The Witch's Taste

Chapter 136 You Can Swim? !

Chapter 136 You Can Swim? !

"So, it was just an illusory promise that deceived you?"

"What he said is not wrong. And when I was investigating the matter of my husband, I also asked him to help with the case - I owe him a favor."

"It's really interesting. I also want to meet that Chen Ziang and see if he can convince me..."

"...Or, save me?"

When Chen Ziang took a taxi back to the door of the unit, it happened to be time to get off work.

When I got back to the office, I happened to meet Tsukimiya Suzuna who came to look for him:

"Senior, Watanabe Maho's cell phone number has been located... By the way, where did you go just now? How did you come back from outside?"

"Hey, don't mention it." Chen Ziang was so angry that he told Yuegong Lingna about the matter.

Yue Gong Suzuna smiled in her heart, but said softly on her mouth:

"Forget it, senior. Maybe our leader has some difficulties."

Chen Ziang was taken aback, thinking why Ling Nai started to speak nice words for her, and asked in puzzlement:
"What difficulties can she have?"

"For example." Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a smile, "Because I was terminally ill, I was so desperate for life that my mouth smelled bad. The reason why I left you was because I had to go to the hospital for an operation. The survival rate is only [-]%."

Chen Ziang: ……………

As expected of a sweet girl, she speaks viciously.

After being told by Suzuna, the depression in his heart was much less, so he proposed to ask:
"Will you come to my house for dinner tonight? You can also watch the midterm election debates by the way."

"Sorry, senior." Tsukimiya Suzuna folded her hands together and smiled wryly, "Father wants to take me to the scene."

"Oh, I almost forgot." Chen Ziang slapped his head.

The Shi family's prestige in Gao Tianyuan is deep, and most of the councilors and civil servants have joined the National Elite Party.For newly promoted island dignitaries like the Yuegong family, their wives and daughters are naturally unlikely to be independent, and they have long stood on the same front as their father.

The midterm elections begin tonight, and partisan legislators are about to start clashing.Ordinary members of course don’t have to come, but those of the Yuegong family’s level will definitely be there—of course, instead of going to the debates, they stand for the members of the British Party, which is considered an old tradition.

"It's okay." Chen Ziang said with a smile, "Maybe I can still see you on TV tonight."

"Perhaps." Yue Gong Suzuna said absently.

After get off work, Chen Ziang went to the staff cafeteria to buy food, and then he was going to go home to watch the fun.

The debate conference, of course, is not a debate conference like a talk show in the previous life, but an official selection of "ten issues that the masses are most concerned about" based on the votes of the masses, and then let the members of the two factions debate with each other.

Of course, debates are not for winning, but for showing your views to the masses, so as to impress voters in front of them, so as to gain an advantage in subsequent elections.

Theoretically speaking, the debate conference should be a contest between the two sides, with clear and uncompromising views, triggering the masses in front of the TV to think deeply about social issues.

In fact, due to the fact that the British Party has too much historical advantage and its vote base is difficult to shake, the Democratic First Party can only rely on sensationalism to attract attention.

Therefore, in previous years' debate conferences, the audience laughed and watched the "talkers" of the Democratic First Party talk nonsense, while the "gentlemen" of the British Party explained in a serious manner... To be honest, it is better than blurting out Xiu looks much better. After all, the Democratic First Party really has no taboos and dares to say anything.

Hmm, looks like I'll have to buy some beer.

The debate meeting lasted until 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, so the ammunition must be fully stocked, and there must be no shortage of wine and appetizers.

He took the light rail to the nearest station, then walked slowly home.

Gunma District belongs to the old urban area, and most of the houses are small two-story buildings. Compared with Mikawa District, which is full of apartments, it is a little less mercenary in a modern city, and a little more quiet and peaceful in a small county.

Even the nearby Jidao Club is engaged in the monopoly business of tobacco and alcohol, and will not engage in vicious things such as armed fighting-sometimes when bad boys blackmail passers-by, they will go up and drive them away .

In order to get back home as soon as possible, Chen Ziang didn't choose the brightly lit avenue, but took the alley and cut corners as much as possible. He was very familiar with the surrounding terrain.

As a result, just as he was approaching Ligenchuan Road, he was suddenly stopped by two young men who were flamboyant.

The two looked young, but they had a lot of dyed hair, cigarettes and tattoos. It was obvious that they were newcomers who had just entered the industry. They tried their best to put on a fierce expression and said:

"Hey! Uncle, money is tight, borrow some money to buy some cigarettes!"

"Okay, okay." Chen Ziang put down the plastic bag, pretending to take money out of his pocket, but actually intending to show them the holster.

As a result, before he could uncover the hem of his clothes, a mysterious girl appeared in front of him.

The other party was wearing a thick peaked cap, sunglasses and a mask. He couldn't see any facial features at all. The moment he jumped out, he shouted:

This voice is very recognizable... Xia Zili?

Xia Zili's eyes passed through the two young men, and landed on Chen Ziang opposite, and she was startled immediately.

She knew that it was impossible for Chen Ziang to be coerced by these two gangsters, but she was even more afraid that her "hero" identity would be recognized by the other party, so she subconsciously turned sideways to escape, and said in her mouth:
"Haha, just kidding, you guys continue..."

It turned out that next to it was the slanting river dam on Tonegawa Road, and it was also the place where Tsukimiya Suzuna passed by last time and reminded her not to fall down.

At that time, Yue Gong Suzuna did not stumble, but now Xia Zili accidentally stepped on the ground, almost completely lost her balance, stumbled and dived into the river.

Chen Ziang was taken aback, and he didn't care to talk to these gangsters, he rushed down the river dam in two steps, and also jumped into Li Genchuan.

The icy river water hit his body, Chen Ziang swam forward with all his strength, trying to grab Xia Zili's arm who was still struggling.

finally caught...

Then he saw Xia Zili stepping on the water, pulling him to swim to the shore together.

The two climbed up the river bank, Xia Zili was bending over and panting, when she heard Chen Ziang say frantically beside her:

"You can swim?!"

"Sorry." Xia Zili took off the wet mask and wiped the water from her face vigorously.

As for the sunglasses and peaked cap, they didn't know where they went when they fell into the river.

Chen Ziang looked up, and the two gangster youths also ran away - and the two plastic bags he put on the ground, the one containing the wine, were also gone, obviously they were stolen by those two people.

What bad luck...

"Did they take your things?" Xia Zili said apologetically, "I seemed to see it when I was in the river just now."

"It's nothing, just a few bottles of wine." Chen Ziang waved his hand and said, "Forget it."

It would be fine if they were stopped on the spot, but now those two people have disappeared without a trace. Even if they use the relationship of the Public Security Department to find them, let alone a lot of trouble, all they can find are a few empty wine bottles—dozens of dollars. Not worth it either.

"That." Xia Zili seemed a little embarrassed, "It's presumptuous to say that, but can you go to a nearby store and buy hats, sunglasses and masks for me?"

"If I go to buy it by myself, passers-by will definitely recognize me. Afterwards, sister Ji Xiang will scold me..."

Chen Ziang narrowed his eyes, looking at her distressed appearance at this moment.

Indeed, without the cover of the hat, sunglasses and mask, the girl's blond hair, blue eyes, pointed ears and delicate face are almost unmistakable, and the risk of being recognized is very high.

"My house is nearby." Chen Ziang suggested, "Why don't you go to my house to change and wash first, so you don't catch a cold. I'll send a message to your manager first, and ask her to come pick you up as soon as possible?"

"It's fine to go to your house to change the laundry, but tell Sister Ji Xiang that you don't want it." Xia Zili said with a dry smile.

"Sneaked out?" Chen Ziang raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Please." Xia Zili clenched her fists in front of her chest, showing a pitiful begging expression, "Don't betray me like last time."

Chen Ziang: ……………

Girl, pay attention to the wording, how can it be called "betrayal"?I informed your guardian to pick you up...

But thinking about it carefully, Xia Zili is still an adult after all, and has the freedom to choose where to stay and what to do, and it is really inappropriate to secretly tell her "parents".

"Anyway, let's go back first." Chen Ziang said while supporting his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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