The Witch's Taste

Chapter 162 I'm speechless

Chapter 162 I'm speechless

The Kingdom of God, the Nest of the Drowned, is an endless deep sea.

The visibility here was so low that Chen Ziang had to follow Xia Qingyu closely, lest he might lose her if he was left behind.

To be honest, Chen Ziang can now understand her sudden killing of Seiko Gaoye.

If allowing those mystic scholars to kill Koye Seiko would cause even worse effects, then it is only natural for Xia Qingyu to end the life of Koye Seiko and try to control the situation as much as possible.

But understanding belongs to understanding, and it does not mean that it can be easily accepted.

Just like she used to sarcastically satirize herself in the past, although she did point out her mistakes many times, it doesn't mean that she will be grateful to Dade... only feel disgusted and disgusted.

As Chen Ziang was thinking like this, he saw some sneaky figures around him, swimming towards the two of them quickly.

The turbid water cut off most of the light, so that Chen Ziang could only see groups of dark and blurred shadows.

He summoned the Scythe of Yin and Cold, and waved it towards those shadows.

The extremely cold water mixed with ice slag instantly washed away most of the shadows, but Xia Qingyu quickly said:

"Don't waste time, hurry up and follow."

"En." Chen Ziang responded, quickly catching up to her figure, watching her swim swiftly and lightly like a mermaid.

This woman... To be honest, it is indeed difficult for people to get close.

In fact, she was better off swearing, because it meant she at least had human emotions.

But once she really starts to do certain things, such as killing Takano Seiko without hesitation, or not having the slightest fear in this weird abyss plane, it makes people feel like she has no emotion Robotic.

Perhaps in her eyes, there is only the goal she wants to achieve, and she doesn't care about the rest at all.

What if in order to achieve the goal, I need to be discarded as a pawn?
I'm afraid she will carry it out without hesitation...

Chen Ziang was thinking wildly when he saw seaweed starting to appear below.

These seaweeds are long and tough, and their lower ends are connected to the deep and unfathomable seabed. They bear orange-yellow fruits at intervals, emitting bright light in the dark waters.

With the help of these light sources, Chen Ziang could even see clearly the indescribable things wriggling and pacing inside the fruit - like weird deformed embryos.

Xia Qingyu still maintained a silent and efficient posture, ignoring those strange glowing fruits, and continued to swim towards the depths.

Chen Ziang had no choice but to keep up, and found a large number of shadows trailing behind the two of them. At this time, they had stopped chasing and were just wandering around the periphery of the seaweed jungle.

They... seem to be afraid of something.

"Qing Yu." Chen Ziang asked, "Where are we going?"

"Where do you think we are going?" Xia Qingyu asked sarcastically, "A seabed resort hotel?"

For some reason, in this eerie and weird abyss plane, hearing such emotional words made Chen Ziang feel much more at ease.

"We should be going to kill the divinity of Takano Seiko." Chen Ziang replied, "But if you have any ideas, you can communicate with me in advance. After all, we are a team, right? There is no need for anything, everything I kept it a secret from myself."

"Since you are still interested in satisfying your excess curiosity at this time." Xia Qingyu was silent for a moment, then said, "Then let me tell you: the divinity of Seiko Takano is a jelly-like object. No matter Whoever looks closely will find in the jelly a large number of remains of his own family."

"The divinity is not difficult to kill, you can use your mandala magic sword. The real difficulty lies in how to trap it. The environment here is similar to the deep sea, and our actions will be greatly hindered. As long as He chose to run away, if someone wants to chase after him desperately like last time, it will definitely be in vain."

"If I hadn't acted accordingly last time, Lao Lu would have died." Chen Ziang argued.

"That's right, you exchanged your life for Lu Yunfeng's." Xia Qingyu said with a sneer, "Do I need to remind you who saved you in the end?"

"No need." Chen Ziang was silent for a moment, "Li Xu told me later that you brought me out of the abyss."

"If you still have a minimum sense of responsibility, you should learn not to make claims, so as not to bring unnecessary trouble to the team." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "Not every time you commit stupidity can be saved.

"Then, how to trap her divinity?" Chen Ziang asked quickly.

"That's my business." Xia Qingyu avoided talking about it, but said coldly, "You just need to cooperate with me and act in time after I give the order. That's what you need to do well."

"Okay, let me confirm one last time." Chen Ziang stared into her eyes and asked earnestly, "If the time comes when you have to sacrifice me as a price to complete the goal, you will tell me in advance, right?"

At that moment, Xia Qingyu's pure black eyes seemed to see a lot of complicated emotions... But Chen Ziang wasn't sure if he read it wrong, because they quickly disappeared without a trace, as if just now Illusion of refraction caused by turbid water flow.

"No." Xia Qingyu finally said.

"Can't you tell me in advance?" Chen Ziang frowned and asked, "Even if I, as a sacrificed pawn, don't even have the minimum right to know..."

"I will not sacrifice you." Xia Qingyu said quietly, "Never."

"Are you satisfied with this?"

Chen Ziang was completely speechless when he gave her this sentence, and he said after a long while:
"Okay, I'll just ask."

Xia Qingyu didn't speak, but continued to swim downstream.

There seemed to be no concept of water pressure here, and no matter how deep the two sank, they didn't feel any change in the surrounding pressure.

Only the biting cold and unbearable emptiness wrapped around his body like a shadow...Chen Ziang even felt that in the surrounding darkness, there was some hidden and malicious sight peeking at him.

He forced himself not to think any more, but concentrated on following Xia Qingyu to continue diving.

Passing through the long seaweed jungle, the two finally could vaguely see traces of the seabed:

It is a sunken basin, and it is also the birthplace of many seaweeds.

In the center of the basin, there is a huge jelly-like object that is constantly swaying with the current.

However, if you take a closer look, you can find that the so-called jelly is actually composed of countless translucent human heads screaming in pain...

This weird and powerful picture made Chen Ziang's rationality shaken, so that he quickly looked away and turned to stare at Xia Qingyu's face.

As we all know, looking at weirdness for too long will lose humanity, while looking at beautiful women will awaken humanity.

Although Xia Qingyu has a bad personality, she likes to ridicule, sarcasm, and sarcasm others, and always speaks in a contemptuous or condescending tone, but her appearance is still excellent, and soon Chen Ziang's shaky rationality was stabilized again.

Ignoring Chen Ziang's gaze, she just silently took out the small silver key, aimed at the huge jelly that had not been disturbed, and began to slowly stir her arms.

 This is an update tonight, let's send it out together.Wanzi has been updated today~
(End of this chapter)

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