Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 576 Fairy Nelim

Chapter 576 Fairy Nelim

After getting up the next day, Aiwass took Lily to the place written in the power of attorney.

They turned more than half of the fifth circle before finally reaching their destination.

It was a rather secretive villa in a relatively remote corner. It doesn't look very big, but it can be seen from the appearance that it is very delicately taken care of. The walls were covered with vines and the house was wrapped among chestnut trees that had not yet bloomed. The sunlight cast from the sky also appears dim because of this.

Aiwass was walking on the jungle path. There was some moist black soil here and the ground was covered with pebbles. The feeling of walking on it is not the same as the elastic touch of walking on the road.

In Avalon, there are many cobblestone roads like this in the countryside. But in the country of giant trees, they can be regarded as a rarity.

"That's probably where it is."

Aiwass checked the nearby landmarks again and confirmed the specific location.

Suddenly, the leaves swayed and rustled softly. The cold spring wind blew across his face, and Aiwass's hair, which had returned to shoulder length, also moved with the wind.

The cold wind here seems to be alive, laughing and trying to slip into Aiwass's collar...

Maybe a certain goblin uncle will come back as a goblin grandma after a while. This is all possible - goblins are such free creatures.

Aiwass let go of his hand, held her in his hand, and brought her closer to his face: "You are still too young, little miss. What should I call you?"

Lily came over curiously.

Goblins do not age or grow up normally. After they are born, they have only two states - when they have wings, they will be as young as seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys and girls no matter their age; but after losing their wings, they will quickly change. He grew into a middle-aged and elderly man about half a meter tall, and then quickly turned into an old man and old lady half a meter tall...

Aiwass pinched it gently with two fingers and said with a smile: "It's still a little guy."

It shouted loudly, with a voice as sharp as an indifferent child: "Let me see what's wrong!"

But on the other hand, fairies can also decide their own names at will. It doesn’t matter whether it’s “Mr.”, “Miss” or “Ms.”, or “mother-in-law”, “uncle” or “sister”.

"Who's a little guy!"

"Being 'our well-intentioned neighbour'."

I saw that thing gradually emerging. It looks about as high as Aiwass's index finger. It has transparent wings covered with colorful membranes like a dragonfly. The overall look is a slightly greenish gold. It looks like it has a body similar to that of a human and a beautiful and delicate body. appearance.

"Not polite!"

It was still struggling in Aiwass's hand, trying hard to push away Aiwass's fingers with its palms, but suddenly stopped struggling, and placed its hands on Aiwass's fingers: "I am already a mature lady!"

Just by looking at her size, Aiwass knew that this was a newborn fairy.

For goblins, age only determines their size. A newly-grown leprechaun is about the size of an adult male's hand, and a newborn leprechaun can even sit on a flower. When the goblin ages and is about to lose its wings, it can grow to almost half an arm's height.

"This is……"

——The next moment, Aiwass reached out his hand keenly and pinched out a strange creature from the collar of his clothes.

"...It's still too early for you to call me 'ma'am'."

Just like a beautiful flower turns into a fruit, and the fruit rots into a core.

Goblins are genderless creatures, because they do not rely on sexual reproduction to reproduce... They are all "planted" by the goblin queen, and their life span is much shorter than that of humans, who are short-lived species.

Even so, goblins will basically decide their names according to their "age"...

After it was pinched by Aiwass, it gradually emerged from its invisible state.

The goblin in front of me is about three months old. Maybe even smaller.

It only takes two years for a goblin to reach adulthood, survive for twenty years before losing its wings, and then live for another twenty years.

But many fairies will not lose their wings until they die. They would rather die in a beautiful state, even if it means losing half of their lifespan. "My name is Nelim!"

The golden fairy shouted: "I am already one and a half years old and a mature lady!"

Although she looked dissatisfied, she didn't turn invisible or fly away. As if expecting something.

Apparently she liked Aiwass a little more after he called her "our well-meaning neighbor."

The Fairy Queen herself doesn't care about this title, but the fairies are different. They are like children, they care very much about how they are called, especially whether they are respected by others, so "scientific name" is a term that is looked down upon for them. If people call them "our well-meaning neighbors" or "joyful spirits" that convey friendliness or respect, they will try their best to show their kindness and joy in front of people.

On the other hand, if people call them "goblins", "winged creatures" or even "witches" or "monsters", they will lose their temper and try to show their power to retaliate and intimidate, thus making those people feel real of fear.

Usually it's okay in the early childhood stage... Once it loses its wings and its beauty turns into ugliness, it is very easy to arouse people's fear, disgust and wariness.

At this stage, they can easily become monsters that need to be punished - although there is no difference or change in nature, goblins have the habit of fighting back multiple times as long as they are treated with malice, discrimination, contempt, etc. that hurt their dignity, which makes them As soon as they lose their good-looking appearance, they will immediately turn into monsters.

In any case, goblins have no complex thoughts, they are as simple as a blank sheet of paper or a mirror... Therefore, as long as you master the skills, goblins are actually very easy to control.

Those who are particularly good at communicating with fairies are called "fairy scholars." This is not a profession, but an identity title like "ritualist", "curse master", and "healer".

They will be surrounded by many powerful fairies, and they may even receive magical spells given by the fairies.

The renegade female reporter "Janet Boyman" whom Aiwass had met before during the advancement ceremony was a well-known goblin scholar. She accidentally entered the goblin's cave and fooled a goblin with her sharp tongue in dealing with people, and then got the gift of healing spells from him.

"Okay then, dear Ms. Nelim."

Aiwass was kind and bowed his head slightly to show respect - he could actually call the other person "ma'am" from the beginning. But he deliberately called the other party "little miss" and immediately addressed the other party as "ma'am" after expressing dissatisfaction. This would give Nelim a sense of satisfaction that her attitude and opinions were respected.

As expected, Nilim suddenly became dizzy as if she was drunk.

She shouted: "I like you so much, beautiful human being! I want to be your friend!"


Aiwass agreed with a smile.

He thought for a moment, pulled a long leaf from the chestnut tree next to him, and folded it into a circle.

"Then this is my gift to you."

He said, handing it to Nelim.

Nelim made a sound of "Oh——" and happily took the leaf circle with her hands and hugged it in her arms.

"What is this, human friend!" she shouted.

"It's a crown. Or a princess crown, or a hat... What do you like?"

"I like princess crowns, the ones with shining silver and pearls!"

Nelim said happily: "Thank you, human friend! I like your gift very much!"

With that said, she put the leaf crown on her head.

I saw green light flowing, and it turned into a real princess crown in an instant.

Lily on the side suddenly widened her eyes.

——Is this okay? !

(End of this chapter)

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