The Witch's Taste

Chapter 108 Black Temple

Chapter 108 Black Temple
"Fujii retreats."

"Okita go up the stairs on the right and fire."

"Chen keep pushing, don't be shy!"

"Go up the stairs to support Okita."

"Does Fujii see the corner on the left? Go to the bunker and shoot there!"

"Okita to suppress the 3 o'clock direction."

"Chen, you have gone too far, take two steps back."

"Lu cooperates with Okita to shoot alternately, you control the rhythm."

In the channel, Xia Qingyu's command orders came out one after another like flowing water, and they were all detailed to the level of "push the machine gun position forward 50 meters".

If this thing is posted on the forum, it will definitely be ridiculed by military fans, but only the three people under command can perceive the subtlety of it.

As soon as Heigo Okita went up the stairs, his perspective quickly became clear, and he immediately found that this was an excellent fire suppression point, and he could use retarding bombs to simultaneously block the advance passages of the three ghoul pursuers in the rear.

But in fact, in the direction of 3 o'clock, there is still a road of ghouls coming to kill here.Because of the angle of view and the obstruction, he didn't notice for a while...God knows why Xia Qingyu discovered his mistake.

This pursuer was far away from the other pursuers, so it would be difficult for him alone to completely suppress it, but Xia Qingyu obviously expected this in advance, and asked Lu Yunfeng to cooperate with him to shoot alternately, and the loopholes in the firepower net were just filled.

Fujii Haraaki is located on the side of the chasing attack, and is currently facing an embarrassing situation: if he fires, it may attract the chasing troops to attack him, which will affect the blocking efficiency of Okita.

But he can't do anything without firing.

Xia Qingyu saw his confusion and directed him to use the left corner as a cover.If a shot is fired from here, the angle between its trajectory and the firepower of Okita Heigo is very small, and the ghouls will most likely not be able to tell the difference.

However, there was still the same question: Fujii Haraaki, who was at the scene, didn't see how Xia Qingyu could accurately calculate so many things with a single electronic map?

She is directing four people at the same time, and she needs to switch perspectives constantly, so she doesn't even have time to think!
Chen Ziang took two steps back, and said to Yuegong Lingna beside him:
"I suspect that she has a visual memory, and she can never forget the pictures she has seen."

"Perhaps." Yue Gong Suzuna said with a sneer, "It is estimated that in her brain, all the brain nerves responsible for forming 'conscience', 'empathy', 'guilt' and 'guilt' are all responsible for The hippocampus of 'short-term memory' has been eaten."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xia Qingyu said coldly, "Do I have to point out that even anthropoids don't fall in love with apes of the opposite sex when they are being hunted down by predatory beasts?"

Tsukimiya Suzuna wrinkled her nose in disgust, and directed the Shadow Warrior to kill the approaching ghouls.

It has to be said that compared to Lu Yunfeng, Okita Heigo and Fujii Haraaki who used military equipment, these two with mysterious powers were much more efficient in eliminating ghouls.

The blade of the shadow warrior is extremely sharp, and its material is unknown (it may not even be a physical substance). With the warrior Ji opening and closing in the narrow alleyway, dancing and slashing, there are constantly ghouls The stumps of limbs flew out—nothing could withstand the cutting of the shadow blade.

As for Chen Ziang's bloated touch, it is even more of a weapon for group damage in this situation.

The bloated touch popped forward and pierced into the body of a ghoul, and the opponent's body immediately exploded like fireworks.

A large number of tentacles pierced the abdomen from the body, tore the chest, and shot out fiercely in all directions with bloody tissues, inserting into the surrounding ghouls like parasites, and the killing spread with a geometric progression.

If there was no upper limit to the number of tentacles summoned, Chen Ziang felt that if he could single out a group of them, he would die as many times as he came.

However, the current two bloated touches are not enough to deal with so many ghouls who are not afraid of death and rushing without thinking, so he just patiently listened to Xia Qingyu's command, and crossed with Yue Gong Suzuna, walking while killing .

Finally, the two arrived at a building entrance.

It is said to be the entrance of the building, but it looks more like the entrance of the cellar.

The buildings above the surface look like dome-style temples unique to dwarves from the outside.But it is well known that the dwarves like mining, forging and "kapon" the most, so there is also a huge underground building area under the temple, which may even be much larger than the surface.

The underground entrance of the temple here is built with downward, underground stairs, leading to the deep and quiet cave ghosts, like the mouth of a dark giant beast.

"Go down." Xia Qingyu commanded.

Chen Ziang and Yuegong Lingnai rushed into the underground temple quickly, followed by Xia Qingyu.

After waiting for a while, the remaining three who were still firing from behind to suppress the group of ghouls fled down the stairs like flying.

Xia Qingyu calmed down, a small silver key emerged from her fingertips, pointed at the ghouls rushing downwards, thrust it in and twisted it, and said indifferently:

"Lock it."

The ghoul's fangs and sharp claws were almost touching her, and Chen Ziang's hand holding the mandala magic sword was about to exert force.

Then, the screen freezes.

It seems that there is an invisible wall lying across the door, and the ghouls behind are still rushing forward frantically, while the ghouls in the front have been squeezed against the transparent wall and cannot move, as if they were pressed into ham sausage filling.

The next second, there was an extremely violent wind outside.

The ghouls who were huddled together immediately flew out in clusters as if they had been targeted by some kind of huge vacuum cleaner, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and while Chen Ziang felt relieved, he suddenly remembered what Xia Qingyu said before:
"Open the door in five minutes and 30 seconds, and you'll be out."

Looking back now, the time when everyone fled into the underground temple and isolated it from the outside world happened to be the time when [Yun Wu] lifted the seal and started killing wantonly.

Is this also considered good?

In this person's mind, there is not only a "plotter" that records the images seen in real time, but also a "timer" with real-time countdown capability?
"Okay." Xia Qingyu said lightly, "The warm-up is over, and the next thing is the adventure."

Yue Gong Suzuna curled her lips in disdain, while the rest of the people showed speechless expressions.

In your opinion, the dangerous scene just now was just a "warm-up"?
"Zubasa." Looking into the depths of the passage, Xia Qingyu suddenly uttered three strange pronunciations, "The gloomy and decaying city in the depths of the Dying Realm is also the holy city of the ghouls. The dwarves live above the surface, and the underground It is their black sanctuary."

"Senior." Yuegong Suzuna leaned closer to him again and said in a low voice, "Don't stay too far away from me later."

"Chen Ziang." Xia Qingyu suddenly said, as if deliberately antagonizing her, "The success of this operation depends on you alone."

"The Witch of the Lord of Ghouls, whose divinity is a black, icy, death-sucking dark vortex."

"It has no entity to attack, nor is it afraid of energy of any nature. Only your Mandala Sword can deprive it of its concept. If you die unfortunately, then we who cannot control the Mandala Sword will accompany you Let you sleep forever under the ground."

Chen Ziang was silent for a moment, then nodded solemnly.

"The ghouls who are qualified to live in the sanctuary are not the beasts we encountered just now." Xia Qingyu continued, "It's the lower race that truly possesses wisdom and spirituality, the ghoul priests."

"Don't be hit by anything that seems to be attacking. When you encounter an unknown target, you must fire as soon as possible. And... write your last words in advance and give them to me."

"We'll be leaving in 5 minutes."

(End of this chapter)

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