The Witch's Taste

Chapter 106 Suzuna who only cares about seniors

Chapter 106 Suzuna who only cares about seniors
Under the dim yellow light, Yuegong Lingnai hurried over from behind and stood beside Chen Ziang.

The mandala sword was still stuck in Meihui Xichuan's chest, but her blood no longer flowed from the wound, and the corpse began to rot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The surrounding dim yellow light became more and more intense, as if someone was continuously splashing colors on the canvas.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Qingyu emerged from the yellow mist - followed by three field operators: Lu Yunfeng, Okita Heigo and Fujii Haraaki.

Counting the number of people, except for the expelled section leader Takahashi Kinsuke, and the transferred deputy section leader Ken Sagi, all the staff of the former Sixth Countermeasures Section have arrived.

This is not surprising, because Chen Ziang had told Xia Qingyu long ago that killing the witch's body was just a foreplay, and the real difficulty was still in the kingdom of God that unfolded later.

"Everyone check the equipment." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "Report if there is any problem!"

If it was placed before, the second half of her sentence must be some nonsense such as "All apes know how to distinguish good from bad bananas", "If they don't know how to check, they will commit suicide".

But I don't know if it was because of the fight with Yue Gong Suzuna, or because the pressure on her was too much. In short, Xia Qingyu's tone was not very good, and he didn't open the map gun or point to point, so everyone quickly checked the equipment.

The operator equipment that needs to be carried this time is much more luxurious than what everyone used before, including:
A full-cover information eyepiece with a camera, and an automatic drawing software on the screen.

The sound-blocking headset can be adjusted to noise-blocking mode to block the high-frequency screams of ghouls.

The lip reader does not need to make a real sound, but only needs the tongue to make a pronunciation shape, and the electronically synthesized sound can enter the channel.

Tactical jacket vest, which also contains light sticks, emergency medicine and other tools.

Spirit pressure gauges, pistols, and exorcism bullets are naturally indispensable. In addition, each person also issued a "Missteel Three Series" miniature submachine gun, as well as special retarding bullets, tracer bullets, and bursting bullets.

It can be described as a new generation, fully armed.

After everyone checked, they stood still, waiting for Xia Qingyu's further orders.

It took about half an hour, the black mist finally dissipated completely, and the dim yellow light around them also condensed into substance. It turned out to be a large area of ​​yellow sand and brick buildings - everyone was in an ancient city at this time.

The ground under his feet was a cut flat stone slab, and the surrounding gaps were filled with fine gravel. It seemed that the city was built in a desert.

Looking at the surrounding buildings, most of them are made of khaki bricks and stones, without any trace of reinforced concrete.

The whitewashed walls are about three meters high, and the porches and windows are mostly arched and small, as if they were designed to resist the scorching sun and sandstorms.Honestly, the buildings are kind of like...

"Dwarf style." Tsukimiya Suzuna whispered.

There are basically four intelligent races in the Milky Way that have been proven today: humans, elves, dwarves, and orcs.

Among them, the dwarves mainly live in the square arm constellation, which is the area near the center of the Milky Way.Most of the stars here are younger and brighter, and most of the dwarves' colonial star regions are hot and dry, which is reflected in the buildings with "high walls and small windows" and "monotonous colors".

Chen Zi'ang turned his head to look, and sure enough, behind those small nailed windows, the dark eyes of peepers could be seen faintly, and the height from the ground was only about a meter or so.

"Is it a town of dwarves?" Lu Yunfeng asked in the channel.

"It doesn't matter." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "Then follow my command and conduct scattered investigation first."

"Chen, 12 o'clock; Fujii, 3 o'clock; Lu, 6 o'clock; Okita, 9 o'clock. Keep the channel open and report in time."

"Yes." Everyone responded.

Since everyone is completely unfamiliar with the Kingdom of God here, Xia Qingyu plans to detect the surrounding terrain first.

The information eyepiece worn by everyone has an external camera, which can automatically scan the surrounding terrain and draw a corresponding three-dimensional map, which is transmitted to the command center, which is Xia Qingyu.

Such a high-tech thing is naturally not produced in the Gaotianyuan star area, but the imperial-style planetary commando individual equipment, which is specially used for the complex street fighting environment in the metropolis. Come in.

However, Tsukimiya Suzuna still didn't like her, and said critically:

"Divide troops for investigation? Are you not afraid of being surrounded and wiped out? What do you think is a safe place in the Kingdom of God?"

Xia Qingyu's answer was also very short: "You know a shit."

"I don't understand." Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a sneer, "I'm going to find Senior, so you just stay here honestly and pray that you won't be discovered by the enemy."

"No." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "You want to stay with me."

"Why?" Yue Gong Suzuna raised her eyebrows.

"The enemy did not launch an attack on us." Xia Qingyu said lightly, "They are waiting for reinforcements, or they are setting up an ambush."

"No matter what the possibility is, at least we also have precious time to prepare at the beginning. Therefore, the most important thing at present is to grasp the nearby terrain information as soon as possible, otherwise if we miss this time window, the follow-up will be extremely disadvantageous to us."

"They were sent out by me to investigate and draw maps. They may encounter certain interceptions and attacks. And you are the sharpest knife in the team. When necessary, I will send you out to support any team members who are attacked."

"Oh, I'm the sharpest knife?" Tsukimiya Suzuna said sarcastically, "Then what are you, the smartest brain?"

"I think the answer is obvious." Xia Qingyu said arrogantly.

"Okay, I understand." Tsukimiya Suzuna said impatiently, "I'm going to find senior now, so I ask the smartest brain to find a way to solve the problem of sharp knives."

She ran away without hesitation, and the shadow spread from the bottom of her feet, and quickly searched in the direction Chen Ziang was walking.

Xia Qingyu didn't stop her, but only waited for Yuegong Lingnai to run away completely before she sneered contemptuously.

People who lack the ability to think just know how to run around.

Afterwards, she pressed the communication button of the full-coverage eyepiece to switch to the private chat channel with Chen Ziang.


Entering this completely unfamiliar kingdom of God, it stands to reason that one should be apprehensive and trembling.

But this is not the first time Chen Ziang has sunk into the abyss. Not only has he been to the dream world many times, but he is as familiar with the ancient city of Enrank as he is at home. Seeing Nicole is like seeing family members, so now there is not much nervousness. Just watch every move around you vigilantly.

There are people hiding in most of the buildings.

Perhaps it is the dwarven inhabitants here.Many inferior races like to coexist with intelligent races, such as nightmares that need to eat in nightmares, and ghouls that like to eat corpses, etc.

Chen Ziang didn't intend to disturb these dwarves, because he knew what his current mission was.

Explore as many maps as possible to provide Xia Qingyu with enough intelligence.

"Chen Ziang, follow my instructions." Xia Qingyu's voice suddenly rang through the headset.


"Next, run as fast as you can, without worrying about exposing yourself, quickly rush along the current road to the end, and then turn left."

"Understood." Chen Ziang no longer took every step, but started to rush forward at full speed.

(End of this chapter)

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