Chapter 141
With his rich experience in dealing with abnormal changes, Chen Ziang could see what happened at a glance.

The guy who was hit in the chest by his punch picked up the broken glass wine bottle from the ground, trying to sneak attack him from behind.

Then, in order to help, Xia Zili summoned some kind of... weirdness.

Her original order was undoubtedly to have Wei Wei stop the gangster who was attacking her, but she didn't realize that the instructions given to Wei Wei must be precise and detailed enough.

Or maybe just a simple "stop him".

Wei Wei had not received legal and moral education, so naturally he would not have the idea of ​​"killing as a last resort", so he directly came to a whale siphon and ate the gangster who sneaked up on him.

The rest of the gangsters were already running away in fright, and Chen Ziang couldn't stop them, so he quickly dialed the phone:
"Rio, are you home?"

"At work." Rio Hokaze replied, "Say?"

"There was a change in front of my house, and the four witnesses ran away." Chen Ziang said succinctly, "The intelligence department adjusted the nearby surveillance, and made up for the memory cleansing."

"Okay." Hoifeng Lixu paused for a moment, then said suddenly, "You'd better not go out tonight."

"What's wrong?" Chen Ziang asked with a frown.

"Someone is instigating the crowd to make trouble." Rio Hoikaze replied, "There are too many people, and some lawbreakers took the opportunity to make trouble, and several shopping streets were smashed."

"Understood." Chen Ziang nodded.

He hung up the phone, then looked around quickly.

The Ligenchuan Road facing my house is a riverside sidewalk, and there are no city cameras installed, but no matter which direction those gangsters run, they will enter the city road area covered by cameras, so the intelligence department will find them sooner or later, but as long as you Not to mention, no one would know that Xia Zili summoned the strange thing.

Unless those four people confessed in the intelligence class and revealed the truth... When they are caught later, they have to talk to Li Xu again.

Of course, what is more important now is to appease Xia Zili's emotions.

The strangeness of the goat's hoof tentacles has disappeared, and there is no body left at the scene, only mottled and dirty bloodstains.

Xia Zili was lying on the ground, her body trembling and convulsing from fright, and she was still vomiting uncontrollably.

Chen Ziang could only come to her, pat her on the back lightly, thinking to himself that someone would vomit after accidentally killing someone—I thought it was just an artistic fantasy in literature.

When her mood stabilized a bit, Chen Ziang held her arm and took her home to rest temporarily.

At this moment, Xia Zili's expression was too embarrassing: her eyes were swollen and red, her hair was messy and covered with sweat on her forehead, her lips were trembling uncontrollably, and her chest was also heaving in a mess. It was obvious that she had been greatly injured. The mental stimulation caused Chen Ziang to ask what the weirdness was just now, so he could only let her sit on the sofa first, and then go to the kitchen to pour her a cup of hot milk.

The glass on the right half of the kitchen window has been shattered, and the murderer is lying on the floor, a stone the size of a palm; although the left half of the window is not broken, there are already traces of radiation like spider webs.

Chen Zi'ang used a chopping board to block the hole in the window, and put a stone behind it to prevent it from falling over.

Then I washed my hands, took a clean cup, poured hot milk, and heated it in the microwave.

When he returned to the living room with the hot milk, he saw Xia Zili crying in his arms holding Chen Xiaozhu... It seemed familiar.

Chen Ziang was speechless: If you don't have anything to do, go to my sister, okay?
"Come and drink some milk." He handed the milk to Xia Zili.

The latter sat pitifully on the floor, holding the cup in a daze, and suddenly said in a trance:
"Before arresting me, can I speak to Sister Ji Xiang first?"

"Why are you arrested?" Chen Ziang asked in surprise.

"Because..." Xia Zili showed a painful expression, closed her eyes, and said with a sob, "I killed someone."

"Are you sure?" Chen Ziang said in surprise, "I witnessed it with my own eyes. The murderer has neither blond hair nor pointed ears, but a monster."

"That monster is called 'baa-baa'." Xia Zili whispered, "I released it."

"Oh." Chen Ziang tried to enlighten her, "So you gave it a name, trying to designate it as your pet, and take responsibility for its hurtful behavior."

"But legally speaking, I don't think this kind of monster can be 'domesticated', and naturally it cannot be anyone's pet."

"For example, if a wolf is following you and it kills a passerby. In this case, you are not criminally responsible."

"It's different." Xia Zili was still shaking her head, tears came from her eyes again, her voice became more trembling and uncontrollable, "Baa baa it... it obeyed my command to kill that person! I'm sure! I killed him!"

Chen Ziang also had a headache, why does this girl accept death so much? !
Of course, he himself was entangled in procedural justice, but he forgot that "protecting more people" is actually more important to him.

So he held down Xia Zili's trembling shoulders, turned the girl who was on the verge of collapse to face him, and said in a calm and forceful tone:
"Calm down, Xia Zili! Take a deep breath with me first."



"How is it now?"

"I'm feeling better." Xia Zili said tremblingly.

"Very good." Chen Ziang said earnestly, "Now, tell me: why did you save me?"

"Because, that, that person..." Xia Zili obviously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said nervously, "He wants to try to attack you."

"What would have happened if you hadn't made a move?" Chen Ziang asked again.

"You... you're going to get hurt."

"I might even die." Chen Ziang calmed down and comforted her, "So you saved me, Xia Zili. You are not a murderer, you are acting bravely."

Xia Zili fell silent.

After an unknown amount of time, she asked blankly:
"So, I'm a hero who saves lives?"

"Yes, you are the hero who saved me." Chen Ziang followed her tentatively, "You are doing the right thing."

Xia Zili stood there stunned, and suddenly wiped away the tears on her face, and began to drink hot milk in small sips.

It's finally done... Chen Ziang heaved a sigh of relief.

So, tell Hoshino Norika first?After all, the time seems to be a bit late.

Wait, Hoikaze said that it's a mess outside, is it really okay to let Xia Zili go back like this now?
In the past, according to his conservative habits, he would definitely not take other women to spend the night at his home, after all, it would not be good for his reputation.

But at this time, Chen Ziang already understood that he should stick to his heart: if he was asked to choose between a girl's "famous festival" and "safety", he would definitely choose the latter—so he had to confirm the outside situation first. .

At this moment, Suzuna Tsukimiya also called:
"Senior? I was busy just now and didn't hear your ringtone. What's wrong?"

"How is the situation over there?" Chen Ziang asked confirmingly, "I was watching the debate meeting, and then I saw the party stick suddenly broke the news over there... Is this person fucking sick? Is he crazy to want to be famous?"

"Sigh." Suzuna Tsukimiya also sighed and said, "What's worse, he may not have thought it on a whim, but planned it long ago."

"Half an hour after the TV station cut off the program, a demonstration broke out outside, and it has reached 20 people."

(End of this chapter)

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