Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 440 Broken Glass Steps

Chapter 440 Broken Glass Steps

The succubus obviously doesn't understand why there are sixth-level night demons in the material world.

What’s more, I can’t understand why she is sitting quietly on Aiwass’ shoulder like a pet...

But the succubus inherited all of Emma's memories and experiences, and she knew exactly what she should do when.

So she directly raised the whip in her hand, and whipped it hard at the big guardian standing in front of her!

The scarlet whip fell like thunder, tearing into the air a sharp whistling sound like a ghost's cry.

The great guardian was whipped, and the pink cracks on his back that looked like ferocious scars suddenly spread outward in a large circle.

What was originally just a twisted scar about a palm and a half long and two fingers thick had suddenly expanded to cover almost the entire back, and the skin in the center had been completely broken, revealing scarlet flesh steaming with white mist.

The flesh and blood squirmed like living creatures, and they were about to grow fleshy wings like bats. The skin all over his body gradually turned red, and he let out a hoarse roar like a beast. His whole body suddenly became extremely excited and aggressive.


The speed of the Great Guardian is much faster than usual.

Amid the crackling lightning and storm, his entire body disappeared instantly.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Aiwass!

He clenched his fists and hit Aiwass.

Night Demon stood in front of the Great Guardian with a cold face.

Her hands didn't even lift. But the pair of illusory black wings behind him bent in front of him, forming a shield-like shield, which easily blocked the attack.

At the intersection of the attacks, twisted and violent power exploded!

The bright and gorgeous glass steps under Aiwass exploded with a bang.

The glass was centered on the Great Guardian's foot on the ground and spread to the surroundings. The closer he got, the more he was shattered by the shock, and when the shock wave spread to the distance, it shook and cracked like a shattered iceberg, and countless broken glass particles of different sizes flew upwards.

The next moment, countless bursts of thunder and violent winds scattered in all directions!

The Great Guardian's arms bulged with muscles that seemed to burst, and his skin was already red to the point of almost purple-black. The two layers of entangled lightning wrapped around his arms, and he launched an extremely fast punch towards the Night Demon!

The lightning accumulated like a drill, becoming more violent and roaring.

The ground beneath his feet shattered again, and then completely exploded!

However, Night Demon didn't even take a step back.

She didn't even glance at the Great Guardian, she just looked at the Succubus intently and raised her right hand towards her, with her palm open.

Seeing that the barrier could not be broken, the Great Guardian punched the ground with his last punch!

The drill bit that shone with lightning was guided to the ground with his last punch, and all the lightning in his body sank into the earth. Then countless lightning bolts shot up from the ground, directly shattering the ground of the Silver and Tin Palace that had been repeatedly reinforced by preservation techniques!

The Night Demon just made the shadow wings behind it suddenly grow several times larger.

Like a slap, it hit the great guardian with a hard backhand!

George was like a baseball being hit by a home run, spinning away like a cannonball. Because the speed was so fast, it even caused a storm after a short delay.

The other wing of the Night Demon will turn into a hand, holding Aiwass tightly in his hand. The lightning that erupted from the ground could blow the palace reinforced by the preservation spell to pieces, but it was completely unable to penetrate the giant hand of shadow.

Immediately afterwards, a giant shadow hand grew out of the ground behind the succubus.

In sync with the Night Demon's suddenly clenched right hand, it fiercely clenched towards the Succubus!

The succubus sensed the crisis without looking behind her.

She dodged backwards deftly, and then two more hands appeared in the void. He clasped his hands together like a prayer and pinched the succubus, and the succubus jumped into the air again, spreading its wings——

But at this moment, Night Demon stretched out her right hand that was clenched into a fist and suddenly popped out a finger and pointed it at the succubus.

——[Curse of Weakness]!

An unexplained coldness made the succubus tremble all over, feeling that her whole body suddenly became weak and weak, as if she was recovering from a serious illness.

The hand of the shadow holding Aiwass loosened, and the Night Demon suddenly disappeared from the place.

Dragging a gray afterimage, she moved behind the succubus and raised her right hand high.

Her right hand turned red, as if bathed in blood. More like an ax than a hand.

But at this moment, the great guardian who was pushed out rushed back again riding a gryphon.

His fists were clenched, and he had obviously drawn out and held the invisible double blades at his waist. That is enough power to kill a large number of fourth-level extraordinary beings instantly. Night Demon must go back to protect Aiwass.

So the Night Demon had to return to the previous position, one wing protected Aiwass, and the other turned into a shield.

The threat level of the great guardian who drew his weapon suddenly increased to a higher level. The shield formed by the overlapping shadow wings was no longer able to block all attacks as easily as before, but was quickly cracked.

But the succubus has been trapped by a weakening curse and cannot move easily.

Then Night Demon was able to free his hands, and Xuxu clenched hard against the storm in front of him!

As the invisible shadow hand emerged in the void, it slowly tightened its grip.

The gryphon Phillip, who had completely turned into a storm, was pinched out of the air by the Night Demon!

The moment Philip was caught by the hands of shadow, one shadow hand after another continued to emerge and wrap around him. Phillip was completely sealed in it, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

——[Jealous Grip]!

Once held, the bond will never be let go, even when faced with something invisible. As if being chained one after another, the vision in front of Philip gradually became darker and darker. The power in its body is continuously drained by the curse, and it will become weaker and weaker as time goes by.

Only an attack from the outside can break this cage...but it is impossible for the succubus to come and risk saving it.

The night demon took the time to point at the succubus who was trying to get closer.

The succubus's vision suddenly became dim, and most of its perception was even taken away. The body that had been tortured to the point of weakness by the weakness curse had recovered somewhat, but it could only recover to about half of its level. The traces of the debilitating curse still remain within her body.

——[Blinding Curse]!

The succubus' heart sank, and she suddenly wanted to retreat.

...No, I have to run.

The Night Demon's continuous weakening ability is too strong, and the blood rain outside has already fallen.

If there are too many curses superimposed on the body, once it enters the blood rain, it will suffer knife-like damage every moment.

In fact, after seeing the Night Demon, she didn't really want to fight him. As one of the most advanced demon species, night demons are no easier to deal with than succubi. And since the opponent's energy level is one level higher than his own, he will be almost unable to escape the curse she casts.

The succubus' supernatural charisma is enough to enchant nature, and non-targeting attacks directed at her can easily be deflected. It was like she was short of luck due to "bad luck", so she could barely do it if she just held Night Demon back for a few rounds.

As long as you abandon the great guardian, you can create an opportunity to escape!

However, she was a little reluctant to let go of the Great Guardian.

That's right.

——This is a fifth-level servant!

Originally, she had no intention of becoming an enemy of Aiwass or fighting here. This was an unexpected encounter.

Because the succubus never thought about why someone would reject the contract from the succubus who came to her doorstep?

She is a succubus!

It’s not like those other ugly ones!

Although the gryphon was held captive by the Night Demon and the Great Guardian's mobility was impaired as a result, he was handsome and powerful enough. He also carries a legendary artifact that can harm Night Demon!

It can only cause some trouble to the Night Demon, but if he wakes up and turns against himself, it will be a fatal threat!

If he did it again, he might not have the chance to control the wary Great Guardian.

Just when the succubus was still struggling, not knowing whether to advance or retreat.

A girl with long silver-white hair who was very familiar to her seemed to have heard the successive explosions in the Round Table Hall and ran over in a panic.

——That is Julia Moriarty!

She even sensed the existence of the suggestive brand from the other party's body!

It’s the Yulia that she dealt with before!

Didn’t he let Yulia go home?

A doubtful thought flashed through the succubus's mind, but she quickly put it out - she had recently lived in the Palace of Silver and Tin, and perhaps she had subconsciously returned.

At this moment, the succubus suddenly had a plan in mind.

——Let the Great Guardian attack Yulia directly!

Unlike Emma, ​​the succubus is not actually interested in Yulia's heart.

Because she had no intention of returning to Star Antimony at all, let alone handing over the heart of Hercules to the Red Prime Minister - her hatred for the Red Prime Minister could be said to be the greatest among all. And the treasure house that requires Yulia's heart to open is of little value to her.

Not as valuable as the Great Guardian of Avalon!

But as long as Yulia is attacked, Aiwass will definitely let the Night Devil protect Yulia. By repeatedly attacking Aiwass and Yulia, the Night Demon, who must protect these two "weak points", no longer has the time and energy to attack his own body.

Aiwass is smart. He will soon realize the problem and will take the initiative to move closer to Yulia.

At that time, he can detonate the suggestive brand in Yulia's heart, directly control her mind, and let her attack Aiwass from behind!

Taking advantage of the chaos, maybe you can just take your pet and leave...

This was the tactic that suddenly came to mind when the succubus saw Yulia.

——You wait, wait for me to recruit more strong men, and then bring them back to capture you and make you a slave!

The succubus thought viciously in her heart.

So she immediately ordered to the Great Guardian: "Attack Yulia!"

But for some reason, when the great guardian was about to attack Yulia, the hand holding the weapon suddenly froze in the air.

It was as if he was restrained by some invisible law and could not attack at all. His forward momentum was like hitting a wall... Even his cloudy and lifeless eyes seemed to become clearer.

The succubus didn't hesitate and cracked the whip hard again.

"Go on!"

She gave the order again angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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