Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 316 Flesh and Blood Dedication and Blood Healing

Chapter 316 Flesh and Blood Dedication and Blood Healing

"Miss Bayard."

At this moment, a young man with black hair who looked equally young came over.

He held up his ceramic cup, filled with blood, in a friendly gesture.

Behind him followed a beautiful girl with long blond hair - Aiwass had just seen her in the lounge, she was number 15.Her azure eyes also contained fascination and attachment, making them appear hollow.

"Sir Lynde."

Bayard looked unhappy at being interrupted.

She raised a finger to push up her glasses and responded coldly: "What are your instructions?"

"Where to go, Miss Bayard. How dare I instruct you?"

The handsome black-haired young man smiled and poured a glass of pre-dinner wine for Bayard himself.Then, when Bayard held the porcelain cup with one hand, he clinked the cup lightly and made a crisp sound.

"No business is discussed at the manor," Bayard warned.

"of course."

Sir Linde smiled and nodded, patting the girl next to him: "I will trade this girl for one night on the that okay? I haven't drank her blood tonight, and she has been cultivating it for a week. Plenty. It's not like this child...she just came here and you clicked her three times in a row. She must be running out of blood.

"As you can see, I just want to have a small taste - how delicious blood must be to make you so attached. I am curious, and I want to have the same feeling as you and have a common language with you. ."

Linde made a polite and melodious voice like an aristocrat.

Hearing Linde's words, the girl next to him looked at Sir Linde with a heartbreaking gaze. There was a sense of grievance and pain of being abandoned in her empty eyes.But she also didn't make any resistance.


Bayard refused without hesitation: "She is mine until death."

"If you continue to inhale," Lind looked at Aiwass with a look of pity, "she might really die."

Bayard just smiled mockingly and repeated his words: "Until death."

There was a surge of sweetness and intoxication in Aiwass's heart - but deeper down, he was watching all this with cold eyes.This made him feel a strange sense of separation, an irrational emotion that expanded and flowed uncontrollably like overflowing wine.But the deeper self just held the wine glass and allowed the wine to flow through his arms and seep back into his body.

Lind was frustrated and his tone became less friendly: "You love her too much, Miss Bayard. This is not good for her."

"That's the best."

Bayard replied.

Sir Lynde sighed, leaned down and bit the neck of the girl next to him.Her pupils were instantly filled with the black smoke of the path of love, her body trembled violently, and she let out an emotional whimper.

Her complexion turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, while Lind's eyes were filled with joy that was on the verge of losing control.

His handsome and slightly evil pale face outlined an intoxicating smile, even revealing two dimples.The girl in his arms gradually became quiet - or almost fainted.

As he let go of the girl's body, two men in black wearing animal masks immediately came over and helped her - or in other words, held her up.When Linde, who was satisfied, looked at the "pre-dinner wine" in his hand, his eyes were filled with disgust.

He casually handed the wine glass to the waiter beside him: "For Cody."


The man in black replied.

A doubtful thought flashed through Aiwass's mind - who is Cody?
And soon she got the answer.

A dark and powerful hound rushed out of the shadows.Its pupils were crimson, and a circle of smoke like black tentacles was slowly released from its body.

It seemed to be able to understand human speech, wagging its tail and nuzzling Sir Lynde.He glanced at the girl in his arms again, and circled around him fawningly.

"I can't give this to you, Cody. This is mine."

Sir Lynde smiled, his face was crimson as he had just sucked blood, and he looked full of life, as if he was still alive: "That's yours."

The hound named Cody understood his words and moved closer to the waiter.And the waiter fed it the cup of blood.

Its lips were covered with blood, and then it obeyed and returned to the edge of the field again.

--what is this?
Aiwass was confused.

He had never seen such a monster—not even in the game.

But Shadow Demon suddenly spoke, and replied softly with Miss Assassin's honey-like voice: "This is the blood-sniffing beast, a synthetic beast that was popular during the Empire. It is used to track targets targeted by the Children of the Moon... They can find high-quality blood in the crowd; if they drink someone's blood, they can smell the blood and find the owner of the blood. Later, the technology was eliminated - mainly because the materials were too expensive but of no use, and the Children of the Moon became Instead, use rituals to find people.”

"What energy level?" Aiwass asked in his heart.


Shadow Demon knew what Aiwass was wondering about, so he explained: "That's not shadow sneaking, it's just an ordinary 'blur'."

"Blurring" refers to the technique of blurring the outline of the body under strong light and becoming invisible under low light or no light environment.Compared with true invisibility, blurring during movement will distort the surrounding air, so it is easy to be seen once it moves.

"Even dogs are at the third level..."

Aiwass murmured.

His heart sank slightly.

That being the case, it doesn't seem surprising that there are fourth or even fifth energy levels among the guests coming and going.

While he was thinking calmly in his heart, he was not distracted from playing his role -

"Miss Bayard..."

The girl made a weak and uneasy voice: "Why should you reject him? Sir Lynde seems a little angry..."

She has fallen under Bayard's spell.It is normal thinking logic to think for her sake and for her sake - Aiwass did not deliberately distort his thinking, nor did he resist forcefully.Instead, he pushed forward the impulse in his heart, adjusted it according to his own understanding, and added a little more fuel and vinegar.

In short, just add some tea into it.

At first glance, the smell of tea is overwhelming.But at this moment Aiwass has been affected by the charming kiss, and what she says at this moment is the truth, and of course Miss Bayard also knows this.So what she says now will only make the other person think that she sincerely cares about her - then this is not tea, it can only be regarded as endearing.

Bayard certainly didn't expect that the body of No. 14, which she had been clicking for three days, had been quietly replaced by another person.

She only felt that the child was becoming more and more lovable.

So she just said gently: "As you said, call me Sister Bayard."

She said, kissing Aiwass' earlobe, and then licking behind the ear and neck.

She whispered: "Linde doesn't want to protect you, little cutie... He just wants to use you as a topic to flatter me.

"Because his mining company is in trouble - a group of furious mining spirits appeared in his mining area. He needs my financing, and he also needs my people to help him get rid of those troublesome mining spirits."

Bayard chuckled: "But I don't need his broken company. So he has to raise the price higher, and then higher."

"...Can't he go find someone else?"

Aiwass suddenly asked.

She was keenly aware of Bayard's attitude - there was no need for her to say these things to a blood slave.Unless she wants some proper feedback.

So Aiwass followed the drive of the "enchanted" state and started to talk with the psychological excuse of "making her happier".

When Bayard saw Aiwass responding to her, she not only did not express doubts about it, but became happy: "I thought you were not interested in these things, my dear.

"Yes, of course he could have gone to someone else. But no one would have accepted it."

Bayard smiled and said calmly: "That means being my enemy. And we are about loving each other."

She said with a mocking smile on her lips.When she said these words, she didn't shy away from anyone at all - not only the men in black, but even her family members could hear her.But no one commented on her words, and some even raised their glasses to her from afar.Bayard buried his head next to Aiwass's neck, breathing in the fragrance of her blood, and at the same time let out an inaudible sneer.

And listening to her words, Aiwass's heart tightened slightly.

Bayard's words and attitude... mean that Bayard's identity and status may be higher than he imagined.

——Then what kind of strength is she, the child of the moon?
The fourth energy level, or the fifth energy level?Now I don't have Lily as a turret to release the full power of Shadow Demon. With only the second level of Shadow Affinity, I can't fully unleash the power of Shadow Demon...

"Then...can you take me away?"

She took the initiative to turn her body upside down, sitting on Bayard's body and looking directly into her eyes.

The tender body, which had been sucked too much blood and looked extremely weak, opened its clear eyes and made a pitiful voice: "If I stay here... sooner or later I will die one day."

"Then please me, dear."

Bayard smiled gently, but there was a sense of superiority and alienation in his smile.

She looked at Aiwass equally, just like she looked down on her own kind.

"If I were happy, I would consider it."

She said so.And looked at No. 14 critically.

And Aiwass raised his neck, hugged her and closed his eyes.

She whispered: "I voluntarily give my blood... to you."

Seeing the girl's clumsy reaction, Bayard couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

What is she still thinking about.She's just a little girl...

Bayard leaned down and kissed the girl's neck.

The fangs pierced the flesh and blood, and the blood was sucked into the body along the hollow fangs.

The next moment, Bayard suddenly opened his eyes wide.

The sweet and smooth blood poured into her mouth, making her feel an unprecedented excitement - it had a light wine taste, but it was not pungent; it had a mellow and sweet taste like a good brûlée, but it was not sweet; There is also a fruity fragrance mixed with pineapple and pear.

Moreover, there was a vague sense of holiness that she could not confirm...

Bayard's pupils were filled with scarlet in the blink of an eye.She suddenly lost control, violently pushed Aiwass down on the table, and concentrated on sucking her blood.

Aiwass, who was hugging her, did not close his eyes.

She stared at the ceiling blankly, but her empty pupils gradually became clear.

There is no difference between the blood that is voluntarily donated and the blood that is sucked... to ordinary people, but it is different to her.

——Yes, this is pastoral care.

But this is not a successful pastoral approach because Aiwass' path is not yet balanced at this time.

But it doesn’t matter if the pastoral approach fails.

[Flesh and Blood Sacrifice (Purple): You are proficient in the art of self-sacrifice.And now you will be more proficient. 】

This is the path trait Aiwass gained during her last promotion—the ability to make her flesh sweeter.

Even the shadow demon who was raised by real pastoral methods wanted to taste it.For vampires who have never tasted the blood of a shepherd, this is already a supreme delicacy.

This is the first time Aiwass has used this path feature after he obtained it...

The only risk is probably that he will be sucked to death by the out-of-control Bayard.

But even Aiwass considered this risk.

He had already made an agreement with Shadow Demon - after he lifted the charm lock and lifted the ban on harming the owner, if she still didn't stop sucking blood, he would take action directly.

That's the worst case scenario, but it's also the last option.

And Shadow Demon agreed without hesitation.

So when she felt that the locks of enchantment on her body were broken, she released the shepherding method.

The method to remove it is also very simple.

When Aiwass is no longer willing, it can no longer be called "dedication", so the blessing of the path characteristics disappears at the same time.

When the holy magic in his blood subsided, Bayard was stunned for a moment before regaining consciousness and realizing what he had done.

She was stunned for a moment in disbelief.Then looking at No. 14, who looked weak and pale, seemed to be in a state of death, and seemed to be about to fall asleep in the next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

She seemed to have thought of a lot at that moment.But after hesitating for a moment, she bit her finger and put it into Aiwass's mouth.As the girl sucked instinctively like a baby, her complexion gradually recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

——This is blood therapy.

The mysterious skill called "Blood Healing" is the extraordinary ability of the Path of Love - the power to directly heal the weak with the power of superior blood regardless of the cause of the disease.It is also the racial ability of the Moon Child.

For No. 14, who only has the first energy level, only one or two drops of Bayard's blood is enough to restore her body to health.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, Aiwass's skin, which had been dry, cracked, white and bluish before, became smooth and fair again.Even hair that had lost some of its luster regained its luster.This made her appearance look more refined.

Seeing that Aiwass had regained some of his energy, she hugged her directly.

"Open a lounge."

She spoke to the men in black wearing animal masks beside her.

"Room 1."

The man in black immediately took a key from the wall next to him and handed it to Bayard.

And Aiwass closed his eyes, huddled in Bayard's arms and pretended to sleep. At the same time, he asked Shadow Demon in his heart: "Are you not worried about anything happening to me?"

"Nothing will happen, my master."

Shadow Demon simply replied: "Bayard is not such a person. Although she is a child of the moon on the path of love, she has extremely strong reason and humanity. She only needs a flaw...she can release all control. "

"You know her?"

Aiwass suddenly became interested.

Shadow Demon had been reluctant to tell him his real name before.

Now, it has finally revealed some of its true intelligence.


Shadow Demon was silent for a while before replying: "I once lived in this era.

"I also died in this era."

 More than 300 words!Ask for votes at the end of the month, and you’ll be in the top [-]!

  Today is another [-]-word update!

  It has been two days since the fever subsided, and my energy has slowly begun to recover. Azithromycin still works.

  Then extrapolating it, I might have mycoplasma pneumonia... The only problem now is a severe cough. Other than that, the problems of fever, sore throat, nasal congestion, headache, cold, and weakness have all been resolved.

  I’ll update more when the cat is completely healed, and try to improve my results next month!rush!
(End of this chapter)

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