The Witch's Taste

Chapter 1 Escalating Events

Chapter 1 Escalating Events

Shinjuku Ward, Sky Ginza.

Chen Ziang stepped into the shopping mall, his eyes under the sunglasses secretly scanned the passers-by around him.

Through the lip reader fixed inside the corner of his mouth, he silently reported to the command center:
"I have arrived at the north entrance of Sky Ginza."

"Got it." The section chief's serious voice came from the headset, "Other operators are coming. Chen Ziang, this is an urgent mission."

"15 minutes ago, Jixiong Kawai (47), the cleaning staff in charge of the north area of ​​the third floor of Ginza, was witnessed to have alienated phenomena: protruding canine teeth, wrinkled skin, congested irises, staring at passers-by and continuing to grit his teeth and growl. There was a lot of hostility and threat."

"Threatened passers-by have already called the police, and the case has been screened and transferred to Countermeasures Section [-]. The preliminary judgment can be confirmed as a [Ghoul Transformation] mutation, and the arrest order has been issued."

Accompanied by the section chief's voice, corresponding images flashed on Chen Zi'ang's sunglasses, which were the three-dimensional structure map of the North District of Sky Ginza, as well as the facial features and body data of the target, Jixiong Kawai.

"Attention." The voice in the headset said again, "After realizing that someone called the police, the target did not launch an attack, but chose to hide and disappear, so you need to confirm the target's location first."

"Received." Chen Ziang asked in confirmation, "Is the CCTV system connected?"

"It has been connected." The section chief said, "According to the surveillance video, it can be determined that the target has not left the Sky Ginza area."

"However, due to long-term work in Ginza, the target is very familiar with the distribution of surveillance cameras around, and we have not captured the target's whereabouts for 10 minutes."

"Are you considering evacuating the people inside Ginza?" Chen Ziang asked with a frown as he arrived at the safe passage.

Judging from the existing intelligence, the target this time is not only familiar with the environment, but also has a strong anti-reconnaissance awareness.

If the other party is allowed to escape from the sky Ginza, the severity of the incident will rise several levels.

It is better to evacuate the indoor people in the name of "fire accident" and so on, and at the same time arrange operators to monitor at the evacuation exit.

If the target comes out among the crowd, he will be exposed to surveillance, and he can be subdued with thunder;
After the evacuation of the crowd, the target will become a turtle in the urn, which is nothing to worry about.

"No." The section chief quickly denied, "Sky Ginza is one of the busiest business districts in Shinjuku, and the traffic flow is too large. The impact of forced evacuation on public opinion cannot be estimated, and the higher-ups will not agree."

"Understood." Chen Ziang walked up the stairs to the third floor, opened the door and went out.

On the third floor of the North District of Sky Ginza, there are a large number of clothing, antiques and luxury stores, and the pedestrians are also dense and endless.

Chen Ziang quickly blended into the crowd, pressed the edge of the mirror frame with one hand, and called up the structure map of the third floor again.

The location where the target was last seen is located near the ecological stand on the north side.

Combined with the distribution of surveillance cameras around, the hiding place of the target can be narrowed down to six nearby shops.

Although I came in a hurry and didn't bring a spiritual pressure gauge, but as long as I searched the past one by one, I would definitely find the target... huh?

Chen Zi'ang's heart suddenly felt some kind of secret tremor, which quickly crawled up his spine.

No, could it be...

"Shen séance ceremony!" Chen Ziang lowered his voice and quickly reported, "My inspiration has detected an abnormality, and I suspect it is an ongoing séance ceremony!"

There was a complete silence in the headset for a moment, and then the nervous voice of the section chief Takahashi Junsuke sounded:
"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure!" Chen Ziang didn't hesitate.

"Okay." Section Chief Takahashi quickly ordered to the surroundings, "Evacuate the people in Ginza immediately! I will bear the responsibility!"

Only about five seconds later, broadcast sirens sounded around:

"Due to the sudden fire, please stranded customers in this area, please go to the nearby safe passage and evacuate in an orderly manner, thank you. Due to the sudden fire..."

The moment the siren sounded, Chen Ziang quickly stared at the entrances of the six shops, secretly tensing his mind.

The so-called séance ceremony is a special ceremony that attempts to communicate with the gods of the abyss.Considering that most of these gods have strong malice towards intelligent races, once such communication takes effect, it will often bring great danger and disaster.

But at this time, there are still many customers on the third floor. If the ceremony site is directly destroyed, causing the target to jump over the wall, more unnecessary casualties will also be caused.

Fortunately, the passers-by were startled when they heard the broadcast, and then slowly began to evacuate towards the nearest safe passage in an orderly manner—this was not because of the high quality of the island people, but because of the earthquake and Volcanic eruptions are extremely frequent, so everyone has become accustomed to obeying official disaster avoidance instructions.

"Chen Ziang." The voice sounded again in the headset, "Yue Gong is rushing to your place to support, pay attention to support."

"Isn't Yue Gong a newcomer who joined the job yesterday?" Chen Ziang asked with a frown.

"Lack of manpower." The section chief replied concisely, "She happens to be nearby."

For temporary emergency missions, there are not enough official cadres on site, so of course they can only be sent to the nearest reserve. This is what the so-called "emergency" means.

Not long after, someone ran over from a distance.

Suzuna Tsukimiya, a new operator who just joined the Sixth Section of Countermeasures of the Public Security Department yesterday, is a beautiful girl with a stunning appearance that is hard to forget.

The eyes are big and bright, the eyelashes are very long, the nose is small and straight, the lips are slender but not thin, the complexion is fair and smooth like jade fat, and the overall facial features are just right in size and distribution. No wonder the colleagues who came back from the interview yesterday were discussing "that picture Is a pretty face natural or plastic surgery".

The hair is highlighted and dyed into a fashionable light brown, hanging from the sides of the pretty cheeks, and is simply tied with a white hydrangea hair rope, and it is scattered around the full chest.

However, Chen Ziang didn't feel much about her beauty.

Because such a beautiful girl, whether she appears on a TV show, on the cover of a fashion print magazine, or on the huge advertising screen at the corner of Siben Street, is not worthy of surprise.

But appearing at the scene of the accident made people feel a little overwhelmed. After all, appearance cannot be converted into work experience, and Weird will not let her go just because she is beautiful.

"Moon Palace?" Chen Ziang waved his hand slightly, signaling her to come over quickly.

As if hearing his voice, Tsukimiya Suzuna, who was still scanning the crowd, quickly looked over.

The moment the eyes of the two met, she stared blankly at Chen Ziang's face, her big beautiful eyes revealing long-lost, nostalgic, and happy emotions.

...Long time no see, senior.

"Moon Palace!" Seeing that the newcomer dared to be in a daze, Chen Ziang yelled again in a low voice on the communication channel.

"Senior." Tsukimiya Suzuna, who finally came back to her senses, quickly ran to his side with small steps, her eyes sparkling, "What should I do?"

"Quickly evacuate the nearby customers." Chen Ziang said sternly.

"Please hurry up, everyone!" Tsukimiya Suzuna immediately took out the ID of a security officer from her pocket, showed it to the surroundings, and shouted loudly, "There is flammable gas spreading nearby! A fire may start at any time, please leave this floor as soon as possible !"

The customers who were leaving slowly because they heard the broadcast but saw no fire, so when they saw a security officer came out to urge them, they became nervous and began to evacuate the scene at a faster pace.

Chen Ziang was heaving a sigh of relief when suddenly inspiration frantically warned him again.

Almost at the same time, the glass window of a shop in front of them shattered instantly, and a monster on all fours jumped out from inside, casting fierce eyes on the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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