Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 517: How can you put this negative aside and be positive?

Chapter 517: How can you put this negative aside and be positive?

Aiwass quickly realized what Gray meant.

——Because the unicorn had no reaction to his touch and riding, and it could even be said that it was quite close to him.

But how do I know why this unicorn is so close to me!

As a symbol of the highest level of the Theocracy, a unicorn must be a cardinal to be eligible to ride it - and it also requires a virgin with a pure and kind heart. Even men or married cardinals cannot be touched. If someone has evil intentions, the unicorn will refuse to ride.

And obviously.

He is neither pure nor kind, nor is he a virgin, nor is he a girl. He's not even a cardinal.

Avas suddenly couldn't hold himself any longer——

You put this negative into a positive one! It was negative twice and positive twice, right?

Unicorn, is there something wrong with your performance this time?

"...Is it path affinity?"

Aiwass asked softly: "After all, I am already at the fourth energy level."

"Cardinals are all fifth level."

Chunbai replied: "The unicorn is the beast that holds a candle and looks at the moon. If you are not a girl, then you are the only exception in thousands of years."

"I remember...unicorns have an affinity for two paths: devotion and love."

Aiwass asked hesitantly: "Could it be that they are compatible on the road?"

Could it be because of the path characteristics given to me by the twin mirrors?

After all, No. 14 is a virgin and a child of the moon... Maybe the unicorn directly saw through his identity as Aiwass and smelled No. 14?

"What do you think, Lord Pansy?"

Pure White reached out and gently touched the spiral horn on the unicorn's forehead that was long enough to penetrate an adult's chest.

"To be honest," a sassy and cold female voice sounded, "This is also the first time I have seen this kind of situation.

"But my body did not respond to stress. Now that this is the case, I don't want to just continue to implement the old routine. We must understand that times will change, and we cannot refuse because 'I don't understand.' accept."

That's what the unicorn is talking about.

Rather than chatting, it is better to say that he is teaching and reprimanding the Gray Saint.

"Yes, Master Pansy."

The Gray Saint didn't react at all, but nodded and accepted the teaching humbly.

"Hello, Lord Pansy."

Aiwass greeted this noble unicorn politely: "May Si Zhu protect your glory."

In a sense, this unicorn can also be regarded as a senior civil servant of the Eternal Theocracy.

Unicorns and griffins are completely different supernatural beings.

Impure-blooded griffins often need to rely on the promotion of their allies to more easily reach the fourth energy level, fully mature and gain complete intelligence. And if the Griffin's covenant comrades can be promoted to the fifth level, they themselves may also be dragged to the fifth level together, which can be said to be one body and two sides.

Unicorns are usually extraordinary creatures of the fourth energy level - they are born at level four, but it is not easy to be promoted to the fifth energy level... After all, the lifespan of a unicorn is much longer than that of a griffon. They can even live longer than elves... This unicorn named "Pansy" will most likely live longer than Avalon.

Because although unicorns are mounts, they do not have such a close covenant relationship with their masters—the fates of griffins and their comrades are even permanently tied together.

Unicorns change owners quite frequently. When the master is no longer pure and kind, they will change their master.

Because of this, although the upper limit of the unicorn is much lower than that of the griffin, it has become a symbol of higher status... It is because of its special affinity with "pure people" that it has become a symbol similar to Ava. It exists like a lie detector.

Rather than saying this is a mount assigned to the cardinal, it is better to say that it is a disciplinary monitor who guest-drives.

It may have served many saints now.

"Hello to you, Aiwass."

The friendly unicorn turned around and stared at Aiwass with his clear sapphire pupils.

It was clearly a horse's face, but Aiwass always felt like it was smiling - he even clearly saw a human-like expression on the unicorn's face: "This is the first time I'm carrying a man on my back. If I act It's too intense and makes you uncomfortable, so please don't be shy and speak up in time."

Aiwass understood what she meant.

The implication is, if you get a bruise, remember to tell it, don't be embarrassed to tell it.

Hearing her words, Aiwass felt somewhat shy. He coughed and said nothing.

——It feels like talking to an aunt at home. In terms of distance, it's quite close, but I feel like I'm being teased.

"Also," the unicorn said, "I also hope that Si Zhu will protect you."

As he spoke, the unicorn raised its head slightly and handed the unicorn to Aiwass.

Aiwass speculates that this may be the "handshake" etiquette that Pansy imitated. So Aiwass carefully stretched out his fingers and gently touched the unusually sharp horn, as if he was reaching out to gently pinch the other person's two fingertips.

At this time, they had already walked out of the port.

I saw more people outside - it could even be said to be bustling.

Elves, trolls, lizardmen, humans, goblins, children of the moon... Except for the dwarves, Aiwass met almost all intelligent races.

They are all different in height, short, fat and thin, and even their clothes are completely different.

These immigrants or tourists all wear costumes from different cultures and gather in groups. But few people speak Elvish, they all just speak the language of their own people.

The style of the store here once made Aiwass feel like he was dreaming of returning to Earth——

The streets are densely packed with shops one after another. There are street stalls in front of the shops or people selling snacks on the street.

The biggest difference is that there is no "road" here.

Although there are many horses passing by - Aiwass even saw a camel - there is no asphalt road here, nor is it a marble road. The ground here is completely wooden, so when the unicorn's horse's hooves step on it, it will make a crisp and long echo.

From Avalon's perspective, the roads here are relatively wide. It is so wide that even if there are street vendors on both sides of the road, there will still be at least two lanes of width in the middle.

In the distance, you can still see many skyscrapers.

For a tall building like the Lloyd's of Avalon headquarters, which is unique in the country, there are three or four taller buildings within sight just from Aiwass's perspective.

Aiwass even saw a real "skyscraper" - it was directly embedded on the edge of the outer ring of giant trees. It's like an external elevator, lying outside the first to third rings.

And the "skin" of all these buildings is also made of wood. It's just that some of them are inlaid with glass. It is not so much a house that is built as a building that grows.

The area of ​​the first ring is undoubtedly the largest and highest level.

When Aiwass first came out of the port, he looked up and saw the silhouette of this giant tree reaching the sky.

From his side, only the fifth ring could be vaguely seen.

The part further up is not because Aiwass's eyesight is not good enough, but because it has been distorted by the atmosphere and submerged in the blue sky.

"Is there anything you want to buy?"

Gray asked suddenly.

"There must be."

Aiwass hesitated slightly: "After all, this time I brought... brought money."

He wasn't sure whether directly asking Cinderella for money would annoy her...

After all, many elves don't really like dirty things like "money". The older the elf is, the more he will despise money.

Although the Theocracy is the trading center of the world, elves don't like trading - this is not a joke from hell.

It's because the elves really believe that the concept of "money" is essentially contrary to dedication. Its essence is private. But trading is a behavior in the realm of equilibrium, so the elves will not resist it too much... However, the primitive "barter" trading method is more popular among the elves.

In fact, the values ​​of this kind of transaction are not consistent at all, so in essence, what is being traded is "favor".

Therefore, there is no concept of "currency" in the Eternal Church, at least among the pure-blooded elves.

When every elf needs something, just ask and someone will help them get it. And the elves will also help others, and the cycle repeats... After all, the elves are the sons of the giant tree, and they also inherit the blood of dedication from the giant tree.

"Don't worry," Gray knew what Aiwass was worried about, so she comforted her, "I'm not the kind of old-timer who wants to freeze... Now times have changed, I still know this.

"I am an elf born from the new era. I was born after the opening of the Theocracy - I also have some White Crown Coins."

Yes, White Crown Coin.

Aiwass knew that the currency used by the elves today is also the White Crown Coin issued by Avalon.

Based on this close relationship, some races that do not have a good grasp of the history and political situation here...such as the lizard people in the eastern desert, or the trolls in the south, may even think that Avalon and the Theocracy are actually the same country. Two regions.

But in fact, this matter is also very simple.

Strictly speaking, the Theocracy does not have its own legal currency.

The need to use "money" to buy things in the Theocracy only started in the past few hundred years. It's less than a thousand years by all calculations. A long time ago, the handicrafts made by craftsmen, the paintings painted by painters, the clothes made by tailors, or potions, brewed wine, and food - these things were placed casually on the windowsill or in the yard. If you like it and like it, just take it away.

For some old antique elves, they did not have these things when they were young, or even throughout their teenage years...but now it is completely different.

Beginning at the end of the Herasl Empire, the Eternal Theocracy, which had been closed internally, decided to open up to the outside world under the decision of a certain pope and began to slowly come into contact with short-lived species.

The peaceful, peaceful and prosperous atmosphere of the Theocracy immediately attracted many foreign immigrants. The internal security and order also attracted some businessmen to come here to trade.

Originally, the elves were actually looking forward to these immigrants... just like humans raising cats.

Because their lifespan is shorter, it means they have more areas in need of help. As intelligent beings, it is easy to communicate with each other. Being able to learn to speak the profound Elvish language means that they are at least knowledgeable and wise and not too stupid. Therefore, it is easier to make friends with lonely elves - at that time Most elves don't realize what lifespan means.

But before they felt the cruelty of lifespan theory, the elves felt the quality problem of "foreign cats".

Scholars and poets who longed for elven culture, or merchants and travelers who hoped to obtain elven specialties, slowly gathered in the Theocracy.

However, they cannot be as careless and weak in desire as elves.

The local elves recruit them to work for them, and it is not enough to take care of their food and housing - they must also be paid. But the bigger problem is that the elves simply don’t have that many jobs for them.

When these short-lived species usually ask for supplies or gifts, they don't just get what they want. But they are greedy... It is not enough to satisfy their needs, they want more.

The result was a massive chaos.

Historically known as the "Currency Rebellion" - this is a required course in high school history in Avalon because it is directly related to the birth of Avalon.

It was also from that time that the short-lived species could only gather below the fifth ring, and the elves began to use the currency of short-lived species.

"Actually, I also understand how the elves feel."

Aiwass said from the bottom of his heart: "If I were here back then, I might have beaten them out directly."

He really understood how the elves felt.

It feels like a guild warehouse filled with potions, materials and money for newcomers. There are also some equipment used by the big guys... If you sell them, you won't be able to make a living, and it's not enough trouble. Why not provide some conveniences to newcomers... This is a custom in many games played by Aiwass.

A relay of love within our capabilities. Even Aiwass had a lot to offer at the time.

As a result, a group of people suddenly joined the guild. Aiwass still doesn't know whether they are professionally cleaning up various guilds, or whether there is a mole within the guild and his wealth has been exposed.

The result was that they were obviously no longer newcomers and had no shortage of these things, but they took all the things away - and they did not use them for their own use, but put them in the auction house.

Not only that, after they finished robbing everything, they didn’t even join the guild—as long as they were just acquaintances.

The problem is that no one knows you!

The most outrageous thing is that they didn't run away - they were so confident!

Why not run and wait for the next wave of resources to grow.

Angry, Aiwass kicked them back and even hung up their IDs.

"That is to say, the elves have good tempers... but they just drove them below the fifth ring, and even changed their habits to accommodate them."

Aiwass complained: "If I..."

He shook his head and did not continue.

But obviously, it's not just Aiwass who is dissatisfied.

The sudden forced change in living habits also made many elves feel tired of these greedy and low-quality short-lived species.

Yes, they are actually not bored because these short-lived species have taken away too many things, but because they have to adapt to the living habits of short-lived species and change the habits they have developed over hundreds of years—— It's like a roommate who suddenly has a lot of pets.

It’s not that I’m short of that little ration, and it’s not that I don’t like small animals. But it does feel troublesome.

You are not raised by me, why are you biting my thread!

——That’s probably what it feels like.

The Theocracy fully supported Avalon, and that was what happened after that.

Since the quality of stray cats from other places is not good, then raise one yourself. The elves thought so.

When Avalon was first established, the elves contributed a lot. The Pope even directly sent more than 20 young papal guards, which was enough to express a friendly attitude. At that time, the guarantor of the White Crown Coin as a foreign trade currency was the Theocracy. The Theocracy directly set the legal currency of Avalon as the currency of the Theocracy, and for this purpose, it sent a large amount of supplies to Avalon.

In order to prevent the Avalonians from imitating other short-lived species, the Theocracy does not allow them to come into contact with foreign races - if it is not impossible not to contact humans, they do not even want the Avalonians to come into contact with other humans.

This is also the origin of Avalon’s xenophobic culture.

Even so, Avalon gradually fell into decline. Therefore, the Theocracy's evaluation and favor of Avalon also dropped a lot. Nowadays, although he is still considered his "own cat", he doesn't want to take care of it that much.

Seeing Aiwass's reaction and sensing his mood, Gray could not help but feel more favorable towards Aiwass.

Although she is relatively friendly to short-lived species...but over the years, few short-lived species will realize that they are wrong. They stop more based on morality, but not understanding the elves from the heart.

It makes sense that the Theocracy now only accepts humans who have devoted themselves to the path to become high-level officials. After all, only extraordinary people who have devoted themselves to the path can understand from the bottom of their hearts why the elves were angry back then, and can also understand the complex relationship between the elves and the short-lived species today.

I like it, but I don’t want to keep it; I do love it, but it’s really annoying.

"If you're not in a hurry now, come with me first to go through the formalities. Whatever you want to buy, I can come shopping with you in a few days."

Gray said: "You are now an archbishop, but you only wear priest uniforms... This is not very etiquette.

"His Majesty the Pope has ordered that when you arrive, he will take you to change into a bishop's uniform."

"Your Majesty, do you want to see me?"

Aiwass was a little surprised when he heard this: "I remember, isn't His Majesty the Pope able to contact everyone at any time?"

He felt Gray's body tense slightly behind him for a moment.

"His Majesty is asleep and is temporarily unavailable during this period."

Gray said nonchalantly: "Maybe I'll be free next year."

——It will be fine if you keep this pole until next year.

It’s only February!

But after hearing her words, Aiwass roughly understood.

I'm afraid the Eternal Pope's dendrosis has already struck.

The plot...has it been starting for a while?

That being the case...

Aiwass turned back subconsciously and glanced at Gray's eyes tied with ribbons.

Have the Gray Saint's eyes turned into amber now?

Did the cardinals know about this?

Noticing Aiwass' gaze on her, Gray stopped breathing for a moment.

——He found out? Why?

…No, that’s not right. There was no way he could know.

Maybe I'm too sensitive...?

At this moment, the unicorn had walked onto a platform.


Ms. Unicorn called Pure White by her real name: "Are you ready?"

"——Konoe, prepare to take off!"

Suppressing the uneasiness in her heart, Gray said calmly: "Master Pansy, please. Go to the thirteenth floor."

As he spoke, a pair of translucent light wings as beautiful and clear as moonlight suddenly lit up behind the unicorn.

Immediately afterwards, the Pope's guards took Lily and Sherlock to sit on the Pegasus with swan wings.

They don't need to ride on the "elevator"-like lift - which is why the Cardinals can go to other ring levels even after blocking access to each level.

The next moment, they stepped on the rainbow and stood up.

——Flying vertically into the sky!

 An update of 5,500 words, today is a two-in-one update!

  Thanks to the leader who feeds Fu Xing’s Thousand-faced Chaos Carrot, thank you, meow!

  By the way, a group of Avalons in the book club were suspected of being involved in the Cruel Autumn Incident and were bombed for fifteen days. Now the refugees of Avalon can flee to the two Eternal Theocracy to seek asylum, and then they can return to Avalon after it is rebuilt into Camelot.

  ...No, bro, is this also going to replicate the plot of the game?



(End of this chapter)

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