The Witch's Taste

Chapter 154 Federation Ambassador

Chapter 154 Federation Ambassador
Prior to this, Chen Zi'ang's understanding of diplomacy was limited to novels and artistic creations on TV.

What Ambassador Pierre said just now undoubtedly opened his eyes, and even shocked him.

Does the elf ambassador of the Federation know that "human rights observers" are secretly spreading extreme thoughts in the name of monitoring and protecting human rights?

Must know.

Seiko Takano, as a victim, had to seek the most primitive act of revenge when the current legal means could not help her. Which culprit caused all this?


However, Ambassador Pierre was still able to keep his face unchanged, saying nothing about the federation's malice and evil deeds. Instead, he described Seiko Takano as an "anti-egalitarian", and even lightly proposed to send a killer... Can't help but let Chen Ziang recalled the series of oppressive actions of Western powers against weak countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America in modern history books.

There is no right or wrong, only interests.

"The problem of Gao Ye Shengzi, we will solve it." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "Don't bother the Federation."

"You are making it difficult for us, Your Highness." Pierre showed a displeased expression, "The family members of the victim are appealing to the public to pay attention to this matter, and the major media outlets in the Federation have also started reporting, even asking Gao Tianyuan officials to hand over the murderer. Let the federal court handle it... If we can't explain to the domestic people this time, and the subsequent situation continues to escalate, we will have to take more severe measures against Gao Tianyuan."

"Oh?" Xia Qingyu asked leisurely, "What measure?"

"For example, trade sanctions." Pierre said lightly, "Tariff adjustments, restrictions on trade quotas, and even re-examination of the interstellar trade alliance's access qualifications."

"That's it?" Xia Qingyu said with a sneer, "There is no threat of war?"

Pierre: ? ? ?
Even though he has been an ambassador for so many years, he was a little bit overwhelmed by His Highness's words, so he could only put on a stern posture quickly and said:

"What do you mean? Is His Highness issuing diplomatic provocations to the Federation on behalf of the Empire?"

"It seems that Mr. Ambassador's ability to understand is limited." Xia Qingyu said sarcastically, "Whether it is to park a military-type mining ship or send a mercenary team under the name of 'occult scholar', it is essentially a military act— —It’s as if the Federation has already planned to invade the High Sky Plains Star District, and is ready to go to war with the Empire for this.”

"No, no, no." Pierre's face changed drastically, and he quickly corrected, "We have no intention of going to war with the empire, why does your highness think so? I think both of us agree that the high sky star region is the hub connecting the empire and the federation , to ensure its independence and stability, is good for both of us.”

"So far, Gao Tianyuan has benefited a lot from the long-term trade with the Federation. If we want to deepen the economic and trade ties and increase Gao Tianyuan's mineral exports, it is quite necessary to adopt more advanced mining equipment."

"It's a pity that you humans seem to regard our goodwill as a conspiracy, and our helping hand as poison. If we could have known in advance that humans don't trust us, then we would never have allowed Gao Tianyuan to join Star Trade. "

"It's too late for Gao Tianyuan to withdraw now." Xia Qingyu said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry." Pierre sneered, "In what capacity does Your Highness say this? Does His Highness represent the High Heaven Star Region or the Empire?"

"Mr. Ambassador has already called me 'Your Highness', what do you think?"

Chen Ziang listened silently, only felt that Ambassador Pierre's attitude was extremely aggressive, and almost every word was pressured.

It's a pity that he met Xia Qingyu, a beautiful snake. Not only does she not eat all kinds of oil and salt, but she also sneers, ridicules, and sneers at every turn. Thanks to Pierre's thick skin, he was not directly poisoned by her venom. die.

"It seems that we can't reach an agreement." After a whole afternoon of verbal confrontation, Pierre finally expressed his surrender, "Please trouble Your Highness, we will talk to the Star Governor again."

What these words mean is that they decided to bypass the empire and go directly to Gao Tianyuan's work—in fact, there was a hint of hidden insult, "Do you think Gao Tianyuan will listen to the empire?"

Xia Qingyu didn't have a seizure either, she just got up and said:

"Then leave."

"No." Pierre said coldly.

Chen Ziang got up quickly, followed Xia Qingyu out of the living room, and glanced at the time by the way.

It's 5pm.

According to normal etiquette, the embassy should have left meals for the guests.At this point in time, let people leave by themselves, and it is clear that they are breaking up on bad terms, and their attitude is already very clear.

Leaving the embassy by car, Chen Ziang saw through the car window that the guard had changed, and the other guard politely took off his hat to salute him.

As for the guard who was hit by [Touch of Entanglement], he didn't know where he was sent.

"Chen Ziang." Xia Qingyu said suddenly, "Tell me your opinion."

"What kind of opinion?" Chen Ziang asked puzzled.

"Federation." Xia Qingyu said.

"Hmm..." Chen Ziang pondered for a long time, and finally said, "The Federation cannot be trusted."

"Hmph." Xia Qingyu was noncommittal, but just smiled.

Shinichiro Oishi, who was driving, looked at him with admiration through the rearview mirror, as if to say, "Amazing, buddy, you can actually satisfy the leader. How did you do it?"

Chen Ziang really wanted to tell him that there were no other skills, just being scolded more would do.

But this answer was not deliberately catering to Xia Qingyu's thoughts, but Chen Ziang's own judgment.

He has already noticed that whether Ambassador Pierre is threatening or slowing down his tone, it is actually a well-controlled camouflage expression, not showing his true feelings.

Moreover, he also had some kind of more obscure intuition without evidence, that is, the mining ship that Pierre wanted to park in did not only have simple mining functions.

Of course, there is no need to tell Xia Qingyu about this kind of speculation without logical support, otherwise there is a high probability that he will only get a ridicule.

After returning to the unit, Xia Qingyu didn't say much, and sent the two of them away.

Chen Ziang returned to the office, looked at Yue Gong Ling Nai's empty desk, and couldn't help sighing.

I don't know where Suzuna is now or what's going on.

He sat down on the chair, unlocked the computer, and suddenly noticed that someone in the mailbox had sent a new email.

I clicked on it and saw that the letter was from "Interstellar Internet Communications Company", I didn't know him, but the tone at the beginning of the letter was very familiar:
"Senior, how are you? Do you miss me~ Suzuna's spaceship has left the Percyon Passage and started to jump towards the Rose Nebula."

"To be honest, I originally came to my senior's house that night to see my senior. I wanted to say goodbye face-to-face, but I was worried that I would not be able to help crying... I didn't want my senior to see me crying, and it happened that senior went to the deathbed again. environment, so I will bid farewell to Xiaozhu first, and hope that senior will not be too sad."

"The reason why I want to go to the Rose Nebula is because there is something very important that I need to go to deal with in person. Let Suzuna keep the suspense first, and when I return from the Rose Nebula, I will tell Senior everything."

"Life on the spaceship is very monotonous, because most of the time is spent in faster-than-light transitions, so I sleep in the decompression chamber."

"But once in a stable flight state, you can still come out for some activities. I took a few beautiful pictures of the starry sky through the porthole, processed the grayscale and saturation, and showed them to the seniors."

The following drawings are full of photos of various cosmic stars and celestial bodies.

"Of course, it is said that the Rosette Nebula has more beautiful interstellar gas and dust, which is why it is called the 'Rose Nebula'. After arriving, I will show more beautiful photos to seniors."

"During the time I'm away, seniors should also remember to eat well and sleep on time."

"Love you~"

Attached at the end are three selfies taken by Suzuna Tsukimiya. They are smiling Biscissorhands, puffing up her cheeks to pretend to be angry, and playfully blinking her left eye. With her outstanding and sweet appearance, she looks very good no matter what pose she poses. pleasing to the eye.

After reading the email, Chen Ziang was in a good mood, and saved all three selfies as a file, and then began to deal with official business.

Well, today we will get all the year-end materials!

(End of this chapter)

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