The Witch's Taste

Chapter 116 The Unstoppable Job

Chapter 116 The Unstoppable Job
The phone was dialed, and then a cold female voice sounded:
"Chen Ziang, you called two hours earlier than I expected."

"It seems that you haven't completely indulged in the mating instinct of apes, and you forgot that you are the head of the field department of the fifth intelligence department."

Hearing Xia Qingyu's mocking voice, Chen Ziang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, since she still has the energy to say such bullshit, it means that the situation is not urgent enough to be ironic.

"What's wrong?" Chen Ziang asked in a deep voice.

"Second Son Gao Ye, do you know him?" Xia Qingyu asked coldly.

"I know." Chen Ziang frowned and said, "What's wrong with her?"

"She was involved in a murder case in Beihai District." Xia Qingyu was silent for a moment, then continued, "I suspect that she has become a witch."

"Witch?" Chen Ziang was shocked at first, and then forcibly calmed down, "Are you sure?"

"I think I used the word 'doubt'." Xia Qingyu said coldly.

Sometimes Chen Ziang felt that he was used to all kinds of sarcastic remarks from her, but sometimes his blood pressure would suddenly rise... Especially when he made a mistake and was caught and laughed at by the other party.

"Please send me the information." Chen Ziang tried to be polite.

"Contact me after reading." Xia Qingyu left a sentence and hung up the phone.

Chen Ziang put down his phone, turned to look at his sister's face, and tried his best to lower his blood pressure again.

Well, she is still cute as a sister.

He looked at the phone again, opened the scanned document sent by Xia Qingyu, and read it carefully.

The deceased, Miyuki Arai, was murdered in the living room of the apartment where she lived alone, and there were signs of being tortured by mysterious forces.

His limbs were bruised to varying degrees, and tests revealed fragments of living tissue from four different people.

Chen Ziang looked carefully, and Xia Qingyu wrote three words in the blank space next to it:

living dead.

What are the living dead?However, although Xia Qingyu's mouth stinks badly, her handwriting is slender and beautiful, which is strangely beautiful.

Yuegong Lingna came back with the meal, and saw Chen Ziang looking at his phone with a serious face.

Although she didn't look at the phone screen, just by looking at the expression on the senior's face, she knew that it must be another bitch who sent the official business.

"What's wrong?" She asked curiously, pretending she didn't know anything.

"I'll send it to Niha." Chen Ziang didn't think much about it.

So the two sat down at their seats and began to study the dossier, not even noticing that the helium balloon platform started to rise.

There is no doubt that Arai Miyuki was killed by some mysterious means, but the question is who is the murderer?
Chen Ziang didn't really want to suspect Ms. Gao Ye, but at present it seemed that she was the most suspicious.

The investigation content of the intelligence department is much more detailed than that of the Beihai District Public Security Bureau. The data clearly records that Miyuki Arai bullied Masao Takano during her school days.

The reason is that Masao Takano looks a lot like her boyfriend who cheated in high school and dumped her in public, which she and her girlfriends have admitted personally.

So she finally chose to falsely accuse Masao Takano. Of course, the purpose was not to kill him, but to embarrass and humiliate the other party... This kind of anger is an obvious compensatory psychology.

Another strong evidence is that after Takano Masao committed suicide, Takano Seiko was very dissatisfied with the conclusion of the case by the Public Security Department.Then she quit her job in the firm, deleted almost all her friends, and sent written instructions to all relatives to sever ties... It is also a typical mentality of the island people "not to cause trouble to others".

Seeing this, it is almost certain that the murderer is Seiko Takano.

Chen Ziang felt an indescribable sadness, because Gao Ye, the lawyer who used to be obsessed with defending justice, had now turned into the criminal she hated the most.

"What's the point of judging?" Tsukimiya Suzuna also sighed, "Obviously, Seiko Takano is a witch."

"Oh." Chen Ziang sighed again.

"Senior, I know you and Gao Ye-senpai... In short, don't be too sad." Tsukimiya Suzuna continued to comfort, but she cursed in her heart.

What does the witch care about us?I only know good space travel, and I haven't been in space yet, the bitch sent such a thing, and the viciousness of his intentions has been clearly revealed.

She suddenly had an idea, coughed and said:

"We are out to play now, and Xiaozhu doesn't want to see you like this, senior, does he?"

Speaking of Xiaozhu, Chen Ziang really cheered up and apologized:

"Forget it, we can't do anything now, and it's useless to worry about it."

"But Qingyu asked me to contact her after reading it, I..."

"That's easy." Yuegong Lingna picked up the phone and called Xia Qingyu.

"Hello." A cold female voice came from the phone.

"During the annual vacation, people in space don't send us jobs! Please consciously die a hundred times!" Yuegong Lingna hung up the phone, then looked at the dumbfounded Chen Ziang, smiled like a lady, and joked, "She didn't pull Hack my number."

"I don't understand why she didn't block your number." Chen Ziang said dully.

"That's not the point." Tsukimiya Suzuna began to apply eye drops, "The point is that we are on annual leave. If it's an emergency, it's fine, and this kind of thing can bother us? I think she did it on purpose."

Just as he finished speaking, Chen Ziang's cell phone rang again.

"I'll listen to what she wants to say first." He picked up the phone call and put it to his ear.

"How's the material?" Xia Qingyu's voice rang in his ears.

"I suspect that Takano Seiko has become a witch." Chen Ziang replied.

"Well, a repeater, right?" Xia Qingyu asked coldly, "Are you going to degenerate from an animal to a dead thing?"

"Hey, Qingyu!" Chen Ziang couldn't stand her, and said bluntly, "We are on annual leave now! And judging from this material, we can only draw the conclusion that Seiko Takano has become a witch, right? As for How to find her is a matter for the closed-circuit system of the city's intelligent surveillance system, quickly enter her facial information into it, this matter has nothing to do with us!"

"So you know the goal of the current mission is to find Seiko Takano as soon as possible." Xia Qingyu said in surprise, "Then where do you think she will be?"

"Seiko Takano wants to avenge his son. Miyuki Arai who framed his son is dead. The follow-up target must be the classmates who attacked him with verbal violence and the two who helped Miyuki Arai go to the school leaders to put pressure on her." A member of the Women's Mutual Aid Society..."

"Those two people are on the star port." Xia Qingyu said suddenly.

"Huh?" Chen Ziang was startled for a moment.

"They bought travel tickets to Xinggang last Saturday." Xia Qingyu continued, "There is no information on the return travel tickets, so they must still be on Xinggang at this time."

"What about Seiko Takano?" Chen Ziang asked in a deep voice, "Has she gone to Xinggang yet?"

"No trace of this has been found." Xia Qingyu said indifferently, "But if she really becomes a witch, she doesn't necessarily have to buy a ticket to go to space."

Chen Ziang thought for a moment, and had to admit that it was true.

There are too many weird powers on the mysterious side, which can easily fool the monitoring of modern technology.For example, the power of the "thousand-faced incarnation" in the altar of chaos can directly transform one's own face and body into someone else's. Who can find out this?

Takano Seiko probably can't fly, but it's not difficult to mix in a towed helium balloon or a space shuttle, especially the former.

From the magazine rack next to the dining table, he picked up the map for guests to read and unfolded it, and he knew that the helium balloon platform has a huge area, not only has a viewing restaurant, toilets, bars and cafes, VIP lounges, and even There is also a parking lot and a swimming pool... Takano Seiko wants to hide and hitchhike to Xinggang, but it couldn't be easier.

"So what's your opinion?" Chen Ziang asked with a sigh.

"Beihai University, I've sent people to monitor it." Xia Qingyu said lightly, "As for Space Star Port, after you log in, go to this address first to confirm whether the two are still alive."

"If they are alive, tell them to go to the Xinggang defense area. Make a call, and I will arrange someone to pick them up; if they are dead, investigate the scene and send me the news."

"Okay." Chen Ziang responded quickly, "Then our annual leave..."

"It counts as work, and the annual leave quota is not deducted." Xia Qingyu hung up the phone.

Chen Ziang put down his phone, and saw Yue Gong Ling Nai's depressed expression of "I'm convinced you".

"Well, Suzuna..." Chen Ziang said with a dry smile, "There is no way, after all, the target to be protected this time is on the Xinggang, and we are currently the fastest to reach the Xinggang."

Yue Gong Suzuna didn't speak, but just shrunk her mouth, showing the aggrieved expression of "the baby is unhappy".

"How about I feed you?" Chen Ziang had no choice but to use his trump card.


(End of this chapter)

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