Became the me of Styx, dominating the prehistoric world with my avatar

Chapter 255 255 Current Situation of the Human Race

The Huangdi Order officially became the only order for the east and north of Kyushu. After the previous detailed planning, Xuanyuan began to issue detailed reforms and arrangements after pacifying the east.

Xuanyuan did not pursue the victory and quickly pacify the four directions. Instead, after pacifying the east and the north, he temporarily ignored the south and the west.

First govern the two parties you have pacified, and then attack the south and west.

As everyone knows, this point makes Chi You very satisfied. Emperor Xuanyuan is worthy of being the co-lord. He did not arrogantly pacify the entire prehistoric world, but took one step at a time. This is a man who has done great things and deserves to be the co-lord!

that's it...

It’s another Yuanhui time.

There is a sharp contrast between the human race. Xuanyuan in the East and the people in the west are at odds with each other, but the witches in the south ignore them. It seems that the hostility between Xuanyuan and the people has nothing to do with them.


For the West, it was a huge failure.

For this reason, Golden-winged Dapeng became angry several times, and the reproaches from the four saints put him under great pressure.

When there is pressure, there is thinking. He who doesn't like thinking suddenly understands.

To be hostile to the real co-leader of the human race, frontal hard steel is not enough. The co-leader Xuanyuan, who is determined or the general trend, cannot be resisted by the puppet people under his control.


Instead of investing all your efforts to strengthen the human race ruled by the common people tribe, it is better to increase the number of masters and have a high-level decision with Xuanyuan to decide the outcome.

His own side has the support of four saints and has many masters. Xuanyuan's side seems to have few masters, and those who do have a lot of scruples. They dare not easily kill the human race and destroy the ancient world.

Based on this calculation, my chance of winning is only in a duel between masters, not bullshit human beings.

In an instant, Golden-winged Dapeng thought clearly.

Therefore, he began to take another path, summoning the masters sent by the Four Saints, inviting people, and promised to provide benefits after taking control of the human race.

After all, it was the support of the Four Saints, so many people were really moved.

Nowadays, the Four Saints are all over the world, and they have power everywhere. It seems good to rely on the Four Saints to control the human race.

However, after recruiting people, almost all of them were incompetent, and there were only a few strong players.

It seems that all the strong players are afraid of it, and there are only those who are not good enough and don't know what the human race represents.

Fortunately, there were many people, and the golden-winged roc breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt that Xuanyuan's next target must be the human witch tribe in the south, Chi You.

Then just wait, wait for Xuanyuan to conquer the south, and summon experts to support Chi You. In this way, you can unite with the south and defeat Xuanyuan unprepared.

This is the plan that Golden Winged Dapeng has recently formulated.

the other side……

When Chi You was unmoved, the golden-winged Dapeng made plans, and Xuanyuan secretly grew and developed!
There is no longer a place where Hou Yi, Xing Tian and Zhuang Zhou of the tribe are still preaching and receiving karma!

this day!
Zhuang Zhou looked at the Taoist priests who had learned all kinds of Taoist knowledge, couldn't help but smile, and then told the disciples to go to Xuanyuan's command to help the Emperor.

Hou Yi and Xing Tian also sent the Confucian scholars and martial arts disciples they had trained to help Xuanyuan.

With the arrival of Taoist priests, Confucian scholars and martial arts disciples, Xuanyuan knew the sages Hou Yi, Xing Tian and Zhuang Zhou.

After knowing the three of them, Xuanyuan went directly to the place where the three of them were with anxiety, hoping that they would assist him.

Although the three of them had taught their disciples to help him, he didn't know whether the three of them would come to assist him.

However, things were unexpected.

Hou Yi, Xing Tian and Zhuang Zhou saw Xuanyuan leading a group of high-level human beings to visit.

He was very polite and welcomed the top human race officials into the place where the three of them lived.

"Hou Yi, Xing Tian, ​​and Zhuang Zhou pay their respects to the co-lord!"

Bowing down and bowing, this bow was so heavy that Xuanyuan could feel the power in it. With the bowing of Hou Yi, Xing Tian and Zhuang Zhou, his co-lord's luck skyrocketed, and even the luck of the entire human race improved again.

"Ha ha……"

Xuanyuan laughed to cover up his shock, and then hurriedly helped Hou Yi, Xing Tian, ​​and Zhuang Zhou to their feet and said, "No, no, these three have made great contributions to our human race. How can Xuanyuan be so virtuous as to accept the worship of these three."

The top brass of the human race watched this scene with great joy.

Hou Yi immediately said: "The co-master is the co-master of the entire human race. It is recognized by heaven and earth, recognized by the saints and the Holy Mother, and was personally taught by Shennong and Earth Emperor. Hou Yi, Xingtian and Zhuang Zhou are also members of the human race. It is natural to meet the co-master."

Hou Yi's words represent three kinds of Tao. The three of them inherited the literary Tao, the martial arts and Taoism.

After Hou Yi agreed, the three Taoists recognized Xuanyuan as their co-lord, and combined with the luck of the three Taoisms, who could shake Xuanyuan's co-lordship?

Xuanyuan and a group of senior human beings have become closer to Hou Yi, Xing Tian and Zhuang Zhou. Xuanyuan has faced countless challenges since he succeeded to the throne, and finally there is good news.

If Hou Yi, Xing Tian and Zhuang Zhou didn't recognize Xuanyuan, they really had nothing to do.


After that, Hou Yi, Xing Tian and Zhuang Zhou were invited to the city of Youxiong. Although Xuanyuan gave Hou Yi, Xing Tian and Zhuang Zhou important responsibilities several times, he wanted Hou Yi, Xing Tian and Zhuang Zhou to be inferior to him and superior to tens of thousands of people. status.

However, Hou Yi, Xing Tian and Zhuang Zhou all declined, but took the initiative to take over the responsibility of educating the human race in writing, martial arts and Taoism. They contributed to the human race and continued to teach the human race all kinds of knowledge all day long.

Hou Yi even started compiling a history of the human race;
Xingtian compiled a complete set of human military training methods;
Zhuang Zhou, on the other hand, continued to teach Taoist culture and helped Xuanyuan consolidate his position as co-lord.

Naturally, the arrival of the three people could not be hidden from Qingyue, so after the three people started to help Xuanyuan, Qingyue informed Xuanyuan about their identities.

It was precisely because of this that Xuanyuan knew that the three people represented three different ways of reaching heaven in the ancient world that were different from the immortal way.

At the same time, Xuanyuan also knew that these three ways were all promoted and succeeded by Styx.

This made Xuanyuan admire the Blood Sea Sect of Styx even more.

After all, the Blood Sea Sect is an existence that has been passed down for who knows how long. It has made great contributions to both the ancient world and the human race.

Among them, Emperor Fuxi's mentor Lei Gang, and his own mentor Fairy Qingyue, they all abide by their duties and never interfere in the internal affairs of the human race, but only wholeheartedly assist every co-owner.

Xuanyuan knew from Fu Xi's nature that people like the two co-leaders could intimidate and induce him?

If he hadn't sincerely thanked the Blood Sea Sect for promoting the human race, perhaps even the previous co-leader's request to be a mentor would have been useless.After summarizing, Xuanyuan found that the Blood Sea Sect was worthy of the ancient guardian sect, and no one could erase its merits to the human race.

Moreover, I heard Teacher Qingyue say that Lord Styx is a figure who doesn't care about luck at all. He has already transcended the shackles of luck, and even transcended the shackles of heaven and earth. How could such a character plot against the human race?
The teachers are all disciples of the Venerable. Thinking about it, my human race may be a piece of cake in the eyes of other saints, but in the eyes of the Venerable, it is just dispensable.

The Venerable’s gift to the human race is probably what the teacher said. The Venerable has the responsibility to suppress and protect the movement of the ancient world. Therefore, the human race should be prosperous. The Venerable just perfects the human race.

A sect that is harmless to the human race and even has no ideas is the sect that the human race needs most. This kind of sect will not harm the human race. Therefore, Xuanyuan vigorously promotes the Blood Sea Sect.

However, Xuanyuan's promotion made the saint very angry.

Originally, they didn't have much luck in the human race. Xuanyuan's promotion made it even less. Saint An could tolerate it.

Therefore, they put pressure on the Golden-winged Dapeng who was in charge of 'controlling' the human race.

The Golden-winged Dapeng was helpless and quickly ordered that the Tao Palace of Sanqing and the Western Saints should stand in the west. The West could only believe in four saints, and no others.

Anyway, the Golden-winged Dapeng has already made a decision. The human puppets are dispensable. The key to victory is the masters they recruit. Therefore, they have less tolerance and patience towards the human race. If they disobey, they will be killed.

Are the humans in the West deceived?
“Can’t even worship the Holy Mother?

This is not okay. The Holy Mother is the Holy Mother of our human race, our creator, and the human race cannot disrespect her. "The leader of a tribe said dissatisfied.

"Haha... Holy Mother, you can only worship four saints, not even Fuxi and Shennong. They are also labeled as evil gods, haha..." said a master of Taiyi from a demon clan.

"You, you will suffer divine punishment." The clan leader angrily yelled.

"Huh, I'm just asking you if you want to change?" the demon master said.

"I will never change until I die." This clan leader also has some backbone. Although they had previously felt that it was not advisable to break up the tribe, coupled with the temptation of the people in the west, they were hostile to Xuanyuan.

However, people always have their own bottom line. The Holy Mother, Emperor Fuxi, and Emperor Shennong are the bottom line of the human race. They must be respected. Otherwise, what is the difference between them and the walking dead?
"What a man who will never change his ways. It just so happens that Pindao hasn't eaten anyone for a long time. Since you don't obey, you will be eaten by Pindao, haha..."


I saw the master of the demon clan, and instantly a wolf-headed magic form appeared, swallowing up the tribal leader who was determined to die.

This scared the rest of the tribe out of their wits. This is the subordinate of the Common Master whom he supports. Why is he so cruel and still a monster?

"Hiccup~! What about you?" The wolf demon looked at the terrified humans after eating the clan leader?

The human race of this tribe feels like the sky is falling apart. How could this happen?

After the Golden-winged Dapeng's order was conveyed, the entire human race in the west suddenly felt that the sky had changed. The subordinates of the Four Saints, who had been good to the human race before, showed their fangs.

After Golden-winged Dapeng decided to rely on his masters to defeat Xuanyuan, he no longer cared what the human race thought.

In his opinion, as long as he wins, the human race can do whatever they want with it.

The strong have always been respected in the ancient times. As long as you win and become the being that controls the human race, as long as you complete the tasks of a few saints, why do others care so much?

Chaos, riots, rivers of blood, resentment...this is the living condition of the Western human race a thousand years later.

The people and some of the people's subordinates were imprisoned and ostracized. Now the people who control the west of the human race are Dapeng and the subordinates of the Four Saints, as well as a group of casual cultivators recruited.

When the news came back to Youxiong Capital City, Xuanyuan was furious!

The top management of the entire human race was also furious. The bastards of the West finally showed their fangs. Any resistance to Xuanyuan's tyranny was just a lie. Their purpose was to humiliate the human race and make them puppets.

"Co-leader, let's attack the west. We can't let these beasts continue. Our human race is in dire straits."



A group of senior human race officials begged.

Xuanyuan knew that he couldn't mess up at this time. He was also angry, angrier than them all, but he had to hold back and plan well.If his impulsiveness caused the human race to go astray, he would be ashamed of his support for the human race and his entrustment to brother Shen Nong.

Xuanyuan waved his hand and everyone fell silent. Xuanyuan said: "I understand, I understand that you are feeling very uncomfortable, and so am I, but we have to be cautious. Chi You's attitude in the south is unclear. If we rashly start a war with the evil god of the west, it may be unpredictable. ah!"

Xuanyuan had a headache. He felt uncomfortable that the Western tribesmen were in dire straits, but the attitude of Chi You in the south was unclear. He was afraid that Chi You in the south would attack him secretly during the decisive battle with the West.

The senior leaders of the human race were startled, this was indeed the case.

The three major forces of the human race, the three-legged situation, the obvious hostility between the East and the West, and even the practices of the West have made Xuanyuan and the others intolerable.

But Chi You in the south cannot be ignored. What a trouble!


What they didn't expect was that just when the top leaders of the human race were having a hard time making a decision, Feng Bo, Chi You's special envoy from the south, arrived.

It also brought Xuanyuan very happy news.


There is Xiongchengdu, in the Yellow Emperor’s Hall!

"Chi You really said that?" Xuanyuan asked after hearing Uncle Feng's report.

Feng Bo smiled and said: "Co-Master Xuanyuan doesn't need to worry too much. It's true. Chief Chiyou really said this. Although there are many witches in our southern region, we are still part of the human race anyway. Unless Co-Master Xuanyuan Zhao Tell heaven and earth to wipe out that we humans are not part of the human race. Otherwise, no matter what, the south is also a part of the human race, so...

Since we are part of the human race, our internal conflicts can be decided through a fair duel.

But those evil gods in the West have never regarded our human race as human beings. They want to puppet our human race. This is something we don’t want to see. Chief Chiyou said that when Xuanyuan Communist Leader and the West decide the winner, if the Communist Leader If you win, we Jiuli will surrender to the co-leader and why not agree to the co-leader’s adaptation?

But...if the co-leader loses, then the Chiyou clan leader will take over Xuanyuan's position as co-leader and continue to lead our human race to destroy the evil gods in the west. This acknowledges the witness of heaven and earth. If there is any violation, the body will die and the soul will disappear. "

"it is good!"

Xuanyuan shouted loudly, and his happiness could be seen.

With the guarantee of Chi You, No. 1 in the South, he can go all out to eliminate the cancer in the West.

Even after destroying the West, Chi You will lead his troops to surrender, so that he can fulfill his brother's instructions and completely unify the human race.

"Uncle Feng, go back and tell Chi You that I agreed, and I hope he will strictly abide by his promise. As for failure...?"

Xuanyuan smiled: "If I fail, without Chi You's advice, I will relinquish my position as co-leader and have no face to lead the human race. When I fail, Xuanyuan will commit suicide and the human race. If he violates the rules, he will be destroyed by heaven and earth, and heaven and earth will abandon him."

... (end of this chapter)

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