The Witch's Taste

Chapter 18 The Touch of the Abyss

Chapter 18 The Touch of the Abyss
When Chen Ziang returned home, he saw his younger sister Chen Xiaozhu lying on the rocking chair in the middle of the living room, staring blankly ahead.

Yao remembered the years when her younger sister was blind, every time she saw her dead expression, she felt a pain like a knife go out in her heart.

Over time, I gradually got used to numbness.

But the idea of ​​wanting to bring his sister back to the light has always been buried in his heart, and has not faded with time.

After sending his sister back to the bedroom and covering her with the quilt, Chen Zi'ang returned to his room silently.

Still put on the spiritual pressure meter, sanity lozenges and mandala magic sword, and then start dream walking.

Go deep to reach the collective subconscious layer, and then quickly visualize the ancient city of Enrank in your mind.

Seeing the sudden change in front of him, he came back to his senses and found that he was already standing in the middle of the square in the ancient city of Enrank.

Nicole, the High Priest of the Nightmare Clan, was walking down the steps with a staff.Her figure was already slender, and every step was accompanied by a soft twist of her waist, she looked like a woman with all kinds of charms... If you ignore her smooth face without facial features and huge horns.

"It's only been less than a day?" Nicole said in a slightly surprised voice of admiration, "Mr. Asker has made enough contributions? I can probably understand now why the Lord of the Deep Sea favors you." .”

"It's just luck." Chen Ziang said cautiously.

He walked into the Chaos Temple, stared at the altar burning with blue flames, and the list of power exchanges appeared before his eyes again.

[Touch of the Abyss], [Desecration of Witchcraft], [Thousand-faced Incarnation], each exchange requires 50 points of fire.

In addition, to be promoted to the next rank requires 100 fire points.Chen Ziang's current military rank is...


The name of this rank is a bit disturbing. If there is no such thing as a witch, Chen Ziang might choose to save 100 sparks and be promoted to the next rank.

However, now a huge threat has enveloped the sky of Extreme North City. If the power is not exchanged quickly, when the next crisis comes, it is very likely that even one's life will not be saved.

Although the intelligence team did not disclose the information, according to private rumors among colleagues, almost two-thirds of the star regions where witches appeared in the past ended up being completely destroyed...

In short, let's change the power first.

"Does Priest Nicole have any suggestions?" Looking at Nicole standing beside him, Chen Ziang asked suddenly with a thought.

"Well, what powers are available for exchange in the list that Mr. Asker saw?" Nicole asked.

"Is the power list different for everyone?" Chen Ziang was secretly alert.

"Yes." Neeko replied, "everyone is different."

Seeing that Chen Ziang didn't answer, she said leisurely again:

"In fact, there is generally nothing to hesitate. Generally speaking, the power of summoning is the most suitable for actual combat, but the price is often very cruel. If you think you can't control such a dangerous power, then choose some auxiliary powers The power of actual combat is also a safe and secure choice.”

"There is also a power of knowledge. After exchange, you can get a lot of taboo knowledge, and your spiritual vision will also increase rapidly. Although it seems that the gain is not worth the loss, if you can get enough knowledge, you have the opportunity to become a god. Proxy, that is, the so-called god sacrifice, this is another route."

She stretched out a slender bone finger and tapped herself lightly.

Chen Ziang suddenly realized, and looked at the list of altars again, only to hear Nicole say again:

"Of course, if some powers appear, they are indeed worthy of priority exchange, such as [Walking Chaos] [Shadow Warrior] and [Touch of the Abyss]."

"Is there anything special about these three powers?" Chen Ziang asked thoughtfully.

"Then it's up to Mr. Asker to explore by himself." Nicole's voice was smiling.

Do you want to explore by yourself... Chen Ziang looked at the power exchange list again.

Well, she said that although the power of summoning is powerful, the price is often very cruel, but judging from the skill description of [Touch of the Abyss], it seems that there is no mention of the price that needs to be paid?

He continued to meditate on the altar, concentrated his mind and asked:
"What is the price of summoning?"

After a short moment, it seemed as long as tens of millions of years. When Chen Ziang reacted, his perception of time was completely disordered, like a piece of delicate cake being thrown into a blender and beaten hard. shattered, completely losing its original order and shape.

Something, connected with his consciousness.

It was a very ancient, bloated, and extremely terrifying grand consciousness, as if an ant was connected to human brain waves, and it almost overwhelmed Chen Ziang's consciousness in an instant.

Fortunately, the shadow cloak faithfully played its role, forcibly locking Chen Ziang's spiritual vision, so that he was not washed into a complete idiot, but was filled with the magical voice from the opposite side:
"Tentacle tentacle tentacle tentacle tentacle tentacle tentacle tentacle tentacle tentacle tentacle..."

"What is the price of calling you..." Chen Ziang endured his headache and tried his best to ask the other party a humble question.

"Summon more tentacles tentacles tentacles tentacles tentacles tentacles tentacles tentacles tentacles tentacles..."

Chen Zi'ang turned his head vigorously, breaking the gaze and contact with the Chaos Altar, just in time to see Nicole's half-smiling face.

Although there were no facial features on that smooth face, Chen Ziang had a subtle illusion that she was watching a joke of himself.

It took a long time to calm down his shaken mind, and Chen Ziang began to think seriously again.

The tentacle god on the opposite side seems to be crazy?
No, most of the so-called madness of the gods is just another kind of rationality that humans cannot understand.Although this exchange is very tentacle, at least it has tested the other party's offer, that is, as long as he can summon more tentacles, he can satisfy the tentacle god.

In that case, let's start with the tentacle...huh?

It took a while again to completely drive the word "tentacle" out of his mind, before Chen Ziang took a deep breath.

It is a powerful summoning power without the cost of serious negative effects, so choose this one!

Exchange for [Touch of the Abyss]!
50 points of fire were cleared, and the relevant knowledge of [Touch of the Abyss] was automatically instilled into the mind.

Chen Ziang immediately understood that this abyssal god was named "Suhu" and was composed of endless bloated tentacles.

Each of Suhu's tentacles is one of his thousands of consciousness avatars, and what he desires most is to drag everything that the tentacles can touch to his tentacles.

In fact, Suhu's tentacles do have the ability to tear space, which allows the summoner to summon his tentacles anywhere, and use his will to direct these tentacles to execute arbitrary commands, such as entanglement, binding, whipping and even stalking enemy.

As a price, every second the tentacle stays in the summoner's world will cause the world to be pulled a little closer to the kingdom of the tentacle.

Considering that the depth of Chen Ziang's world is 0, and Suhu, as an abyss god, has a depth of at least one million, so to completely drag this world into the kingdom of tentacles, it is necessary to maintain the tentacle summoning for about 4000 billion billion years... …

No wonder Nicole said that this power deserves to be exchanged first!For the god Suhu, 4000 billion years may be just a flick of a finger, and it is completely affordable to wait.

But for Chen Ziang, this negative cost is almost equal to zero, so it can be considered as no cost.

As for the specific effect of this touch of the abyss, it still needs to be thoroughly and thoroughly tested and confirmed.

After all, for the operators of the sixth class, knowing the mysterious means to save their lives is as important as being familiar with the firearms in their hands.

Looking at the redemption list again, it has become a blur at this time, and it is displayed as "refreshing".

"Nicole Priest." Chen Ziang thought for a moment, and asked cautiously, "If you want to master the powers that you have exchanged for as soon as possible, is there any good way?"

"The best way to practice power is of course actual combat." Having said that, Nicole paused for a moment before asking, "Mr. Asker."

"Have you ever heard of... a witch?"

(End of this chapter)

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