The Witch's Taste

Chapter 112 We all have a bright future

Chapter 112 We all have a bright future

"Feel much better?"

"Yes." Chen Ziang, who was lying on the hospital bed, smiled weakly, "Thank you, Lixu, I really thought my arm would never be saved."

"Originally it is." Suifeng Lixu stood beside the hospital bed, "You don't have to thank me, if you want to thank, thank that Xia Qingyu. She has an extremely rich grasp and understanding of mysterious knowledge, and our intelligence class will soon send It's useless."

Since Countermeasures Division [-] was transformed into Intelligence Division [-], the Intelligence Division was also upgraded to Intelligence Division, which was paralleled with the Field Operations Division.

But Riu Hoikaze didn't feel very happy, because Xia Qingyu didn't take her with him this time when he attacked the kingdom of the gods, the king of ghouls.

It stands to reason that the intelligence class should be involved... and she also really wants to study the kingdom of the ghoul king.

"Oh." Chen Ziang sighed, "Trust me, Li Xu. It's really a good thing you didn't go."

"Very dangerous? I don't think you have suffered any casualties." Rio Hokaze expressed doubts.

"No?" Chen Ziang joked, "What about me, what kind of consumables am I?"

"I'm not surprised that you get hurt." Rio Hokaze said lightly, "You're the kind of fool who likes to rush ahead alone and take all the danger on his shoulders... Oh, Suzuna is here."

Tsukimiya Suzuna popped half of her head out from outside the ward, and said with a smile:
"Is senior feeling better? I'm here to see you."

"I even made chicken porridge for you~"

The girl with the bowl trotted over and quickly put the bowl on the bedside table, then bit her fingers with tears in her eyes, as if she was a little burned.

Looking at her clumsy appearance, Chen Ziang couldn't help laughing.

Rio Hokaze watched quietly from the side, thinking that if it was the old Chen Ziang, his first reaction would be to say "thank you" and "don't worry about it" or other kind words.

The relationship between the two has unknowingly warmed up.Is this what is said on the Internet, "more than friends, less than lovers"?
really interesting.


I hate you.

But maybe.

I hate myself.

In a vague dream, she saw that the scenery outside the window was slowly moving downward.

"Qing Yu, why are we discussing things on the Ferris wheel?" Chen Ziang asked puzzled.

"This document contains political secrets, and I hope not to be monitored." Xia Qingyu explained, handing him the documents and looking out the window calmly.

She's actually pretty good at lying.

"So this "Ecological Protection Law" basically cannot be changed, can it?" Chen Ziang said with a sigh after reading the materials.

"Yes." Xia Qingyu replied, "Because it is bound to the Star Trade Alliance's admission qualification, and Gao Tianyuan must not lose the Star Trade Alliance qualification."

"Under the rolling wheels of the times, most people are nothing but dust. Mie Nishikawa is not the first, nor will she be the last."

"I see, thank you." Chen Ziang returned the materials to her.

"Why don't you thank me." Xia Qingyu said with a smile, "If you are willing to learn more, I can also give you some in-depth science, such as why the elves enact such radical laws."

"Oh, why?" Chen Ziang asked curiously.

"Let's go there and talk." Xia Qingyu didn't answer, but just pointed to the carousel in the distance, "The air here is a bit dull."

"Do you like merry-go-round?" Chen Ziang smiled teasingly, "Prosecutor Xia, who has always been serious and shrewd, would actually like this kind of childish rides."

"Don't speak out." Xia Qingyu pretended to be angry.

It's not the merry-go-round that I like, it's...

She's actually pretty good at lying.

I do not know how long it has been.

Xia Qingyu, who was lying on the table, faintly woke up from the incomplete memory fragments.

She was leaning on the back of the chair, with her head bowed, her eyes staring at the light and shadow on the floor, as if she was in some kind of nostalgic mood.

Just sat there all day.


Xia Zili fell asleep in front of the computer.

On the screen, there is a song that has almost been completed and can be sent to the studio for arrangement.

The name of the song is called "Hero".

Xia Zili wanted to be a hero.

She dreamed of a superhero movie she had seen before, in which the protagonist was usually just an ordinary person, standing in front of the office window, watching the huge explosion made by the villain in the distance.

Then, in the reflection of the window glass, the male protagonist began a handsome transformation.

However, that reflection quickly turned into the mother's bloodied face.

The familiar and kind face showed a desperate smile, and said softly like a raving:
"No, you don't want to."

"I want to be a hero." Xia Zili insisted.

"Zili, you don't want to be a hero." The mother's smile became more exaggerated, the corners of her mouth almost opened to the ears, revealing a terrifying and hideous wound.

"I..." Xia Zili wanted to refute, but she was inexplicably scared.

"It's okay." Mother stretched out her bloody arm from the window, and gently hugged her into her arms, "It's okay."

"You have to remember..."

"Then, redeem all this..."

"Let's start by becoming a hero..."

Xia Zili suddenly woke up from her sleep, kicked the table subconsciously, and soon covered her toes in pain, even tears came out.

But she raised her hand quickly and miraculously.

From the ends of the green onion fingers, tiny seeds were spit out from the skin.

It quickly grew four small hooves at the bottom, and many small buds sprouted from the top. They stepped firmly on Xia Zili's fingers, and began to dance a sticky dance happily.

At the same time, in her mind, the name of this seed also emerged:
【Black Cub】


In the governor's office.

After reading the incident report, Shi Di showed a relieved expression:

"Meihui Xichuan is finally dead... The matter should be over, right?"

"To be precise, there is still some finishing work to be done." Song Mingyuan said with a smile on his face. "At present, there are still some sick individuals sporadically appearing in the urban area."

"However, the source of growth has been cut off, so we can basically announce to the outside world: under the wise guidance of Governor Shi Di, the crisis has been overcome, the disaster has been resolved, and the state of emergency will officially end today."

"Good thing." Shi Di laughed loudly, "I'll have a few more drinks tonight."

"Don't drink too much, Your Excellency Governor." Song Mingyuan reminded him, "Tomorrow you have to meet with the special commissioner from the Federation, Mr. Trauch Klublef."

"Oh, very good." Shi Di's face quickly turned irritable again, "So those elves with their toes are going to point fingers at my face again, right?"

"Mingyuan, remind me, what is the specific identity of this commissioner?"

"Just look at his surname." Song Mingyuan said with a smile, "He is a high elf who came from the prominent Klublef family. This family controls the lifeblood of most of the federation's alchemy industry and is the most powerful elf society. Veteran aristocrat."

"In addition, the Klublef family and the Bakht family are long-term allies, and the Agilaos star area controlled by the Bakht family is the main trading object of our foreign exchange exports in Gaotianyuan."

"I understand." Shi Di was dizzy from those elf names, but he had also received political training after all, so he quickly grasped the point, "So, you have a strong background, so you can't offend them?"

"We must not offend you." Song Mingyuan said meaningfully.


The lights were not turned on in the living room, only today's news was playing on the TV.

Seiko Takano sat silently on the floor, staring blankly at the only glowing TV screen in the room.

She has deleted all her friends in advance, and sent a statement of severance to all her relatives.

In this way, no matter how horrific crimes I commit later, they will not be implicated again.

The TV screen finally went out, so only Seiko Takano's eyes could be seen in the darkness.

Exudes a faint, strange light.

(End of this chapter)

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