The Witch's Taste

Chapter 13 The scheming Suzuna

Chapter 13 The scheming Suzuna

in the cinema.

Chen Ziang hugged the popcorn bucket and looked at his younger sister anxiously.

Chen Xiaozhu sat on his right, staring blankly at the screen, as if listening to the lines attentively.

Tsukimiya Suzuna was sitting on his left, her eyes were already red, and she looked like she was about to cry.

The plot of the movie is a bit bloody. It is about a couple who have been married for ten years. Their feelings for each other have long since been wiped out in countless quarrels.

Later, his wife Mizuki traveled back to 15 years ago. Facing her young husband Masaki who hadn’t met her yet, she made up her mind not to spend the rest of her life with him...but as the female supporting role came on stage, she began to pursue her husband. Feeling extremely uneasy and apprehensive.

Soon, the hostess decided to give her husband another chance, but the husband was dumbfounded in the face of her various hints, and various misunderstandings emerged one after another. Seeing this, Yuegong Suzuna gritted her teeth and Chen Ziang yawned.

"A plot like this will definitely end with resolving the misunderstanding." Seeing that Yuegong Lingna had tears in her eyes, Chen Zi'ang could only comfort her, "Don't worry."

Tsukimiya Suzuna ignored him, just grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into her mouth as if venting her anger.

"Senior, you don't understand." She said angrily, "Sui Qin has tried very hard to hint, but Masaki can't understand at all. This is the most painful thing!"

"That's impossible, right?" Chen Ziang said helplessly, "After all, the male protagonist didn't go back to the past with the memory of the future."

"Even if he has no memory, he should be aware of Mizukin's feelings, right?" Tsukimiya Suzuna was filled with righteous indignation.

"If you can notice it, the movie won't be able to last that long." Chen Ziang complained.

He suddenly realized one thing, that is, when they met for the first time, Tsukimiya Suzuna indeed cast a tender look at him full of nostalgia for a moment—like a lover whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

So I took me to watch this movie, could it be a hint?

For example, Suzuna Tsukimiya is my future wife... something?

"Moon Palace." Chen Ziang said in a low voice, "If you were asked to guess my bank card PIN, how many would you guess?"

His bank card password has not been changed for more than ten years, and it is estimated that he will not change it in the future.If it was his future wife, he would know this.

"This, ahaha." Tsukimiya Suzuna smirked, "Why did Senior suddenly ask me to guess this?"

Of course she could understand Chen Ziang's probing intentions, but the problem is...she really doesn't know the password of senior's bank card!

"It's okay." Chen Ziang was also a little embarrassed, "You pretend I didn't ask."

Are you dizzy?Why is there such a strange idea?

In the future, I still have to watch less fantasy-themed movies.

"Why don't seniors ask me to guess something else." Tsukimiya Suzuna refused to give up and tried to make amends, "For example, senior's favorite dishes..."

"No, no." Chen Ziang waved his hands again and again, his expression becoming more and more awkward.

Tsukimiya Suzuna stared blankly at his profile.For a moment, there was even a strong urge in her heart to tell Senior all the facts.

But such thoughts were soon completely suppressed by her.

No, if that's the case, you really can't win...

Calm down, Suzuna-chan, don't try to pretend to be senior's future wife or something, unfamiliar things will let you know sooner or later--now you are the first to contact seniors, you must focus on stability, time is standing on your side!

"Give me the napkin." Tsukimiya Suzuna said.

"Give you."

Yue Gong Suzuna wiped the corners of her eyes with paper, and asked crisply:
"Senior, what would you do if you met a girl who said she was your future wife?"

"Nothing to do." Chen Ziang replied, "Who knows if it's true or not?"

"Then what if she presents evidence?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked tentatively, "For example, knowing the password of Senior's bank card or something..."

"I can start with her as friends." Chen Ziang thought for a moment and replied, "If she is really my future wife, then even if I start from the beginning again in this life, I will definitely be able to go to the end with me again."

"That's it." Yue Gong Suzuna was in a good mood.

That's right, regardless of whether she is the future wife of the senior, she has to start from scratch in this life, hehehehehehehahahahaha!

She really wanted to say "Then please start from scratch with me", but thinking of the honest character of her predecessor, she would definitely feel uncomfortable again, and then beat around the bush and declined herself.

You still have to get used to it slowly, so that the seniors can get used to their existence.

Tsukimiya Suzuna looked at the movie screen again, the hero Masaki finally recognized his feelings for the heroine Mizukoto, and the plot gradually came to a happy ending—as the seniors said, this bloody plot must end up being Have a great reunion, otherwise I will be sorry to the audience who paid for the tickets.

"After watching the movie, shall we take a stroll outside?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked softly.

"Not good." Chen Ziang said hesitantly, "You are out all day today, won't your family worry? You should go home early."

"Senior, do you treat me like a child?" Tsukimiya Suzuna pretended to be angry.

"It has nothing to do with children." Chen Ziang explained, "Parents will worry about girls staying out overnight and not coming home, regardless of age."

"It makes sense." Yuegong Suzuna smiled thoughtfully, "Then senior, can you send me back tonight?"

"Okay, let's go home first."

After taking his sister home and settling down, Chen Ziang turned around and asked:

"Where does Moon Palace live?"

"No. 737, Guanting Street, Jinchuan District." Tsukimiya Suzuna replied.

Guanting Street, as the name suggests, is the place where bureaucrats live and work, and the residents are basically the political and powerful families of the island people.

However, Chen Ziang also knew that this young lady had a lot of background, so he nodded and said:
"Then I'll call you a taxi."

Taking a taxi from Gunma to Jinchuan spans two administrative districts, and the fare is at least 170 yuan, so Tsukimiya Suzuna just smiled and said:

"No, it's too expensive. Senior just accompany me to take the subway back."

"It takes two hours to go back and forth by subway." Chen Ziang said in surprise.

"But if I go home alone, my parents will definitely be worried." Tsukimiya Suzuna resorted to the same way, and also gave him the best way, "Senior, don't worry about me going back alone, right?"

"This..." Chen Ziang was really speechless.

"Why don't you." Yuegong Suzuna took out her trump card, "How about I stay at Senior's house for one night?"

"I'd better go back with you." Chen Ziang had no choice but to surrender.

If this young lady is allowed to stay overnight at home, it is not in line with his code of conduct, and if it gets out, it will also damage her reputation.

In contrast, although it was a long way to send her home, it seemed reasonable to think that she had traveled all the way to study business with him.

Tsukimiya Suzuna showed a pretty smile with a successful trick, and said cheerfully:
"Then let's go, senior~senior~"

"Yeah." Chen Ziang replied with a helpless wry smile.

A strange intuition arose in his heart again, as if this girl knew his own thinking habits so well that he could influence his judgment quietly every time.

Could it be mind reading?

(End of this chapter)

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