Chapter 248.


"How was your exploration?" Jade Emperor asked.

Of the three marriages between heaven and earth, his marriage on earth shocked the world the most. However, the magic was not his marriage ceremony, but the great changes in the world after the marriage ceremony.

The Jade Emperor suffered from this for a long time. Fortunately, due to his merits, his path of accumulating merits was one step closer. It seems that it won't be long before he can achieve the existence of a saint.

"Your Majesty, the world has changed so much that neither Dao Ancestor nor His Holiness expressed it. This means that it is a natural change and has not caused any harm to the ancient world. It is just a temporary discomfort. This may be the reason why Dao Ancestor and His Holiness did not notify. "Taibai Jinxing said.

"Yeah." Jade Emperor nodded.

It has become a lot easier recently. Due to the great changes in the world, the saints have become much less suppressed not only in heaven but also in other powerful powers.

Let the heavens and even the powerful ones breathe a sigh of relief.

"Any other news?" asked the Jade Emperor.

"Your Majesty, apart from the birth of the Lingbao and the birth of the Immortal Mountain Dojo, that's all the news. In addition, according to many people's speculation, this change is just the beginning, and the complete change has not yet been completed."

After speaking, everyone including the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother nodded.

They also thought that although the changes were huge, they could see that this was the beginning.

After all, in many places the immortals are still close together and have not yet completely separated.

According to the division of strong and thin spiritual energy, this is wrong and needs to be completely separated.

Moreover, passing through the barrier space is divided into two parts: immortal and mortal. After all, it is not a solution. Now is just the beginning, and there will be a complete division later.

After a period of exploration, all experts have guessed this, but they just don’t know the final situation.

The Jade Emperor seemed to be recalling and said: "A long time ago, I heard the Venerable and Taoist ancestors say that the world has changed greatly. I didn't understand it at the time, but now it seems that this is a change."

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor thought this was an opportunity and began to make arrangements...

And the other side!
The world changed drastically, and the saint was also frightened.

As the four saints gathered together, worry and melancholy began to spread.

"Daozu and His Holiness didn't summon us. Is it because our behavior made them dissatisfied?" Jie Yin asked worriedly.

But I shook my head, "Everyone, since the last great change in the world and the huge improvement in the ancient times, it is no longer clear whether the heaven and earth will be deduced or the trajectory of the future.

Even the Venerable and the Teacher have said that the fate of the future is uncertain, so the old Taoist feels that it is not that the Venerable and the Teacher did not inform us, but they do not know either.

Secondly, even if they knew it, it would be useless for them to say it or not after it had no harm to the ancient world. Just like at this moment, the great change in the world was just the beginning, but it did not cause any destruction to the creatures in the ancient world. "

After I finished speaking, everyone nodded. This is the most appropriate answer.

"Everyone, you are saying that the Venerable suddenly no longer cares about the affairs of the prehistoric times. Is it because of this great change that the Venerable is presiding over this great change, so he no longer cares about the affairs of the prehistoric times?" Yuan Yuan suddenly asked.

After asking this question, everyone was a little surprised.

You know, Styx has always been involved in all the major events in the prehistoric times. Now, it is obviously abnormal for him to not get involved in the matter of being the co-leader of the human race!

If you are as smart as them, you will instantly feel that you have great hope and opportunity when you get a chance.

After all, today's opportunity for harmony is human nature.

As saints, they naturally know what human nature is. It is the way of all sentient beings in the ancient world.

After all, everyone can see that the great changes in the world are just the beginning. If it is true as Yuan said, wouldn't it be true that only after complete changes can the Venerable return?
After such a long arrangement, they were able to explore any opportunities that came their way.

Otherwise, if this opportunity does not belong to their group of saints, they can completely let go of this opportunity and be their own saints of heaven, without extravagantly hoping for the position of harmony.

You know, they act so recklessly, but they are always worried that Styx or Dao Ancestor will come to trouble them.

But now with the exact time, more layout and arrangements can be made.

Therefore, they are excited and hope that it will be like the original said.


After the Four Saints waited for a while, after the creatures discovered the newly born fairyland area, the Saints finally took action.


And above the sea of ​​blood!
The moment when the world changed, it frightened all the creatures in the Blood Sea. You know, the Blood Sea has been standing still for countless years, but Rukini was attracted and involved without any resistance, and slowly began to merge with the fairy world. Get closer.

But many race clan leaders, based on what Lord Styx said before, also understood that this was the beginning of a great change in the world.

It’s just that the clan leaders are very strange. Lord Styx said that changes will only happen after becoming a god. Why does it start now?

After thinking for a long time, the clan leaders understood that perhaps it was completely completed when they became gods, but the beginning of the change started from this moment.

I just didn't expect that the completion of the third marriage between heaven, earth and man would actually be an introduction?
Doesn’t that mean that when the merits of the Three Sovereigns and Four Emperors are complete, the great changes in the world will be further completed?Even, one can transform into the three realms of immortality, mortal and underworld without becoming a god.

"It seems that His Holiness didn't guess it either!" All the clan leaders thought this way.

However, no one can be sure whether this is the case, and they can only guess that the Venerable has miscalculated the speed of the evolution of the prehistoric era.


Hongjun from Zixiao Palace!

A look of confusion.

At first, I didn't know about this change of heaven and earth. I didn't expect that it started without anyone knowing because of the third marriage between people in heaven and earth.

“Fortunately, it was just the beginning and it didn’t cause any huge changes.

Why!Since the perfect birth of the prehistoric tunnel, the future has become unknown. It is indeed the supreme prehistoric, without beginning or end, elusive. "Hongjun sighed.

"But it's okay, because of the changes in the way of heaven, after the perfection of the earth way, it will also have a great effect on the old way. As long as the human way is born, the old way will be able to complete its merits. This will help the way of heaven to be perfected. When the time comes, you can get rid of the shackles, and you can also I am completely at ease in the wilderness." Hongjun comforted himself in a rare way.

Everything before has traces, even in the layout of himself and Styx.

But things are different now, everything has become a bit unknown.

The world changes. After Hongjun's investigation, he found that there was no unpredictable situation. It was similar to what he and Styx deduced, but the time was wrong.

"I hope Fellow Taoist Ming He will break through and return as soon as possible. Such invisible changes are what Fellow Taoist Ming He is good at." Hongjun smiled awkwardly. He was looking forward to the return of Luo Jinxian, who had broken through Ming He and Hunyuan Wuji.


Styx did not take the changes in the prehistoric era too seriously, although the changes in the world were much faster than he expected.

However, the integration of the Hongmeng Spirit was almost completed. I thought it would take at least thirty or forty Yuanhui's time.

Unexpectedly, the further back he went, the faster he went. Minghe expected that after Shennong had reached perfection and Xuanyuan, he would be able to completely enter the level of the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal.

There are a lot of troubles waiting for him. Entering Hunyuan Wuji as soon as possible is what Styx is looking forward to most now.

White Tiger Mountain!
"Sage, my disciple is ignorant, please give me some advice." The depressed-looking Duke Dong finally arrived at Baihu Mountain. He couldn't help but come. His disciple Shen Nong was going crazy.

If it weren't for the fact that Duke Dong was an ancient power and was also very good at alchemy, Shennong would have failed and narrowly escaped death countless times, which made Duke Dong very worried.

The great changes in the prehistoric times have huge benefits for the human race. Previously, the human race was even hindered by some Jedi.

But after the great change in the world, the nine major regions of the human race were connected together. Although there are still some regions that intersect with the spiritual world of the rich, they are much better than before.

After Shennong worried for a while and realized that it was not important to the human race, he devoted himself to the feat of tasting hundreds of herbs.

After falling into a coma, he was rescued by Tingqi.

Without the vigorous love, Shen Nong lost a lot of romance for the sake of the human race.

However, his wife Tingqi supported Shennong very much and was impressed by Shennong's greatness. Soon after, the two gave birth to their daughter: Nvwa.

As Shen Nong tasted hundreds of herbs, he slowly played a role in curbing the disease disasters of the human race.

But there are still many diseases that have not been overcome, so Shennong began a long journey of trying hundreds of herbs.

The danger in this can be imagined.

The human race sighed at the greatness and selflessness of the co-leader. Shen Nong really impressed the human race completely.

Every time Shen Nong discovered a herbal medicine, in addition to recording it, it was immediately passed on to the people. The number of diseases in the human race also gradually decreased with Shen Nong's feats.

The top leaders of the human race came to plead with them several times, begging the leader not to do such dangerous behavior.

And Shennong's answer every time was: "I can't go back. The human race is sick and there is no medical treatment. How can I go back?"

Perhaps it was this selfless act that moved the world. Shennong discovered a magical place where almost all spiritual herbs could be found.

However, there are spiritual herbs and poisonous weeds, which seems to be a test for Shennong. Shennong fell into coma time and time again due to accidentally eating poisonous weeds.

This place is what the human race will honorably call Shennongjia from now on.

As a teacher, Dong Wanggong, Shennong's disciple can be said to be very independent.

There is almost no need for him, and Shennong's heart of heaven and earth can even give him a feeling of enlightenment.

For this reason, all he can do is to save Shennong who falls into a coma again and again.

However, as Shen Nong worked harder and harder, and as more medicinal materials and poisonous weeds were mistakenly eaten by Shen Nong, Dong Wangong finally felt tremendous pressure.

He came to Baihu Mountain and asked Bai Zhan for support.

With the picture at this moment.

"I thought you wouldn't come to see me anymore." Bai Zhan said with a smile.

After saying that, seeing Prince Dong's bitter face, Bai Zhan immediately waved his hand, and there were three more spiritual objects in his hand.

"This is the medicine cauldron, also the Shennong cauldron. I went to the Venerable Blood Sea Mall to buy it. This cauldron was prepared for Shennong. This cauldron contains the spiritual herb of identification..."

"If you hand this cauldron to Shennong, it will play a vital role for him."

After saying that, he waved his hand to Duke Dong. Duke Dong took the Shennong Cauldron and examined it personally. Sure enough, a magical Taoist charm was revealed.

Moreover, this cauldron is actually a top-level innate spiritual treasure. It is simply unbelievable. It is stronger than my own spiritual treasure.

Bai Zhan was helpless. Such spiritual treasures were rare to him, but he dared not disobey the original order.

Bai Zhan didn't know that this was what Minghe wanted from Hongjun, and he wanted it when Bai Zhan decided to assist Shennong.

It just so happens that the left hand reverses the right hand, and you can still make a profit!
"There is no doubt that it is indeed a top-notch spiritual treasure. It is said to be related to the Creation Green Lotus. The Venerable said it himself, so just take it. Through your description, Shennong feels that it is not simple for him to be a teacher. He must also be a teacher. I don’t know the secret, but you should assist him well and learn from Lei Gang. After Shennong’s merits are completed, I hope that you can cut off your own body and become a quasi-sage in the late stage.”

"Yes, I will certainly live up to the saint's expectations." Prince Dong respectfully accepted it.

Immediately, Bai Zhan nodded and handed the wooden pestle to Duke Dong, saying: "This is also the medicinal pestle that I went to buy. Although it is only a low-grade innate spiritual treasure, it has the function of distinguishing spiritual and poisonous weeds. , it also had a great effect on Shennong."

With a wave of his hand, he gave Dong Wanggong this low-grade spiritual treasure. Dong Wanggong relaxed a lot. After all, the first Shennong Cauldron was too scary.

And Bai Zhan finally said: "This is the 'Baicao Pill' purchased by this saint. With this pill, as long as it is not the poisonous weed that instantly annihilates the quasi-sage, as long as Shennong takes the 'Baicao Pill', safety will be guaranteed."

After finishing speaking, he added: "With these three spiritual objects, Shennong will be safe.

Shennong is different from Fuxi. Fuxi is the founder, so he needs a lot of guidance, but Shennong is a perseverant person and a person with great perseverance. He does not need too much guidance to assist him, just to ensure his safety. Therefore, you and Lei Gang are different .

The gift of these three spiritual treasures must be the greatest opportunity for you to gain merit and assist Shennong. Therefore, these three spiritual treasures are given, one is for Shennong, and the other is for you. "

Bai Zhan finished his words with sincerity, and Duke Dong was moved and knelt down to Bai Zhan. The saint's kindness is as great as a mountain.

These were all purchased by the saints from the Venerable!
He knew that at Blood Sea Mall, buying anything requires merit!

The saint really did too much for himself.

"This disciple will definitely assist Shennong and live up to the saint's expectations." Prince Dong said firmly.

"Good!" Bai Zhan nodded.

Finally, he said: "The world has changed greatly. There are more opportunities and more dangers. It is the greatest reward for you to become a quasi-sage as soon as possible. Go ahead."

Bai Zhan waved his hand and let Prince Dong, who was so moved, leave.


Return to Shennongjia.

Shennong has settled here and vowed not to look back until the human race's disease crisis is resolved.

This kind of persistence shows Shennong’s Taoist heart.

Prince Dong, who returned with three spiritual treasures, summoned Shen Nong with a smile on his face.

When Prince Dong gave away the three spiritual treasures, Shennong was completely moved.

As a master of Taiyi, he naturally knew how precious the innate spiritual treasures were, but he didn't expect the teacher to give him two directly.

Or a medicinal cauldron and a medicinal pestle. These two spiritual treasures are so important to me that it cannot be overstated.

With these two spiritual treasures, one can distinguish between poisonous and spiritual herbs, which will be of great help to one's taste of herbs.

Not to mention the 'Baicao Pill', with this pill, I will have a lot more time in the future.


It’s not that it’s a lot safer, but it’s a lot more time.

Because every time he accidentally eats poisonous weeds, he will need to recuperate for a long time, but with the Baicao Pill, that won't be the case.

(End of this chapter)

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