Then Fuxi felt that his luck had increased again.

The greater his luck, the more Fuxi thinks about it is not that his cultivation will improve faster, but that he feels that he has greater responsibilities.

A qualified future co-leader of the human race has finally succeeded in condensing his Taoist heart.

Years pass by in a hurry!

After another great fishing harvest, the tribesmen could not eat so many fish and shrimps at one time.

This made Fuxi very worried. Could it be that he should throw away the food he couldn't eat? This would be too wasteful.

After all, if these can be preserved during times of famine, it will save the lives of the people.

Suddenly, Fu Xi couldn't help but think of something, and hurried to Lei Gang, and said to Lei Gang: "Teacher, this endless food will go bad if left for a long time. Unless they are alive, the disciple has a way." , can we dig a lake ourselves and put the uneatable fish in the lake? When there is less prey, can we catch and eat the fish and shrimp in the lake? In this way, can we ensure that the tribe will not Will you starve to death?”

Fuxi's question suddenly flashed a hint of surprise in Lei Gang's eyes. He really didn't expect that his apprentice would solve this problem in just a few years.

You must know that he is now the peak Da Luo Jinxian, and his thinking speed is much faster than Fu Xi, but he still asked other clones to get the answer!
Of course, Lei Gang couldn't say anything about these, but he said with an inscrutable look: "Yes, you can keep it if you can't eat it. The reason why it couldn't be kept for a long time before was that the prey was dead and could not be kept for long.

So what about keeping them alive?
If it’s not just fish and shrimp, can we also extend our eyes to some captured land prey? "

As Lei Gang raised his question, Fuxi seemed to have suddenly found a way to solve the problem of human food shortage. Then Fuxi saluted Lei Gang and hurried back to the tribe.

Because of Fuxi's extraordinary power and the existence of Lei Gang, the people in the Fenggun tribe simply obeyed Fuxi's words. Therefore, under Fuxi's guidance, the tribesmen began to slowly dig lakes to store fish and shrimps in the abundant season.

They also began to capture land prey alive and domesticate it.

Hundreds of years have passed in a hurry.

For the human race, every progress is a coexistence of danger and opportunity. Slowly, the human race discovered that not all prey can be tamed.

After hundreds of years of accumulation, chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, cattle, horses, dogs and other wild animals were finally domesticated by the Fenggun tribe.

And because of reproduction from generation to generation, the entire Fenggun tribe has completely solved the previous food problem.

Taming wild beasts finally started with Fuxi.

Therefore, not long after, Fuxi took over the position of the leader of the Fenggun tribe and officially became the leader of the tribe.

No one objected to this. When Fuxi was born, everyone knew it and gradually understood from Lei Gang that Fuxi was the master of destiny for the human race and was not a descendant of any god. This news slowly spread to the Fenggon tribe. Begin to accept it.

After Fuxi became the clan leader, he started a great change. Through his strong prestige, Fuxi was the first to solve the clan's ignorance and the idea of ​​a god being supreme. Fuxi overthrew the god and knocked him to the ground.

It established the belief of self-improvement and unyielding in the tribe, and the belief that man can conquer nature.

After that, in the entire Fenggun tribe, some of the gods of cow ghosts and snake gods completely disappeared. There was only one sacrificial temple, which contained the holy ancestor Venerable Styx, the Holy Mother Nuwa, and the other one was Laozi, the leader of the human religion. Even Lei Gang is not included.

But it is not a physical and mental kneeling, but a kind of worship of faith.

After destroying these so-called cow ghosts and snake gods, we established faith and self-improvement for our people.

Fuxi discovered that the spiritual outlook of the tribe had undergone earth-shaking changes. It seemed that they had changed from a puppet lamb to a spiritual and independent character.

Such a change made Fuxi happy. This is what a vigorous and overlord of heaven and earth looks like. The reason for worshiping the Holy Ancestor, Holy Mother, etc. is because they were founded in the human race and protected the human race, which requires worship.

As for the cow ghosts and snake gods born out of fear, there is no need for human beings to kneel down and worship them. This is a moth in the heart of human beings.

Fuxi began to rectify the clan members from physical to psychological aspects.

However, this is difficult and takes a long time to change.

It’s not that we didn’t encounter setbacks, because when we abolished some demons and monsters, many stubborn people or people with vested interests came out to oppose it.

After listening to Lei Gang's teachings, Fuxi could not only be gentle, but also need to be fearful when necessary.

In this way, Fuxi gritted his teeth and eradicated some stubborn ones, and through his iron-blooded methods and subsequent gentleness, he completely established his supreme prestige.

Even his deeds began to spread slowly. Countless tribes heard that there was a Fenggun tribe with a clan leader, Fuxi, who built nets for the tribesmen to catch fish and shrimps, caught prey, and even tamed wild beasts so that the tribesmen would not suffer from famine.

His deeds slowly began to spread widely, and many tribes that could not survive began to surrender, hoping that Fuxi would lead them out of their predicament.

At first, the Fenggon tribe disagreed.

But Fuxi is the future co-leader of the human race after all.

After achieving the position of clan leader, he knew that his ordeal had just begun. It was his mission to strengthen the human race, and he could not stop progressing just because of the prosperity of the Fenggun tribe.

Therefore, no matter who came to seek refuge, he would help. Gradually, with the passage of time, the Dongfang Fenggun tribe had become an era led by Fuxi.

Gradually, the title "Co-Master" began to become Fuxi's new title.

Fuxi worked tirelessly, not only to strengthen the human body, but also to slowly sort out the monsters and monsters. This was an act of overcoming difficulties.

However, whoever calls him the future co-leader of the human race, who calls him the master of destiny, will not end well for anyone who opposes him.

With the passage of time and his rectification, Fuxi's name officially spread to the entire human race.

In addition, during this period, Fuxi heard the teachings of his mother Hua Xu countless times and understood that the human race still had many problems, such as human relations and marriage. Therefore, he asked Lei Gang, who explained to him the problems of other creatures in the prehistoric times. Way.

After hearing this, Fuxi had an inexplicable feeling and guidance. Perhaps solving this problem and establishing human ethics and rules for the human race is what he will do in the future.

However, this is what we need to do after the unification. Now we are changing ourselves and also changing a part of the human race. This is not okay.

After all, Lei Gang said that changes involving the entire human race can only be implemented after he has become the co-owner of the entire human race. Implementing it now will not be recognized by heaven and earth.

Therefore, Fuxi is extremely eager to become the co-leader of the human race and then fulfill his ambition.

For this goal, Fuxi knew that he needed to work harder and strive to make his luck and fame greater, so that he could influence more tribesmen.

During this period, due to his fishing methods and domestication, the human race had a surplus of prey, and they did not even need to risk their lives to hunt for long periods of time.

As a result, the remaining labor force will be idle.

In addition, he had gradually become the co-leader of many tribes. Fuxi decided that he could not survive in a tribal way and wanted to integrate.

After consulting Lei Gang for this purpose, Fuxi began to gather strong human laborers and began to build the city.After countless failures, the first human race town was finally successfully established.

The human race began to move into the city to avoid being attacked by wild beasts. Even after it was completed, Fuxi began to distribute the tribesmen.

Women make webs or weave clothes, men do hard work, the elderly are supported, and children receive education.

Rules that were not yet mature began to be implemented in many tribes ruled by Fuxi.

Fuxi began to accumulate experience and thus gathered a stronger reputation.

It was not until nearly 10 years later that the name Fuxi, the co-leader of the human race, was completely accepted by the human race.

Those who have received his gifts, whether they are making webs, building cities, supporting the elderly, educating children, taming wild animals and other creations, have had an incomparable effect on the entire human race.

After receiving Fuxi's gift, he naturally began to respect Fuxi.

Miraculously, admiration for Fuxi began with respecting Fuxi as a god. Fuxi felt depressed when he found out.

I have always been aware of the demons and demons, and worked hard for the human race to strive for self-improvement.

Unexpectedly, the reason why so many human beings surrender to themselves is like surrendering to gods.

However, this solidified Fuxi's idea. He thoroughly understood the demons and demons and built cities everywhere. After the completion, except for the priest temple, other demons and demons were eliminated directly. With the help of Lei Gang and the subjugation of many human masters, he pushed and conquered countless All the unwilling miscellaneous gods were swept away by Fuxi.

Of course, he also encountered crises, including a large number of monsters, which almost made him fail. Fortunately, Lei Gang took action and killed this lao.

Fuxi even summoned many tribesmen and roasted some of the slain gods into food on the spot for everyone to eat.

It looks cruel, but the effect is very good. Even the gods have eaten it. Why are you still afraid of gods?

This trick worked very well. After it spread among the human race, the fear and admiration for gods shrank by half in an instant.


This finally touched a so-called divine alliance.

Seeing that their throne was about to be overthrown, the ignorant and weak human race had a common leader, and they began to worry.

The ignorant evil god planned to completely eliminate Fuxi and return the human race to the era before they were ruled by them.

Coincidentally, several masters of the Evil God Alliance actually have many disciples of the Jie Jiao. The Tao of Tongtian is to intercept the chance of life. Therefore, many Jie Jiao disciples do not pay attention to the authentic Xuanmen at all when practicing. Authentic, after they had a way to get something for nothing, they naturally chose to become gods who squeezed the human race.

This time they were also involved because of Fuxi's move to purge the gods.

The largest city of the human race, inside Fuxi Capital City.

The Priest Temple was the largest temple in the human race at this time, and Lei Gang also moved into the city with his disciple Fu Xi.

But later on, the places where Fuxi used him gradually decreased a lot. Lei Gang was happy but also very disappointed. He had completed more than half of his mission and was just waiting for his disciple Fuxi's merits to be completed.

But he's a little disappointed. His disciples almost don't need him anymore. After all, this is his first disciple, and he may also be his last.

It's not that Fuxi no longer needs Lei Gang, but because the emergence of human towns has unified the human race, and the collective wisdom of the human race is great, so when Fuxi has problems, he will think of convening high-level human race officials for discussion. Fewer people asked Lei Gang.

For this human race's discussion, Lei Gang was invited by Fuxi.

"Co-leader, those evil gods' alliance, it is said that there are more than a dozen Daluo masters, not to mention a bunch of Taiyi evil gods. With our current strength alone, we cannot defeat the evil gods, unless the Holy Land takes action, but the Holy Land has been hidden from the world for a long time. , we are not sure about inviting the Holy Land to take action." A member of the tribe said high.

"There is no need to consider the Holy Land. The ancestors of the Holy Land have completed their mission. The ancestors led our human race to rise into barbarism. Now the human race's troubles need to be solved by ourselves. Unless the clan is exterminated, the Holy Land will not take action." Fuxi said.

Fuxi gradually learned a lot.

The Holy Land does not take action just for the sake of the emergence of a co-leader like itself, for the sake of leading the human race to rise again, and at the same time setting rules for the human race that will continue in the future.

If the Holy Land takes action, it will be impossible for him to gather his luck.

But the top management of the human race didn't know. They were shocked when they heard that the Holy Land wouldn't take action. What should they do?
Ninety-nine percent of the masters of the human race are in the Holy Land, and anyone who has cultivated a great Luo flower will be taken in by the Holy Land.

Therefore, it's not that the human race doesn't have masters, it's just that the masters have all gone to the Holy Land. This is what Fuxi told them.


"This is how to do?"


The top leaders of the human race are a little worried. If they can't leave the Holy Land and there are so many masters in the Evil God Alliance, what will the human race do?
Fuxi was helpless. He was already a master of the Golden Immortal. He was the kind of person who had not cultivated for a long time and only relied on luck to improve himself. It was very magical.

But the Golden Fairy Queen seems to have difficulty making progress no matter what, and seems to have reached a bottleneck.

After asking Lei Gang, Lei Gang said that unless he officially became the co-leader of the human race or made great merits for the human race, it would be difficult to improve in the short term.

Fuxi didn't care about cultivation, so he just let it go.

But it’s very uncomfortable now. Without the high-level combat power, it’s difficult to solve the Evil God Alliance!

no solution anymore!

"Teacher!" Fuxi asked Lei Gang, who had been silent.

Lei Gang was so anxious as he waited. Finally it was his turn. He was just an evil god. It was indeed difficult for him to eradicate him, but he could greet people.

If nothing else, any one of his group of clone friends can solve everything.

"You don't need to worry, it's just an evil god. As a master, I will send a message to my fellow sects and wait for the masters in the sect to come and clear out this group of evil people for your human race." Lei Gang said.

After hearing this, the senior leaders of the human race felt excited. After all these years, the Immortal Lei Gang had kept a low profile and secluded himself in the world, and finally came out again.

After saying that, Lei Gang's true spirit message flashed through, and it was quickly received by the clones. Yang Meng immediately agreed, saying that he would come to help Lei Gang.

However, just when he was about to go to solve the problem, Bai Zhan suddenly spoke to everyone.

It turned out that Bai Zhan calculated that among the evil gods this time, there were very special ones. There were disciples belonging to the Jie Jiao sect, as well as subordinates of Beihai Kunpeng, and even some subordinates with great supernatural powers. (End of chapter)

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