Chapter 16

The Lord of the Great Deep Sea, longing for this book?
At that moment, Chen Ziang immediately had the urge to report to the headquarters immediately.

Things that can attract the attention of gods must not be harmless to humans and animals, and it is the most rational judgment to let the intelligence team deal with it.


If you're giving it to headquarters, explain how you got it.

Since I did not carry a law enforcement recorder, the interrogation and interrogation of the Supervision Section will become extremely strict in the closing of the case after the incident. It is really asking for trouble.

Generally speaking, when encountering such a potential risk of change, everyone pretends to have just arrived, and the reporting unit says "I suspect there is a mysterious source of pollution here", and then asks the class to send a colleague wearing a law enforcement recorder to take over , I can get out of it perfectly.

However, Chen Ziang was in urgent need of a large amount of fire, so he hesitated for a moment, and immediately decided to violate the procedure a little.

For the operators of the sixth class, the most important thing is to solve the mutation—in other words, as long as the mutation can be resolved, it doesn't really matter what method is used, not to mention that it will never be discovered in the class from the beginning to the end.

He once again set his sights on the book with a dark red cover.

The shadow cloak reminded that it was a diary, and the inspiration did not show any strong danger. That is to say, this book is most likely a diary left by someone, but because it involves forbidden mysterious knowledge, it has spiritual power. ability to pollute.

Even if Ms. Juchi didn't know about its existence, as long as she stayed in the mansion for a while, the probability of her spiritual vision would increase slowly.

Of course, if you read this diary directly, your spiritual vision will rise rapidly, and even your body will show signs of loss of control and abnormal changes.

Therefore, even if most of the sixth class operators got this diary, they would not read the contents rashly, but handed it over to the intelligence department for processing.

However, Chen Ziang has the Shadow Cloak Medal, which can forcibly lock the spiritual vision to the normal value, so he is not too worried about the problem of mental pollution.

In view of the need to explore the mystery, he intends to confirm the contents inside first, and then decide whether to sacrifice it to the Lord of the Deep Sea.

After confirming that there was no problem with inspiration again, Chen Ziang took out the disposable gloves from his pocket and put them on, then carefully went to get the diary on the bookshelf.

The moment I touched the book cover, there was nothing strange about the feel of the tentacles, it seemed to be just ordinary leather.

I took off the diary and flipped through it cautiously for a while. The content inside was written in the Lu language, and it was filled with a lot of words like "March 3th, I ate a sandwich", "March 4th, I was in class all day" and so on. Spam.

From a small amount of useful information, it can be known that the owner of the diary is Miss Kikuchi's grandfather, who indeed studied abroad in the Meneus Federation, that is, the elves, for six years, and majored in archeology.

The reason for studying archeology is very simple, because when he researched family history, he discovered that the Kikuchi family had a very ancient origin in the Gaotianyuan star area, even dating back to the era when interstellar pirates were entrenched, and was an "ancient priest family" respected by all major pirate forces. .

Why is such a family with a long history so low that no one knows about it now?
Due to the lack of sufficient historical text records, Miss Juchi's grandfather decided to devote himself to archaeology to find traces of the family's past.

Chen Zi'ang speeded up his reading, and suddenly found that many pages in the back were torn off by Qi Gen.

Miss Kikuchi did it?No, it should be Miss Kikuchi's grandfather, because the last page left alone, its written records became scribbled and frantic, which fits the typical characteristics of severe mental pollution:
"...I finally understand the reason for the demise of the family. Probably because in this universe, survival is not an easy right, and what is given must be accompanied by reciprocal sacrifice. Gao Tianyuan planet is not suitable for human colonization. It is our Kikuchi family and Some god made a deal to bear this curse-like inescapable fate."

"I cannot leave His name here, because even the mere knowledge of its existence is bound to lead into severe madness and self-destruction. Therefore I intend to take these evil taboo secrets into my coffin, hoping that the truth will follow me Buried beneath endless rock formations, never to be unearthed."

Chen Ziang: ……………

That's it? That's it?
Didn't you say nothing? !

According to the instructions of the inspiration, the reason why this book becomes a source of spiritual pollution is because the content described on the last page, that is, the information that "the Kikuchi family once made a deal with the gods", itself has a mysterious nature of hidden contamination.

The reason why Ms. Juchi dreamed that she was lying in the coffin was probably because of the spiritual pollution in it.After all, judging from the notebook itself, her grandfather should have sensed that he was about to mutate, so after hastily writing the last page, he chose to lie in a coffin and commit suicide.

As for the Lord of the Deep Sea wanting this diary... Could it be because he is interested in the mysterious god who "made a deal with the Kikuchi family"?
Although Chen Ziang had to risk himself to exchange powers with the gods because of his younger sister, it didn't mean that he would risk his life to find out the dangerous secrets between the gods.

Therefore, he just flipped through the diary again, and after confirming that he didn't miss any information, he waved the hand holding the diary vigorously, thinking "sacrifice to the Lord of the Great Deep Sea" in his heart.

The touch in his hand suddenly disappeared, and along with the trembling of the shadow cloak in the inner collar of his clothes, it was also displayed in his mind that 50 points of fire had arrived.

Next, what power do you want to exchange for?

In the living room, Miss Kikuchi was still chatting with Tsukimiya Suzuna when she suddenly noticed a change in the surrounding atmosphere.

To be precise, it was the lingering coldness that disappeared without a trace.

"Strange, did the heating come back on suddenly?" Ms. Juchi asked wonderingly.

"Maybe." Suzuna Tsukimiya smiled and said, "Miss Kikuchi, your story is very interesting."

Seeing Chen Ziang waving at him from the direction of the hall, she smiled and said:
"Then we won't bother."

"I'll see you off." Miss Juchi got up quickly.

Leaving Kikuchi's residence, Tsukimiya Suzuna asked with a smile:

"Senior, did you find anything?"

"No..." Chen Ziang subconsciously wanted to hide and deny it, but he thought that the child Yuegong had a good character, so he leaked some information, "It's a book that records mysterious knowledge. Anyway, I've already dealt with it, so don't worry about it." Worry."

"Oh, that's it." Yue Gong Ling Nai made a long voice, and then continued to move briskly, as if she didn't have much intention of asking.

"Don't tell the class about this." Chen Zi'ang reminded her again, "After all, we don't wear law enforcement recorders, and theoretically we are not allowed to be on duty. If we find out, the Supervision Section will come to cause trouble."

"Well, let's do it urgently." Tsukimiya Suzuna expressed her understanding, "You can't see the hidden dangers of mutations and leave them alone."

"That's right, you're a fast learner." Chen Ziang was very pleased.

"I think so too." Tsukimiya Suzuna said playfully, "So when I see my father later, senior, please speak well for me."

Chen Ziang:? ? ?

Before he could react, a limousine drove up on the road ahead and stopped beside the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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