotian suddenly felt sad: "Junior sister, because my brother was lost before, he is still unable to match the fate of Heaven. As a result, Heaven cannot make any contribution to the ancient times. Without contribution, I, I will not be able to achieve the status of a saint. position, even deprived of the position of an authentic saint!"


Then senior brother, what you mean is... if this is the case, whether it is heaven or a saint..." Yaochi said with a somewhat ugly face, but he did not finish.

"Hey!" Haotian sighed: "Junior sister, now the opportunity has come to hand. If senior brother stagnates, wouldn't it be in vain that he has spent many years cultivating Taoism.

What's more, my brother also wants to become the real Haotian Jade Emperor, not such a puppet. "

"When will senior brother leave?" Yaochi was silent for a moment and then said.

"When I use my means to temporarily match the destiny of heaven, and then cut off myself and throw myself into reincarnation, the merits and virtues I have cultivated by cutting off my own path and fruit will be regarded as part of heaven. When the merits are completed, I will understand Come back." Haotian said.

"Huh" Yaochi breathed out. She thought that Haotian had completely reincarnated, but it turned out that he had cut off the reincarnation of Tao and Fruit, and his true body was still in heaven.

Although it is very dangerous to cut off the Dao Fruit, which may dissipate countless years of cultivation, it is still much better than the reincarnation of the real body. After all, as the Lord of Heaven, even if they are puppets, they have no shortage of resources. It's just a matter of how long it takes to repair it after it's destroyed.

But at this moment, Minghe in Zixiao Palace suddenly felt that this scene was very familiar. Wasn't this the scene of Haotian's reincarnation in his previous life?

But this time it became the reincarnation of Tao and Fruit.

This made Styx suddenly stunned. Dao rhymes emanated from Styx's body. Scenes of memories flashed in Styx's mind, followed by the constant collision of countless great laws. (end of this chapter)

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