The Witch's Taste

Chapter 159 Pierre is dead

Chapter 159 Pierre is dead
If one word were to be used to describe Xia Zili on stage, it would be radiant.

If she was usually as gentle and demure as moonlight, then after standing on the stage, it was as if she had suddenly turned into the sun, and began to emit endless light and heat to the audience.

The most popular short video website in Jibei City is called SCUM, and there are already thousands of live broadcasts of Kiritani Maki's concert.Even though the sound quality of the transcription is lost, countless netizens are still impressed by her gorgeous and unrestrained high-pitched voice, and many barrages have begun to play with breathing stalks: "Can such a high-pitched voice really be sung?" "The goddess does not need to breathe. Of course I can sing up." "Help, I forgot to breathe while listening, what should I do?"

This is still the case for the live broadcast, so there is no need to mention the live effect.Most of the normal concerts are singers singing on the top, and fans are waving light sticks below, but Kiritani Maki’s concert is her high-pitched top, and the audience below even forgot to wave the light sticks, just intoxicated by it In the highly skilled singing—the new song in the album "Hero" not only increases the proportion of the treble part, but also adds countless details of transposition, portamento and vibrato, it is almost like her personal show off .

Chen Ziang accompanied his younger sister to appreciate silently, for a moment he even forgot that Xia Qingyu was also there, but he had to lament that some people are indeed blessed by God, their talent in singing is unparalleled, and others can't even practice hard from the womb. Can't catch up.

"Singing well, isn't it?" A low male voice came from beside.

Chen Ziang turned his head, and saw the elf young man who had eaten with Xia Qingyu at Xinggang restaurant, standing beside him and Xia Qingyu, staring at Xia Zili on the stage intently—but his expression didn't seem to be appreciative .

He has the same blond hair and pointed ears as Xia Zili, and even has some similarities between his eyebrows and eyes.If you have to compare, it's like removing all traces of Xia Qingyu's similarity on Xia Zili's face, and the remaining lines have a lot in common with this elf male.

Xia Qingyu didn't speak, and didn't even turn his head to look at him, while the elf man looked away, turned his head and said to Chen Ziang:

"The one on the stage is my sister."

Chen Ziang was taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized again.

Xia Qingyu and Xia Zili are half-sisters, so this elf young man must be Xia Zili's relative in the elf blood line, that is, her half-brother.

As for why they weren't of the same father and mother... Because Xia Qingyu was completely honest with him, the two obviously had no blood relationship.

And judging from the facial features, this is indeed a pure-blooded high elf, at least on Xia Zili's half-elf face, those soft and beautiful lines that belong to human female facial features can't be found on this face at all .

"The fans who can listen to the concert at this location almost always grab the best tickets that are almost in short supply through some means." The elf male continued, "But I heard that there are two tickets, which are Ke Christine sent it out with her own hands."

"Except for her sister of the same mother, what kind of person can enjoy such an honor and get the tickets presented by her personally?"

Xia Qingyu finally turned around. Although his face was still cold and unchanged, the darkness in his eyes seemed to have spread silently.

"Both tickets are with me." She said slowly, "The other one was given to Izumo Yuuki, but she was busy and didn't come today."

"I see." The elf man laughed, "It seems that I guessed wrong, but..."

He continued to look at Chen Ziang with great interest:
"It seems that there must be something special about you for His Highness to make a special defense for it."

Ambassador Pierre also said this, and Chen Ziang said:

"I am her subordinate, Chen Ziang."

"Under Trauch Klublef." The elf male smiled, but the smile made people uncomfortable, "Oh, I remembered, you have been to the embassy today, right?"

Chen Ziang really wanted to ask how you knew, but he had a premonition that "you shouldn't ask this", so he just turned his attention to Xia Qingyu.

"Klublef." Xia Qingyu said with a sneer, "You didn't handle the handover at the embassy, ​​but you came here to listen to your sister's concert?"

"Pierre hasn't officially retired yet, so what can I do there?" Trauch laughed, turning his gaze to the direction of Tianyuan District, "At least we have to wait until the old man leaves, right?"

The cell phone rang suddenly, and when Chen Ziang connected the phone, he heard Rio Hokaze's urgent voice from inside:

"Chen Ziang! The Federation embassy was attacked, and the murderer was Seiko Takano!"

Chen Ziang's face changed suddenly, and he quickly looked at Xia Qingyu.

"Let's go." Xia Qingyu said concisely.

Chen Ziang picked up Chen Xiaozhu, and quickly left the concert with Xia Qingyu.

Trauch watched the backs of the two, and then looked at the half-elf who was still singing and dancing on the stage.Gradually, the gentle and friendly smile on his face gradually turned into a sickly, self-satisfied silent laugh.

When the two arrived outside the concert, Chen Ziang was about to make a call, but was stopped by Xia Qingyu:
"Pass through the air."

"Air?" Chen Ziang asked in surprise.

But soon there was no need for Xia Qingyu to answer, because the helicopter had already torn through the night and lights, hovered over the two of them, and lowered the rope ladder.

Xia Qingyu climbed up first, and Chen Ziang had to follow closely behind... It was the first time he climbed this kind of rope ladder, and he carried his sister on his back, and the rope ladder would shake with the helicopter, which undoubtedly greatly increased the difficulty of climbing .

Fortunately, his body was strengthened by fire, so there was no danger, and he climbed into the cabin smoothly.

In the cockpit, there were already six heavily armed soldiers standing, and the leader was indeed Jiang Ting, the team leader of the "Special Countermeasures Ranger".When Chen Ziang was an operative of the Sixth Countermeasures Section, whenever things got out of hand, this person who would lead the military would appear on stage, so he was not completely unfamiliar.

Jiang Ting glanced at Chen Xiaozhu, who was like a small white flower, and asked with a frown:
"This is also your member?"

Xia Qingyu didn't answer, but ordered:

"She will stay on the helicopter later."

"Old Liu!" Jiang Ting yelled in the direction of the cab, "Help watch later!"

The helicopter pilot stretched out his right hand and gave a thumbs up gesture to show his understanding.

Helicopters are significantly faster than vehicles traveling on the ground.Chen Ziang didn't feel like he had to wait for long, and soon there were many characteristic buildings in Tianyuan District - neatly arranged six-story buildings, and extra-wide roads extending in all directions.

In the distance, the outline of the federal embassy was clearly visible, and tracer rounds fell from the sky from time to time, providing targets for the surrounding ballistic fire.

"Takano Seiko has entered the embassy." Jiang Ting quickly reported to Xia Qingyu while confirming the content of the communication, "The elves of the embassy immediately cut off the elevator and tried to block the stairs, but they were broken by Takano Seiko Yes, it is now on the second floor."

"Ambassador Pierre is on the roof, waiting for a rescue helicopter to pick him up...Correction! Ambassador Pierre has boarded the helicopter!"

Through the open door of the cabin, Chen Ziang could see a helicopter starting to climb into the air on the roof of the embassy in the distance.

But in the next second, as if hit by something invisible, the cabin disintegrated in the flames of the explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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