The Witch's Taste

Chapter 110 Only I Can Do It

Chapter 110 Only I Can Do It
The most frightening thing is not death, but the waiting time to die.

The longer I stay here, the more clearly I can hear two sounds: one is the slow breathing sound from my nose, and the other is the beating sound of my heart in my chest.

Chen Ziang didn't know what happened to the others, but he himself was in a state of subtle tension.

With the gradual tightening of mental pressure, his attention became more and more concentrated, as if he could hear all the sounds in the invisible darkness ahead.

The fingers loosened and clenched repeatedly on the hilt of the mandala, looking for the most suitable position for holding the sword, and the body gradually changed into a posture suitable for violent exertion.

His breathing became weaker but longer, so as to reduce the sound of air friction from the airway.

The sound of the heartbeat cannot be weakened, but its regular rhythm can help you gather your spirit and immerse yourself in a more focused state...

Suddenly, there was a sound in the distance.

It was like a low whimper of a beast feeling threatened, and it was like a viscous rubbing sound of a mouthful of thick phlegm in the throat.

Rather, it's a bit of both, and they're crossing paths!
The attention of the others was not as focused as Chen Ziang's, but as the weirdness in the shadows revealed its real body, everyone's thoughts were instantly raised.

Those are four figures shrouded in robes: they are slender, about 1.8 meters long, and the robes are dark black like ink, with complicated patterns embroidered with golden silk thread on them, and hollowed out under the hoods The skull mask has the unique paleness and bluntness of bones.

The four figures are all holding scepters, and the posture of holding the staff is a bit strange. Obviously, the sharp claws of ghouls cannot grasp things as flexibly as humans.

But this is an out-and-out bad thing, because the scepters of the lower races are not just symbols, they often contain even more terrifying mysterious powers.

They didn't continue to approach, but stood on both sides of the entrance of the passage, whimpering like wolf dogs, but this time everyone finally heard clearly, it was actually some kind of sacrificial language with vague pronunciation, although they couldn't understand the meaning , but Inspiration perceives an eerie air of profanity and malevolence.

The sound-blocking headset quickly started to play a role, so that everyone's spiritual vision would not rise and their sanity would not be shaken.

However, in the next second, something black and indescribable poured in from the dark passage like a fluid.

Xia Qingyu previously said that Xi Chuan Meihui's divinity was some kind of "vortex", but Chen Ziang still didn't understand why.

Now that I have seen the other party's true face with my own eyes, I realize that "vortex" is probably the only word that can describe the other party.

It is a cloud-like thing, but it has the form of gas and liquid at the same time.The color should be black, but it is completely different from normal black. It should be a special wavelength of light that cannot be distinguished by human naked eyes, just like red-green color blindness seeing red and green colors. It seems to be distorted all the time.

Between the clouds and mists, there are dazzling changes in form, which cannot be observed carefully, because even if you focus on it for a second, it will make you feel dazzling as if you are using your eyes too much.

Only the loss of heat is so obvious, the moment the cloud of black mist enters the hall, the temperature in the room quickly chills.

The black mist fell on one of the corpses, swallowing it as if sucking it.The dwarf corpse that had been smeared with antiseptic essential oils could see that its skin was decaying rapidly before being involved, losing its original blood color and elasticity.

The four ghoul priests held scepters and continued to make profane and unclean whispers as they stepped into the hall, like loyal servants escorting nobles.

It also entered the shooting range of the combat team.

Xia Qingyu didn't issue an order, so everyone kept their posture ready to fight, and no one made a move without authorization.

But at that moment, Chen Ziang, who was highly focused, saw the secret movement of one of the ghoul priests.

He was still holding the scepter in his left hand, and with his black-gloved right hand, he made an imperceptible gesture to his companion on the right—his thumb pointed right at Lu Yunfeng's hiding place.

It discovered the existence of Lao Lu!It is going to attack the old land!

In an instant, Chen Zi'ang felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, and the bloated touch came out from under the feet of the gesturing ghoul priest, and quickly penetrated its flesh.

His companion was reminded by the gesture that he had already started tilting the scepter to aim at Lu Yunfeng's hiding place.But the companion around him was suddenly attacked, which made him subconsciously turn the position of the scepter, and directly poke at the tentacles under the companion's feet, making a strange and evil sound of incantation:

Green light popped out from the gem at the top of the scepter like a cobra poised to hit the companion who was pierced by the bloated touch.

Chen Ziang's consciousness immediately received feedback: the powerful vitality of the bloated touch that broke out in the body of the ghoul priest, devoured everything greedily, suddenly turned to apoptosis and decay as if deprived of the ability to survive.

His bloated touch blocked this vicious fatal blow for Lu Yunfeng.

But he has no time to take care of so much at this time... His body has already jumped over the sarcophagus, and he raised his left hand again, summoning the touch of the abyss in the middle of the three ghoul priests, in an attempt to create even greater chaos .

The right hand thrust out the Mandala sword straightly, aiming at the thick black fog that rushed towards the corpse here!

The magic sword pierced into the thick fog, Chen Ziang only felt his entire right arm completely lost consciousness under the severe extreme cold.

But the thick fog seemed to be more severely injured, its shape shrank violently, and at the same time it gave out some kind of "high screaming sound".

It’s not the sound of air vibrating, otherwise the sound-blocking headset will definitely work, but this “sound” directly acts on everyone’s inspiration through some unknown method—as if someone is performing a high-decibel high-pitched sound next to the ear. Shouting, everyone fell into an uncontrollable semi-dizzy state for a while.

The dense fog, which had lost half of its vitality, took the opportunity to break free from the adsorption of the Mandala Sword. After a few stretches, it opened up a distance, and passed the ghoul priests who were attacked by the touch of the abyss. The dark passage ran quickly.

Chen Ziang's right arm was almost crippled, resisting the feeling of dizziness in his mind, his left hand quickly caught the falling Mandala magic sword, and while controlling the touch of the abyss to disturb the ghoul sacrifice, he chased after the thick fog give up.

He knew that these priests would come to intercept him, but he believed that Suzuna, Qing Yu, and other teammates would never stand idly by.

The remaining three ghoul priests were not affected by the divine scream.

Two of them pointed their scepters flat at Chen Ziang, ready to recite a deadly curse; the other stretched out his left claw and grabbed Chen Ziang fiercely, with enough force to tear him open.

Yue Gong Suzuna's shadow warrior suddenly appeared from under the ghoul priest's feet, caught his sharp claws with the shadow blade, Chen Ziang took advantage of the situation and bent down while running, and quickly slipped through the opponent's armpit.

The other two priests who chanted the incantation seemed to have their throats locked, and they couldn't make any sound at all.

The green light on the top of the scepter is also fleeting, like a light bulb that has run out of life.

Taking advantage of the moment when the ghoul priests were all entangled, Chen Ziang finally broke through their encirclement and interception, and chased towards the deep passage where he couldn't see his fingers.

He could see the divine nature of the dense fog flying in front of him, but he could even feel the sharp pain spreading from his half-unconscious right arm to his shoulder, as if piercing through the bones.

Consciousness seemed to be screaming in melting, but the will was still pushing him forward.

My right hand may have been disabled.

But I must completely kill that divine fog while my left hand can still hold the sword.

Because only the mandala sword can kill divinity.

Only I can control and use the Mandala Sword.

I can't save Mie Nishikawa, I can't save those remote towns threatened by wild beasts, but this time...

I want to cut down the anchor point of the Kingdom of God and save everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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