The Witch's Taste

Chapter 157 Tour Concert

Chapter 157 Tour Concert

It has been a long time since Tsukimiya Suzuna asked for leave and left.

Chen Ziang has also re-acclimated to the rhythm of going off work alone, after all, he has been here for so many years.

Standing in the light rail car, he looked through the window and saw that the huge billboard on the pillar outside had been replaced with a huge poster of Xia Zili.

The composition of the poster is very ingenious. Only the left half of her face is exposed, but it still does not damage her amazing beauty. The facial features are as delicate as carved works of art.

On the other side is the text title:
Kiritani Maki's concert tour will open for the first time in Shinjuku tonight.

"A concert tour..." Chen Ziang sighed.

If the Budokan concert is the prelude to becoming a legend, then the tour concert is the milestone where the legend really shines—it means that according to the results of the last concert, the Budokan can no longer accommodate the huge number of fans who are willing to buy tickets. Therefore, it is necessary to use regional tour performances to attract the greatest amount of money.

Chen Ziang checked online with his mobile phone, and it was indeed so.

The first concert was in Shinjuku area. It is said that the ticket grabbing website was stuck as soon as it opened, and then it showed that the tickets were sold out.

Normally, the fans would have rioted directly.Fortunately, this time is a touring performance. There will be one in Sanhe District tomorrow and another in Ping'an District the day after tomorrow, so everyone is calmly waiting for the release of the next ticket sales time.

Regardless of fans’ fanciful behaviors of begging for votes, the opinions of media people are relatively unified. They believe that Kiritani Maki has basically reached the top of the music scene and is destined to become a superstar of this era.

Even the media people who like to question, just said that it is too risky to set five administrative districts for the first time to hold a concert tour.

You know, Shinjuku District on the first day, Sanhe District on the second day, and Ping'an District on the third day are the three most populous districts in Jibei City.

After these three days of singing, the fans who should buy tickets may have already bought them.If the tickets for the Gunma District and Higurashi District in the back are not sold out, it may become a stain on her resume.

But this statement was quickly bombarded: Netizens in Gunma District and Nigurashi District said, I advise you to stay out of your own business.

Some netizens even took out data and claimed that from the statistics of Kiritani Maki’s previous concerts, fans who participated in the concert for the first time accounted for as high as 30% of the fans who would buy the second ticket.

Whether this data is true or not is not mentioned for the time being, but many people have said that they will go to five places this week, and strive to successfully clock in every concert.

Some news even bluntly claimed, "We are honored to live in the same era as Diva."

Of course, traveling to five places for five consecutive days to sing was a great burden on Xia Zili's physical strength, plus she came to help take care of her younger sister not long ago... Thinking of this incident, Chen Ziang felt even more sorry.

Although there is nothing to repay for the time being, the interpersonal relationship still needs to be maintained. Let me wish you a success for your concert tour.

Chen Ziang drafted a message of congratulations and sent it to [Good at Singing].

He didn't expect the other party to reply in seconds like Suzuna. After all, tonight she has a concert tour ending, and she must be very busy now... But unexpectedly, it was only two or three minutes later, [good at singing] ] replied to his message:
"Come tonight?"

Chen Ziang hesitated for a moment, then replied:

"I didn't get a ticket, haha/smiley face, do you know how hard it is to get tickets online?"

[Good at singing]: I know, so I left two tickets for you, you can bring your sister.

[Is there any urban legend]: Then I'll ask her if she wants to come.

In the dressing room at the backstage of the concert, Xia Zili looked at her phone and slowly typed a line:

"If you can, please come. Your support is very important to me..."

After reading it for a long time, she felt that it was too formal and might bring unnecessary pressure to the other party, so Xia Zili deleted them one by one, and finally pondered for a long time, and slowly typed two words:


After thinking for a while, I added a smiley face, sent it, and then threw the phone in the bag next to it, and zipped it up by the way.

Can't think any more.

Xia Zili rubbed her face vigorously, then stared blankly at the mirror again.

Thinking about it further, my mind is full of "whether he will come", and it will definitely affect the state after taking the stage.

"What's wrong?" Xia Qingyu walked into the dressing room and threw her work bag on the sofa next to her, "You look out of your mind."

"Is there?" Xia Zili asked guiltily.

"It's like a puppy who can't wait for its master." Xia Qingyu came behind her and rested her arms on the back of the chair, "You don't have to worry so much, Zili."

She looked at her sister in the mirror, with a gentle smile in her eyes:

"You've done a great job."

"Is sister listening to my song recently?" Xia Zili asked innocently.

"Of course, I've been listening." Xia Qingyu picked up the rolled up poster on the table, unfolded it, and glanced at it, "The poster is well done this time, who designed it?"

"Sister Ji Xiang contacted the advertising company." Xia Zili complained, "After filming for the whole afternoon, I'm almost exhausted."

"After all, they want to capture your best side." Xia Qingyu said in a low voice, "Besides, you are also very good at showing off your charm and demeanor. Zili, you are a born star."

Xia Zili was a little embarrassed by her sister's words, but she quickly smiled sweetly and said:

"Will my sister watch my concert tonight?"

"Yes." Xia Qingyu sat down on the sofa behind, "Just relax."

"What's wrong with my sister's work?" Xia Zili was very sensitive, and immediately noticed the tiredness in her tone.

"It's just dealing with a bunch of idiots." Xia Qingyu pressed the center of her eyebrows, as if she was holding back something, and rubbed vigorously.

"Oh." Xia Zili was silent for a moment, "Did you meet anyone worthy of attention?"

"Why do you ask that?" Xia Qingyu frowned immediately.

"What I mean is." Xia Zili quickly explained, "Not everyone is an idiot, but there will always be someone who is smarter, right?"

"No." Xia Qingyu sighed, "I can only say that there are those who are worthy of training, but most of them are idiots who don't realize how stupid they are, and they will become angry after being pointed out, making people feel like saving them." No."

"I see." Xia Zili was silent for a moment, then said, "Is there a possibility that it's not because everyone is too stupid, but because my sister is too smart?"

"Perhaps." Xia Qingyu said lightly, "Ignorance or not is never a problem, the most hopeless is ignorance to the point of not even knowing it."

"Don't talk about those annoying topics, is the makeup artist here?"

"On the way." Xia Zili replied, "She said that Zhuang Zao might have to live with Sister Ji Xiang."

"I don't like styles that are too feminine." Xia Qingyu started typing on her phone, "I'll tell Hoshino Jixiang. Like the one who asked you to take a swimsuit photo shoot last time, I will block you and never cooperate."

"Got it." Xia Zili smiled sweetly again.

In the entertainment industry, many things are inevitable.But the luckiest thing about her is that she has a sister who protects her from the beginning to the end, resisting all malicious temptations for her, so she also has almost unreserved trust in her sister.

Of course, the reason for saying "almost" is because she also has her own little secret.

For example, Xia Zili didn't intend to reveal to anyone about the matter with Chen Ziang.

(End of this chapter)

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