Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 833 One-third of the truth

Chapter 833 One Third of the Truth

To be honest, Aiwass is really the Pope now.

Even though he is the interim Pope, he is indeed qualified to judge blasphemous heretics!
Although the painting was full of various theological errors... especially the pure white candlelight head, which was the most excessive, Aiwass did not show any abnormality, but just followed Sasha's gaze and looked towards the door.

Just then, a young man with black hair and red eyes, about sixteen or seventeen years old, walked in surrounded by the crowd.

He was more beautiful than many of the young ladies present, with scarlet eyes as bright as rubies, and a pair of curved and slender red and black gradient chameleon horns on his head. His long black hair fell to his waist, and his Adam's apple could not be seen from the stand-up collar of his dress...

But such a beautiful person does not show any feminine and neutral taste.

Instead, it gives people a strong sense of confidence and masculinity, shining like the sun——

When "Cain" appeared, the originally melancholy dance music in the hall suddenly turned into a brilliant and sacred symphony.

Even the lights were focused on him, following his steps.

Cain also had the same smile on his face as the others, with his arms wide open, as if he was ready to hug someone, or like a star greeting his fans.

People stopped dancing and turned around to cheer him with thunderous and endless applause.

When he walked into the crowd, the crowd naturally parted to the sides. Amid the increasingly loud cheers, Cain easily passed through the center of the crowd without bumping into anyone.

When he passed by Aiwass, he smiled and nodded at Sasha. By the way, he looked up and glanced at Aiwass with some surprise, whose hand was still on Sasha's shoulder.

Then Cain walked through the crowd and came to the white candlelight statue.


He spoke loudly, his voice surprisingly young, bright and full of energy.

Cain's face was full of smiles: "No one should be sad, let's revel! Celebrate the death of the mad dragon, and wish him to ascend to heaven!
"Endless dancing, unbridled drinking!

"This is a day of endless revelry!"

As he spoke, he produced a glass of wine from nowhere.

The son of the dragon raised the wine in his cup high and saluted the crowd: "To my father, Zagreus!"

"To Zagreus!"

There was thunderous laughter from the dance floor.

At some point, Aiwas found that his empty glass was filled again.

"Cheers to laughter!"

He cheered loudly, and the audience responded: "Cheers to laughter!"

"Respect the crazy dance!"

"Respect the crazy dance!!"

“Cheers to the heroes! Cheers to the grand closing!!

"——Respect the death of the mad dragon!"

He called out loudly and drank the wine in the glass.

The people responded in kind, cheering and drinking the wine in their cups: "To the death of the mad dragon!"

"Respect the death of the mad dragon!"

With screams and cheers, people threw their glasses as far as they could. The glasses bloomed and shattered in the sky, turning into sparkling fireworks. Cain smiled and raised his hands like a band conductor.

As he changed his gesture, the banquet became chaotic.

The band changed the music again. The basic tone was still the melancholy dance music from before, but the rhythm was slightly modified and one or two new parts were added. The originally melancholy slow-tempo dance music became much more cheerful.

As the music became more heated, people kissed each other passionately, screamed, took off one piece of clothing, and threw it high into the sky. The coats that flew up one after another turned into flames in the air, and pure white birds emerged from them.

Around the dance floor, a circle of hollow round tables appeared. Plates appeared one after another on the ring-like table, and the flying birds landed on each plate - each flying bird turned into a different delicacy, exuding a rich fragrance. Glass after glass of fine wine appeared beside the table, inexhaustible.

Some people hugged each other and danced again, while others ran to the table and feasted.

At this moment, Aiwass suddenly felt that the time around him began to slow down... The most obvious thing was the music that became extremely strange after being stretched out, and then people's movements gradually stopped along with the music.

Just maintain a carnival attitude with smiles on their faces.

Cain stood in the light, raised his hands and looked at the guests.

Both "Cain" and "Sasha" beside Aiwass remained motionless.

Aiwass reached out and touched Sasha's cheek, but he could no longer feel the softness and warmth from her. Instead, it felt like he was touching a rough canvas, and it even felt a little wet.

He slowly pulled his hand away from Sasha's shoulder and walked alone in the center of the quiet dance floor.

The people around were still dancing wildly, with all kinds of weird postures and expressions frozen in place.

Only the sound of Aiwass's boots walking on the ground echoed in the silent space.

It wasn't that he wanted to move...but he discovered something unusual on Cain's side.

Right next to Cain, three wooden doors appeared out of thin air, one in front of him and one on his left and right.

A line of white words appeared under his feet.

【Why is this banquet held? 】

Immediately afterwards, corresponding sentences appeared under the three doors.

Below the front door is written "Funeral and Sacrifice", while on the left and right sides are "Celebration and Carnival" and "Madness and Killing" respectively.

In the middle of the three doors, there is a rotating second hand. It seems to be a timer option with a time limit of one minute.

"ten minutes……"

Aiwass murmured softly.

It has been about ten minutes since he opened his eyes.

Choose once every ten minutes?

One would be a bit difficult to analyze and think in detail, and there has to be some intuitive part.

Although the atmosphere should be "Celebration and Carnival", Aiwass always felt that it would not be that simple.

He felt that Cain's words hinted at something... and the option of [Madness and Killing] made him even more uneasy.

Judging from the few words, Zagreus seems to be dead. And this is a banquet held by the heroes who killed the "mad dragon" Zagreus...

…although it’s a little strange.

Why did the heroes who killed the mad dragon instead "honor Zagreus"; why did Cain perform this ceremony?

If it were a different copy, Aiwass might have thought in the direction of "the truth hidden in history".

——But the problem is, he doesn’t know what the author of this painting was thinking!


"What does it mean to complete a painting... is it that both of them are correct?"

Aiwass thought about it and saw that the second hand had turned three quarters of a circle.

So without thinking, he pushed open the door of [Funeral and Sacrifice].

The door opened, and inside was a fantastic and colorful scene, which even gave Aiwas a headache.

It took him more than a minute to reach the end of the fantastic corridor.

At this time, Aiwass discovered three different doors - each of the three doors was decorated with a three-petal flower.

One of them was the rustic wooden door that Aiwas had just chosen, and all three petals had been lit up. And the brightness of the three lit petals was the same.

But the other two doors are different.

The second door was an old stone door wrapped with green vines. Only one of the three petals of the flower on it was lit, and its brightness was the sum of the brightness of the Aiwass door.

The last door was made of steel, and there were two petals lit up on the door, one of which was obviously brighter than the other.

"…Does this mean different people's choices?"

Aiwass suddenly understood and knew how to switch to other paintings.

Can I switch to a different world each time I make a choice? And how is the "mission" triggered?
Considering that he was already familiar with the situation in the first painting and was also a little curious about what would happen next... Therefore, Aiwas chose to push open the first door and walked in again.

When Aiwass opened his eyes again, he found himself still in the middle of the dance floor, with his right hand still on Sasha's shoulder, dancing with her.

But "this painting" began to show abnormalities.

Aiwass had a good memory, so he clearly felt that there were more people on the dance floor—

Originally, this place was not crowded, but now it was becoming noticeably crowded. There should be one or two more couples on the dance floor, or even more!

——Someone is coming in!

And there’s more than one!
Aiwas' heart tightened and he paid attention.

So it was from here that I entered the online state...

But Aiwass soon realized the identity of one of them.

A blonde woman let go of her dance partner's hand, walked to the bottom of the pure white candle with a burning gaze, and stood in front of Cain.

"Can I ask you to dance?"

She took the initiative to extend her hand and invited Cain with a smile on her face.

Cain looked at her with interest—or rather, at her crimson pupils.

"Why not?"

The young man with long black hair smiled and agreed.

And the other side.

In another world with a completely different style of painting from here.

It was like a child's painting, the whole world became abstract and more colorful.

On the vast grassland, Aleister turned into a crimson fire fox.

She was standing on the back of a tall white horse, shouting unceremoniously:

"Fuck him!"

In front of her, a crow pounced on the baboon holding a magic wand without any hesitation!

(End of this chapter)

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