The Witch's Taste

Chapter 171 Xia Zili's view on choosing a spouse

Chapter 171 Xia Zili's view on choosing a spouse

After eating, the two watched TV.

Chen Ziang turned to the music station, and sure enough, Kiritani Maki's tour concert was playing.

The big star Kiritani Maki, who dominates the music world with concert tours, has now occupied the focus of all media, and the enthusiasm of any type of news cannot be compared with it.

If we say that before the Budokan concert, the name Kiritani Maki was only limited to the "young people who will chase stars".

So now it has basically reached the level of household name, even if it is a family that is completely indifferent to pop music, it is not that they are ignorant of this name.

In the words of online music critics, Maki Kiritani's fame is about to reach the top in Tiangao, and she will soon become a true "National Goddess" (rather than the title selected last time).

But this statement was quickly refuted by netizens, most of whom said, "Who the hell are you? My Maki has already been a national goddess, okay?"

All in all, it has become a trend to tout Kiritani Maki on the Internet.Even if you don't boast enough, you will be scolded by fans who are more loyal than you, you will be cut off, and you will be expelled from your fandom.

There is even a way to rub the heat: many first-, second-, third-, and fourth-tier male stars, as long as they have cooperated with Kiritani Maki, such as those who have participated in the same show, will start to post Weibo to congratulate Kiritani Maki's achievements, and at the same time arrange the trolls to stir up gossip in the comment area.

This method naturally aroused strong resentment from fans of Maki, but it did bring a lot of heat and attention to these male stars... After all, Maki Kiritani is already a super hot topic now, and if you catch it, you will become popular, and if you catch it, you will win.

"Look at this." Chen Ziang showed her his phone excitedly, "This actor Shencheng Sanji posted on Weibo that he was rescued from a desperate situation by you when his career was at a low point, and that you completely changed his life."

"Yeah." Xia Zili said helplessly, "I participated in an outdoor program before, and because he was bullied by the audience, he read the comments in private and cried."

"So you comforted him?" Chen Ziang asked curiously.

"I passed him a napkin." Xia Zili replied.

Chen Ziang: ……………

"That's it?" He asked puzzled, "Didn't you say that kind of beautiful and touching words like in the TV series?"

"No." Xia Zili wrinkled her nose, "He's a little cheeky, I don't really want to talk to him."

"What about this Zhu Xingshun?" Chen Ziang clicked on another Weibo, "Now he is the one who is the most scandalous with you, and someone even took a photo of you walking with him before."

"That's not me, it's Matsuda Lan." Xia Zili said helplessly, "She had dyed her hair blond before, and she had a secret relationship with Zhu Xingshun for a while...then the two of them failed because Zhu Xingshun came out of the closet."

"Really?!" Chen Ziang said with a smile, "Isn't Zhu Xingshun known as a handsome man and a friend of women? He is...that?"

"Our image in front of the public is basically set up by the office." Xia Zili sighed and said, "Fans thought my real surname was Tonggu, and I was a hybrid of the island race and the elves."

"So this is also fake?" Chen Ziang read aloud, "Maki Kiritani once claimed in an interview that she would not look for a partner in the circle, and hoped that the other half in the future would be ordinary people."

"This is not a lie. I did say so." Xia Zili suddenly became interested. "For a talk show like this, what questions the host will ask and how you will answer them are all determined by the program team and the office in advance."

"Actually, most celebrities, when asked about their views on mate selection, will talk about some common and popular standards. They don't say things like 'how tall do you need your boyfriend to be', 'you need to have a good-looking face', 'how much money do you have in your family', because if you fail to meet these rigid requirements, they will definitely hurt some fans."

"That's why people often say 'be gentle', 'respect my career' and 'love'. No matter which fan you are, you can use these traits on yourself without any obstacles...Of course, what is false is always false, and it is impossible to say it on the show."

"So that's how it is." Chen Ziang suddenly realized, "So your 'looking for an outsider' is also a line specially designed by the firm to create a friendly personality for you."

"That's right." Xia Zili said with certainty, "If I really like someone, but he's in the entertainment circle, wouldn't I not love him because of that? Don't you think this statement is outrageous?"

"Indeed." Chen Ziang nodded, and continued to gossip about the scandal on Weibo, when he suddenly noticed that the big star on the opposite side was staring at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking up in surprise.

"It's nothing." Xia Zili looked away, "I haven't talked about this topic with anyone yet, so..."

Staring at the front of her slippers, she asked softly:

"What's your view on choosing a mate?"

Chen Ziang was slightly taken aback.

Out of an instinctive reaction, he subconsciously wanted to express his refusal, but a voice soon echoed in his mind:

"If she doesn't get your love, sooner or later she will fall into a situation where life would be worse than death..."

"I haven't thought about it." Chen Ziang replied, "I haven't thought about this question.

"Oh." Xia Zili responded in a low voice, not knowing what she was thinking.

"My views on mate selection are actually nothing to talk about." In order to keep her from thinking wildly, Chen Zi'ang added, "Men, most of them are attracted to sex, and a small number of them are just happy with the situation. They don't set specific conditions for mate selection like many women."

"Isn't there a popular saying on the Internet now: Why are there so many leftover women in big cities? Because men are generally willing to give in, but women are not."

"Not all women have rigid conditions for choosing a mate." Xia Zili argued unnaturally, "Actually, most of the time, girls talk about the conditions for choosing a mate, just to politely refuse other people's pursuit."

"If you really like someone, you don't need to consider other conditions. After all, you already like someone, what else can you do?"

"Uh, yes." Chen Ziang felt that this topic was not easy to answer, so he planned to end the discussion, when he suddenly noticed a new email on his phone.

The sender is "Interplanetary Internet Communications Corporation".

In other words, it was news from Suzuna Tsukimiya.

"Is it the email from Suzuna Yuegong?" Xia Zili also heard the ringtone of the new email notification.

"Yes." Chen Ziang nodded and said, "Let me see."

He casually clicked on the email.

Xia Zili was sitting on the sofa next to her, and she didn't take the liberty of leaning her head forward, but a small seed emerged from her golden hair.

The seed quickly grew small wings, flew into the air like a mosquito, and then hovered on the ceiling above Chen Ziang's head, looking down with cloudy compound eyes.

On the screen of the phone, Suzuna Tsukimiya's email reads:

"Long time no see, senior."

"I have arrived at the new spaceship. Its name is Treasure Hunter, and it is a very advanced scientific exploration ship."

"The scientific research personnel on board are all experienced, friendly and reliable old crew members. We get along very well. Seniors don't have to worry about me not adapting to the new environment. This is a group photo taken by everyone~"

Below is a group photo.However, except for Suzuna Tsukimiya in the center who was still smiling sweetly, the rest of the group looked quite serious, all sullen and expressionless.

"Next, we are going to explore the Rose Nebula!"

"Just like the name of this spaceship, Treasure Hunter. I hope we can really find some treasure. I'm looking forward to it. What will we find?"

"When we really find the treasure, I will notify Senior as soon as possible."

Here are a few more selfies of Tsukimiya Suzuna, just like her original sweet and lovely style, without any flaws in her appearance.

"Eat well, love you~"

(End of this chapter)

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